2 Every Soul ⎡2MAZING⎦ ⟨ Kwon Seara ⟩ « The y Vixen »

Bringing music to every soul,

I am Kwon Seara.


Tell Me, Tell Me 

Character Name: Kwon Seara

Plot line: The y Vixen

Other names:

Kwon Se Ah Ra (세아라 - Official Korean Name

Arale - Unofficial Japanese Name (her mother named her after Arale from Dr.Slump series, a little girl robot that known for her energetic personality and unbelievable strength)


Ara - A short version of her name, used by Tao and members

Gongju mama - Gongju mama is a title for King's daughter in Korean dynasty. Seara is given this nickname by her bestfriends (non-idol) because of her bossy trait and the fact that she's a daughter of chairman

Mama - pet name from Tao, short version of gongju mama with the same reason

Age: 19

Birthday: October 24th, 1994

Birthplace: Sapporo, Japan

Hometown: Seoul, South Korea

Ethnicity: Korean-Japanese

Languages: Korean - Fluent | Japanese - Fluent | English - Fluent | Chinese - Semi Fluent

Height: 168 cm

Weight: 49 kg

Blood Type: B

Face Claim: Hello Venus' Alice

Back-Up Face Claim: Fiestar's Jei


Special Girl


She was born under the Scorpio sign and she was bound to have all the y traits of Scorpio woman. The beauty of a Scorpio woman is exceptional, mysterious and totally magnetic. She knows that and is proud of herself. She has a very hypnotic gaze and the moment her eyes meet yours, you will be the one who looking away first and blushing hard, or you keep staring at her, hypnotized and drowned. But she's not a social butterfly, she's quiet but comfortably talk a lot with someone who gain her trust. When you get closer to her, you will find her actually a really sweet girl who loves romantic things.

She is good listener and the storehouse of secrets of everyone. But at the same time, she will never tell her secrets. Even with to the closest person, she will have a private part and its better not to pry. That does not mean she is dishonest. Infact, she will be so brutally honest that, at times, she may hurt people in the process. If you are not sincere, don't even try to get close to her. With those penetrating eyes of hers, she can read exactly what is on your mind. She can easily make out your real intentions. Insulting her too is not at all good for your health. Her anger is very bad and it's better to get out of her way when it gets out of hand. 

It is almost impossible for her to have neutral feelings. Either she will deeply cherish or fiercely hate. But her expression will always remain neutral. Even when her tone is soothing and her smile generous, she can be planning the most powerful retaliation. When she is insulted or gets hurt, her fury knows no bounds. She can become the most hard-hearted and most sarcastic person you'll ever met. She is passionate with everything that is related to her. If she loves with fierce devotion, she hates with devastating malice. Like a typical Scorpio, she is very weary about trusting anyone. She choose her friends very carefully and the credible ones will remain with her.

She is extremely jealous and fiercely possessive of her loved ones. She is loyal and devoted, because she's one of those who believe in the phrase 'Till Death Do Us Apart'. Determination, confidence and will power are her basic personality traits. She's ambitious towards her goal and will do anything and never give up to reach it.


She's a heiress of KS Group and lived her life like a true lady. A tough one, to be added. Her father is a korean businessman and married her mother which is a true japanese lady that master in traditional arts. Having a true japanese lady as a mother make Seara grew up learning those arts, such as Otomae (art of tea ceremony performance) and Ikebana (art of flower arrangement). She was really cute that time, eager to learn everything, really energetic and that was what made her mother gave her name Arale after Arale Norimaki in Dr.Slumps series, a little girl robot that known for her energetic personality and unbelievable strength.

As the heiress, she's supposed to take over the company someday. She studied well in prestigious schools that led her become top 10 of all students. Grew up in a well-mannered family, sometimes she felt something was missing in her life. She felt like a robot which is her future was already set up. Her routine started to make her bored and she started trying anything to find a spark in her boring life; she learned some of martial arts such as Kendo, Kyudo, Jujutsu and Hapkido. She love it; but still, she felt empty. Not until when she was 13, she was on the way home unusually alone without her chauffeur, she came across a street hip-hop and breakdancing performance. Along watching the performance she felt like it was fate who tried to show her the way of her true happiness. Since then she started learning to be a b-girl secretly and gradually learned another dance style too, without her parents knowing. She joined some street performance secretly and agreed that it's her dream for her future: show her dancing to the world.

When she was 16 (early 2011), her father already starting to forced her to take business major in university after she graduated later and asked her to take some parts in company matters to get experience. The company was having troubles and he hope her daughter would be a help since she was really smart. But she really didn't had any desire to run a company, so she decided to be honest to her parent about her passion in dancing and how she dream to be a professional dancer. Her father strongly opposed to it and after lots of glares and arguments, Seara decided to run away from home. But after always being found and brought home forcefully, she decided to run away out of country, to China. Why she chose China is still a mystery to her too.

In China, she came across a street performance and saw Tao (how she know Tao will explained in I Got a Boy - how they met section) who was showing a really cool martial arts moves. After several moments with another performer performed, he showed up again singing and rapping an english hip hop song and he was really good. She had the urge to dance so she started dancing along, technically like doing a duet performance. After the amazing combo, they get closer and she found out his plan to joining SM entertainment by audition in SM's Global Casting System that was held in town. Looking how he was trying hard to make his dream come true, she was inspired and decided to go home. She decided to convinced her father more, that her dream is truly dancing that even though she will meet a hard road along the way, it's her passion and her dream. She will prove to her father that she got talent that's hard to be wasted and she will succeed.

Since both father and daughter were really stubborn, her mother who was silently watching showed herself. She already watched how Seara's eyes was twinkling while telling how much she loves dancing and her dream to become a professional dancer, she knew how her eyes brightened when she was happy doing something with all her strength. She believed that her daughter has found her true passion, she decided to support her and helped in convincing. Her husband, surprised by his demure, modest, and calm wife was agreed of Seara's decision, finally let her audition first before deciding anything.

Remembering how Tao planned to audition to SM Entertainment, she decided to audition to the same company too and in the end she got casted. So her father let her become SM's trainee even though he still despised it, but he couldn't do anything while his lovely wife made him shut his mouth. Seara's really happy with her mother's support. Her mother even asked her to dance for her, become the excited one.

She trained hard in SM and as expected she met Tao there. Her days as trainee was hard but it was bearable because she had her personal huggable kungfu panda since she's dating Tao (how they in relationship will explained in I Got a Boy - how they met section). And finally, she debuted as 'The y Vixen' in 2MAZING.


Give It To Me


  • dancing 
  • iced vanilla latte with chocolate powder
  • Tao's aegyeo
  • variety shows
  • romantic movies
  • sweets (especially cakes and ice cream)
  • wedge high top sneakers
  • rain and cold
  • wrapped in the thick blanket



  • coffee
  • dark bedroom
  • horror movies
  • insects
  • being left alone in a crowd
  • ignorant people
  • hypocrites
  • being ordered around



  • Watching movies, k-dramas, variety shows
  • Rapping battle with Tao or Amber
  • Sneakily watching EXO's practice
  • Go karaoke with Tao, 2ES members, or her 94 liner gang
  • Shopping with Tao



  • Biting lower lip
  • Awfully quiet and giving a silent treatment when she's mad
  • Staring at someone eyes' intently and made him/her scared by its intensity
  • When she's bored, she will instantly sleep
  • Backhug member she really close with
  • Being suspicious to people



  • She had battled with Tao who was better in martial arts. The result is tied but she believed she's slightly better
  • She is believed by fans coming from royal family because of her mastering in traditional arts like otomae, ikebana, as well as the martial arts
  • She's fan of EXO's Kai since trainee days and make him as her role model in dancing. It makes Tao really jealous of Kai and even smacked his head once for being too handsome when dancing
  • She's afraid of the dark, and can't sleep well without light's on. She can sleep in the dark if there's someone with her, like in dorm when there's room mate
  • Her image is like a cheshire cat
  • She really wants to join idol olympic championship for archery and high jump
  • When she was still a trainee, beside training for dance, rap and sing, she learned how to play guitar too
  • When she was a child she was cosplayed as Dr.Slump's Arale for school festival
  • She joins a 94 liner gang consist of F(x)'s Sulli, 4Minute's Sohyun, Kara's Jiyoung, and Miss A's Suzy
  • She has sense of fairness and justice. If you don't wish her good morning one day after a fight, she will do the same for the next four days. The same goes for generosity also. If you do one kind deed for her, she will do four in return
  • She has lots of LBD (little black dress) in any style
  • She loves being backhugged
  • She wants to dyed her hair red


I'll Be There


Father | Kwon Sanghyun | 46 | Chairman and CEO of KS Group

Mother | Inoue Haruna | 40 | Housewife (First Lady of KS Group)


Best Friends:

Park Sejoo | 19 | Student / street dancer

Nam Sohee | 18 | Student / street dancer

Huang Zitao | 20 | Member of EXO, her boyfriend



Oh Sehun | Member of EXO

Lee Byunghun | Member of Teen Top

Lee Minhyuk | Member of BTOB

Amber Liu | Member of F(x)

Choi Sulli | Member of F(x)

Kang Jiyoung | Member of Kara

Bae Suzy | Member of Miss A

Kwon Sohyun | Member of 4Minute



Rival name: Jung Hyeri

Reason for rivalry:

At first she was Seara's friend for a long time. A sidekick, everyone said. She followed her around at school, and sincerely become her friend. But Hyeri gradually became tired and sick of being her only shadow; she was mad and stabbed her from back by telling lies at school. To her misery, no ones believed at her. But then it still gave impact to Seara as she was really sad to had someone she considered as her friend could do that to her. You know Seara; she will hate with so much fury when she was hurt. After the painful break up (as a friend), Hyeri declared herself as Seara's true enemy by trying to competed her in every aspects, especially dancing. Seara was rumored in school that she was secretly a b-girl so she learned dancing as well and promised to battle her in entertainment world someday. Hyeri now still a trainee in TS Entertainment. When she knows how Seara's the one who debuted first, it just enraged her more.

How you interact:

When they were met, they were practically send laser to each other eyes. But no, it was only up to fierce staring. They didn't fight openly and just cooly shrugged each other off and cursing each other in silent.

Back-up rival: 


I Got A Boy

Love Interest: Huang Zitao - Tao

How they met: 

They met in China when she was running away from home. Because of her pretty face and her y aura, some men were harassing her until she was annoyed and easily knocked them down. The amazing scene of her fighting was witnessed by Tao - he found a woman who can fight is really y - but he didn't do anything and just watched them. When all those men ran away, she turned around and was really surprised to saw a really tall man - with prominent dark eye circles - watching her intently. Their eyes met and there was spark between their eyes; like there was a force pulling her to drawn to him, and vice versa. But she just denied the chemistry and just walked away.

The next day she came across a street performance and saw the man with those unforgettable dark eye circles she met the day before was there, showing a really cool martial arts moves. She found him really attractive to her. After several moments with another performer performed, he showed up again singing and rapping an english hip hop song and he was really good. She had the urge to dance so she just came to the middle and started dancing along. They were praised and applaused hard for a great duet performance. After they were done, she came to Tao and praised him, and encourage herself to asked him to teached her how to rap too. After some chat they decided - more like she forced him - to go to a another place, like a coffee shop, to get to know each other better. After explaining that she is a korean and she was a runaway because being forced to do something that wasn't her passion, Tao agreed to spent time with her for following days to teached her rapping and practiced dancing together.

Remembering how Tao planned to audition to SM Entertainment, she decided to audition to the same company too and in the end she got casted. Being in the same company and how they were already knew each other, it made Tao become her first friend there. They got closer each days until one day at Spring, Tao asked her to be his girlfriend and they are officially in relationship until now.

How they interact:

At first they weren't talking much considering how quiet and secretive she is and Tao too, being a typical taurus boy he couldn't make a first move. Back then in China, there was a reason for her to inisiated the conversation. But they both know how they were attracted to each other - really hard - though.

They got closer slowly but meaningful. She was gradually became more comfortable around him and they were having conversation a lot more. Despite his tough and strong appearance, he's quiet childish and really adorable for her - he even do aegyeo to her - and she found herself gradually lowering her protection wall. She could tell anything to him even though not specific, but he's a master of reading her body language and her face expression, so it was enough for him. And she could read him as well, so without talking much they can understand each other well. With just each other's presence, they feel complete.

When they were officially dating, she's not the type to rush into his arms in front of thousand people and let people know how she loves him. Instead, she come closer to him in a private place, glanced at him in a sensual way, and whisper the most romantic words. And Tao really like this side of her. But when she was jealous with certain girl that get close to him, she would slowly came to him and hugged his back tightly, or hugged his side and kiss his cheek like showing to that girl that he was only hers, and he found her jealousy were really cute and he love it too. He love the feeling being owned by her because it's true that he is hers, as she is only his.

Well, they are really already gotten comfortable to each other. They will playfully punch each other when feeling annoyed, or just simply cuddling in the back of practice room when tired. They are being called the cutest couple in SM and lots of people envy their perfect love.

Relationship: In a relationship, and they seriously love each other and loyal to each other

Back-up: Oh Sehun


Love Rival: Lee Byunghun - L.Joe

How they met:

They met when she was in the music show for cheering up for Tao when EXO's goodbye stage. It was a day when Teen Top was having a comeback stage, and L.Joe notice her and was having a love at the first sight. Being a friend of Chanyeol, he asked him who she was and asked him to introduced him to her.

How they interact:

L.Joe is the one who do the talking. Despite his cold appearance, he's really friendly and open to everyone. He always make her laugh with his jokes and she smiled and patted his back softly when they passed by.

Why is he your love rival:

Although know the fact that she's Tao's girlfriend, he still want to get close to her because she was simply in his mind all the time. It's hard to get close to her, since his intention was really obvious for her. But he keep chasing and finally gain her trust to let him become her friend. But that was enough for him, for now.

Back-up: Lee Minhyuk of BTOB


Sweet Dream

Stagename: Seara

Persona: The y Vixen

Fanclub Name: Vixenotee

Fanclub Colour: _____#660033

Position: Vocalist, 1st Main Dancer, Lead Rapper 

Back-up Position: Maknae, 2nd Main Dancer, 2nd Lead Vocalist

Training Years: SM Entertainment (2011-present)

Singing Twin: Hello Venus' Alice

Dancing Twin: After School Graduate's Kahi

Rapping Twin: 4 Minute's Hyuna

Speaking Twin: Hello Venus' Alice



Suggestions/Remarks: -

Scene Requests:

  • How she met Tao again in SM
  • The day Tao ask her to be his girlfriend
  • Scene when she was jealous with certain girl that get close to Tao


Password: The Tulip - It represents fame and perfect love she has with Tao.





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