I got tagged :D

So here are the "rules" which I don't plan to follow:

Rule 1: Post the Rules


Rule 2: Answer the question the Tagger asked you, then make 11 new ones.


Rule 3:Tag 11 people and link them to the post.


Rule 4: Let them know you've tagged them.


  1. Who is your ideal type? My ideal type? like idol wise or just person? Okay well, perferably smart, happy, makes me laugh, taller or same height as me yeah! 
  2. What is your favorite k-pop song at the moment? boys republic party rock and anything BTS since they are BANGIN!
  3. What group are you currently into? Just my normal groups I'm sort of in the middle of branching out to BTS, Boyfriend BTOB and Boys Republic (they all start with B's which is a little weird) I'm planning on watching BTS's show but school :P
  4. G-dragon or T.O.P? G-Dragon 
  5. Do you have a bias in Exo? kaisoo PHAHAHAHAHA 
  6. If so then who? I honestly like everyone the same- they're just rays of sunshine! 
  7. Do you have a favorite fic on here? sooooooooo mannny like Whoa! (my favorites label actually has 115 stories) (yes I went and checked) 
  8. Do you have a favorite author? I also have a ton of these. Here are some from my favorites label: shadowkissed, Howling, deliberatemistake, FloweryMisha, eseech, Lirazel, dainuhsoar, YoungSoon, YoungWoo117 - I would say these authors are the ones who have multiple stories that I always think are super fabulous :D so check them out (disclaimmer: Obviously there are a lot lot more these are just a few quick ones I pulled out)
  9. Favorite OTP? WOOGYU I seriously love both Sunggyu and Woohyun as people and I think they are great and that in real life they have a super beautiful friendship and I wish them all the happiness in the world, so fanfics where they are together and just so absolutely lovely (whether it be a sad or happy fic) are some of the best I read
  10. Amber or Ren? Ren 
  11. IF you could go on a date with any kpop idol who would it be and where? I don't particularly want to go on a date with an idol just because I'm a bit too pratical and realize that yeah we wouldn't ever really be together but for the members of Infinite:
Sunggyu: I want to poke his tummy and just squeal at his adorableness

Woohyun: We need to have a grease off, because I'm pretty sure I have a good chance of matching or outdoing his grease while adding some sap, I also want to wink at him ^_~ (and at Sunggyu as well) (plus poke Woohyun's tummy to feel his abs ;D)

Myungsoo: I want to have a staring contest with him, because I feel like others always think his staring is weird and I firmly believe that if someone is making a face at you, you should just make one back so we need to have a staring contest

Dongwoo: I want to party with him and just dance around

Sungyeol: I want to see a movie/drama with him since he's always watching dramas and even though I personally don't find dramas all that enjoyable all the time I think he'd have interesting things to say and I just want to talk to him

Sungjong: I want to run errands with him. Like drag him will me as I do my gorcery shopping and window shop and just talk

Hoya: I can't figure out what to do with him so I usually group him with Dongwoo but I almost fell as if we should work-out together because I always think he's so buff phaha 

Thanks to ChoomNami for tagging me,  she's such a sweetheart always writing on my wall a "thank you" for subscribing to her stories!

I feel as though I'm way to awkward of a person to tag people so 

yeah okay some of my friends who I think would have interesting answers

spudacus- I pretty sure he's my only guy friend on here and I like reading his blogs :)

deliberatemistake- my unnie! she's a super fabulous writer whoo!!

NeverlandParadise- my only friend on here who I friend requested (can you believe I have 47 friends on here and she's the only one that I requested?) anyways she's super funny and awesome! 

SaranghaeSujuChullie- my other unnie who I find hilarious and just all around awesome


I'm not actually going to tag them since I know that don't get on that often, but if one of you happen to see it then go ahead and answer the same questions I did except for 6 answer your infinite bias because infinite phaha



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Aw thanks~ hugs!!