I take the challenge!

My Love Needs A Miracle will come to an end soon.I decide to make a new fanfic.I'm going to make a Kaistal story again yay!I already posted the story foreword but not the chapters yet.(Since I'm too busy with school OTL) The original and supposed to be story title is "The Housemate",but after a long thought I decided to re-write the title and the whole synopsys.So I took the challenge to write a historical story combined with modern!HAHA!Okay I've been watching Sungkyukwan Scandal these days and I'm in love with historical story!HAHAHAHA!

I'm actually wanted to make a fanfic based on Sungkyukwan Scandal but it'll be too cliche lol so I will make a fanfic based on Rooftop Prince (oh my Yoochun! *insert virtual hearts*) but not exactly the same hahahaha.The title is "The Prince From Joseon" but still no chapters hahahaha I'll update soon as LNAM is end ^^ 

(p.s:I'm not sure if I can avoid myself from abandoning my story.I should have stop writing if I keep leaving story hanging with no ending OTL)



edit: It's a late note but nevermind.I'm sorry for anyone who already subscribed this story because I deleted it.I'm sorry everyone T T 


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the story's no longer exist?? i've already downloaded the trailer..