HOLY COWW! I didn't even realize today was my aff anniversary until I went on my profile and saw this present symbol next to my "joined date" woooowww I know I've been out of it but I truly didn't even have an inkling that today was my anniversary here. 


Anyways, my hearst hasn't really been in reading fics lately- I've felt like I need to foucs on my real life more but being a member on aff has given me a lot. When times have been rough reading fics/this crazy kpop fandom has helped me cheer up and face (some) of my problems. So thanks for those who have been a part of it. I hope good things come your way :D 


I'm actually starting to tear up. Kpop has given me so much strength in my life and fics are just an extension of the fandom and a great way to interact with other fans. I'm just so grateful that I happened upon aff and have gotten to read so many great fics/interact with so many people who share my interest in kpop, especailly so few people where I live are interested in it and my parents are totally oppsed to it/don't understand how I can like music that I can't understand and be so attacted to people I've never met and are so "different" from me. I mean really k-idols are just like any other celebrity and just because they don't speak English my parents can't seem to comprehend how I like them. 


Okay. I guess that's it. Have a lovely evening/morning/day/night.

Much love, 







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Happy 3rd anniversary <3