Tagged againnn but do i hafta find all 11 u ppl nd tell u ur tagged? is anyone else annoyed with this game but finds slight pleasure in doin this?=.=

The Rules:

1: Post the rules rule
2: Answer the questions the tagger asked, then make 11 new ones rule
3: Tag 11 people and link them to the post rule
4: Let them know you've tagged them

1. Who was your first OTP and is it still your favorite OTP?

kyusung, yes

(can we plz talk about the perfection of this otp?)


2. If you could spend one day with whoever you want doing anything you want, who would you spend it with and what would you do?

Levi heichou shopping for cleaning supplies lmao no jk i would spend it with my friend who i havent seen in a while and idk we'll just watch suju vids and talk about random stuff

3. What are your favorite dramas?

oooh this is hard skip beat/ reply 1997/ dream high1/ oh my lady/ panda and hedghehog/ the queens classroom thats all i remember for now

4. What is your favorite song of the moment?

at the moment its Crescendo by Akdong Musician

5. If you pick 3 members of your favorite group, who you could MARRY, KISS AND CLIFF XD? 

hm im tied btween sj and exo for doin this for for sj yesung i would marry/ heechul i would kiss (that is a fantabulous kisser)/ and cliff??? idk wut that means ><

for exo im marryin luhan hes mine yesh/ and im kissing kais bigass lips YEAH

 (yea most likely not kai but just wanted that gif on this so i can come back and stare for long long hours)

6. What language do you wish you can speak?


7. What is your favorite season?


8. Guys with glasses or with out?

depends on the person 


9. Wild guys or shy guys?

shy guys theyre sho cute and they'll understand my antisocialness but wild guys are fun at times 

10. How long have you liked Kpop?

hmmm a lil over a year like umm a year and 4months 

11. What was the first kpop song you heard?

mr simple but i think it would actually be either Nobody by Wonder Girls or Super Girl by SJ when i was watchin chinese tv shows i just didnt know what it was

My Questions

1. Where would you like to live besides Korea?

2. What are your favorite animes? (hohoho i must watch after my long list of anime i needa get workin on ><)

3. Coffee or tea?

4. What do you want your future career to be?

5. Do you believe in true love?

6. bamboo or orchids?

7. Favorite precipitation?

8. What are your hobbies?

9. before or after marriage?

10. Spicy food or not?

11. What are your strongest and weakest points?

(im so sorry im like sick and my brain cant conjure any better questions=.=)

My People












ok i cant post one everyones wall cuz some in id is invalid but yea i followed the rules there we go BYE hope u liked le gifs >:DDD


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Lol kyusung! Cliff means push the person off a cliff or well kill the person lol o.o