tagged by summerchild

rule 1: post the rules
rule 2: answer the questions the tagger asked you, then make 11 new ones
rule 3: tag 11 people and link them to the post
rule 4: let them know you've tagged them



  1. If you were going to write a book, what would you call it and what would it be about?

    In his letter, he wrote "See you when life gets better."
    Till now, I still onto that seven syllable sentence.

    It would be about how my high school served as my inspiration to strive in college.

  2. Do you think it’s better to get married when you’re young or better to wait a while? Why?
    Wait. Everything pays off when you have finally found the one.

  3. Who are some people you’d like to meet someday?
    Miyazaki Hayao, Amber Liu, my future kids

  4. Do you have a favorite number? Any particular reason why you like that number?
    Because I born in May and it's my lucky number.

  5. What’s something most people don’t know about you?
    Not even my parents know this.
    When I was young and they (parents) would leave me alone in the house, I would
    dress up as a cowboy(girl) and play Toy Story 2's OST really loud.

  6. What’s something you wish everyone knew about you?
    I can sing and write fine
    (I don't think that I'm a good writer. Inspiration is rare to find nowadays. Haha.)

  7. Would you rather be hated or forgotten? Why?
    I'd rather be forgotten than have someone (for example is someone I care for) hate me. 

  8. What are you pretending not to know? 
    My (best) friend is a selfish that can risk anything even our friendship just to have a passing grade.

  9. What did you learn today? Who did you love? What made you laugh?
    I learned to forgive a selfish person.
    I learned how to kill a spider.

    My (best) friend who became incredibly selfish and endangered not only mine but our best friends' grades/

    My guy best friend who texted me while on his way home. He said that there was a chicken in the bayong (a bag
    Filipinos use when to go to wet markets) in the van that he was riding and it was clucking.
    My mom who dressed up like a Hollywood star.
    My brother who showed me a hilarious anime.
    My dad who texted my mom "Gatorade" (just Gatorade) while we were on the way to my grandmother's house.
    Michael Fajatin and Jinny Manicad (Filipinos will get this)
    My sister who just laughed at me when I said to my brother that my guy best friend is going to sleep over at our house again.
    My best friend who used to have a crush on that guy on her exercise vids, who is actually gay and married.

  10. What’s your personal anthem or theme song?
    My theme song often changes, but right now it's Obvious by Faber Drive.

  11. Who has been the biggest influence on your life? What lessons did that person teach you?
    My parents. Basically all I need to know and their lessons constant nagging have no end.

Tagging: all of my friends in aff. let's learn from each other!


  1. How do you deal with stress/depression/anger?
  2. What are listening to right now?
  3. Have you seen a good movie lately? What was it?
  4. Any anime recs? What are they?
  5. Do you have a PSP? What are your games?
  6. Corn chips, banana chips or cassava chips? Have you ever eaten banana chips or cassava chips?
  7. What was your last dream about?
  8. What was the song you unconsciously played in your head?
  9. Anything or anyone restraining you recently? Who or what?
  10. What time is it?
  11. What is happening?


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PipTheTerror #1
Dude. I would totally read that book.
Just saying.


- PiP.