Tagged by MusicChibi


1. Out of all the songs you've ever heard, which one do you think has the most meaning that can relate to everyone?

Oh goodness. This is hard. But I want to say Beyonce's "Halo" has a lot of meaning. 

2. Out of all the songs you've heard, which one paints a vivid picture of what the artist is attempting to portray in the song?

I have a soft spot for B.A.P'S "Voicemail"

3. If you've been a user on AFF for over a year, what do you think of the changes? If you're a new user, what did you think about AFF when you joined?

I've been here for nearly three years and I want to say that a lot of the changes don't do much for me. They only promote karma greed and I've never been big on it. The changes don't affect me but I think it ruined a lot of the atmosphere especially with the upvoting and advertising.

4. Out of everything that interests you, what do you believe has had the most impact in your life?

I want to say my love for wrting has really shaped who I am.

5. Favorite scent?

Anything lemon

6. Looking at your life as a whole, what do you want to change?

I would like to have a bit more self confidence because that would have allowed me to make choics I wanted to but held back from doing so.

7. Best Christmas present ever?

I don't really recall specific presents because people tend to put my birthday present in too but a necklace that my best friend gave me.

8. What is the kindest thing you've ever done for a stranger?

I've helped them with their problems.

9. If you plan to have children, what would you name them?

I like names that start with J, so Jaylie for sure for my daughter and Julian or something for my son.

10. If you met your ultimate bias in real life and discovered he was not the person you thought he was, how would you handle it?

I think I would be shattered. I try to pick my biases knowing their flaws and still accepting them but if nothing fits, I think I may have to cope that my illusions have been wrong, and to be honest, it may affect my writing a lot more. 

11. What do you think about the world right now? In terms of more than what immediately surrounds you and more political, environmental, etc.?

I definitely think that there needs to a change in our politics and justice systems. The idea of justice and helping others have been buried underneath petty bipartisanship and money. As for environmental problems, I plan on going into environmental law in hopes of making a difference.


That was the most thought provoking tag I've ever done and I thank you, Jewell Unnie for it.

I'm not going to tag because I need to go study. But thank you for this. 


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