Happy Halloween!

Hey guys^^

happy Halloween! Or for those not celebrating, happy oct.31/nov.1st!

ugh, today was so weird.


So I went to school, came home at around 5, then went to this Halloween part at 9. I dressed up as a rockstar^^


But I only stayed there for 1 and a half hours because everyone's just making out and doing the nasty.  And I've been sitting on the curb for the past half hour because my friend is my only ride home and he's making out with his bf.  someone help me):

I'm so cold):


Also, I think I'm going to have to take a break (even though I just freaking started). 

Collage applications are due in a week, so I've been pulling all nighties for the past 3 days.

I'm literally dying right now.

Also, I don't know if I exactly belong here.  It's complicated, I know.


Life just ing right now.


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Good luck with your applications :D
But seriously, your school sounds really bad, it really everyone's this way, really hope it's gonna get better for you in college, I mean, then everything is new, and people are new :D
Good luck on your college applications!^^

a rockstar? that's awesome, man :D too bad the party ... hope you get home soon and get warm. good luck with your college applications.