I give up hope

I am giving up...

on the thought that ELFs and SONEs can stop the effin' fanwars.

One very influential tumblr among SONEs is the famous Oniontaker's tumblr, oniontaker.tumblr.com

I saw this on his Q and A.


I just want to say that SONEs are not alone, tons of TVXQ fans are supporting SNSD, cause we are part of one family, right?! XD


 While SONE might be torn over which family member, TVXQ or Super Junior to support, one would have thought that if family ties were so supposedly strong that the choice for female artists would be obvious. 


Onion makes a very valid point.

If SMTOWN was as united as it seems, would certain ELFs be forming alliances with certain Blackjacks to vote for 2NE1 as the best female group in MAMA 2011? If you go to the MAMA website, which I have long given up on, you will find that 2NE1 is leading by a huge margin, HOWEVER, in the other category, the Artist of the Year, they only have 60K votes as compared to the best Female Group category, where they have a huge amount of votes.

Do you see the irony?

As much as this may sound like some sort of conspiracy theory, I think it's pretty obvious leading members of the ELF fandom have formed a temporary alliance with some Blackjacks to vote for 2NE1 instead of SNSD, as ELFs see 2NE1 as SNSD's biggest rival.


I think all of us know that SNSD was hated on even before debut. Tiffany made cultural mistakes despite being *fluent* in Korean, as Onion addresses on another post, she knows the Korean language, but not enough to use it correct culturally, thus offending Cassies and ELFs, blahblahblah. Yet, ELF plus Cassie plus Triple S plus Wonderfuls were the leading masteminds behind the ahh, infamous Dream Concert 2008. Yet, SNSD turned the tables on all of them, becoming the most successful girl group in Korea, earning the title of the nation's girl group.

SNSD has the largest fanbase among girl groups internationally and in Korea, and yet, 2NE1 is leading in the terms of public international voting.


All I can really say is, after reading Onion's tumblr, I've gained a new perspective on certain Super Junior members. 


Quite a famous quote from the Super Junior leader during a particularly sensitive time, when ELF were taking over seats during DC 2010 and SONE were indignant about how ELF banning them from certain seats

Leeteuk's Cyworld entry:

모기가 호랑이 등에앉아 피를 빨아 먹었다
모기는 자기가 호랑이를 정복했다며 기뻐했다
하지만 호랑이는 신경도 쓰지않는다
이게 바로 고수와 하수의 차이라고나 할까?
작은거에 반응하지 말기를

A mosquito once landed on a tiger’s back and blood.
The mosquito was overjoyed, boasting about how it conquered the tiger.
But the tiger couldn’t care less.
Isn’t this what the difference is between the best and the worst*?
Let’s not respond to small things*. 

*the word used for “the worst” is a homonym of “sewer” or “sewage”
*things in this context can be interpreted either as actions or a derogatory way of referring to a person 

This was followed up on his page with K-ELF telling him via comments for that post that they would fight and win against SONE. If he had meant anything else, he didn’t clarify for them and they continued to post in a similar manner. 

Who he was talking about, what he is referring to, given the context and the response of his fans… I leave up to your interpretation.

Ever since then, Korean K-Pop fans who don’t like Leeteuk turned the insult around and refer to him as “the mosquito”

Source: http://oniontaker.tumblr.com/tagged/onionq/page/28#ixzz1eyMW7gFF

I know Leeteuk fans are gonna rage on me, but...I honestly think he doesn't know how to speak sometimes.

Of course, you may interpret it as him telling SONEs to not care about this sort of things. He would, then, in this case, be referring to his ELFs as the ahh, mosquitoes. You may also interpret it as him telling ELFs to be the tiger(ie: being the bigger person), and not care about the mosquitoes,( ie: the SONEs upset about their seats being taken.)

Either way, he's insulting a fandom. *shrugs* I honestly don't know what I think of Park Jungsoo anymore.

I just hope Onion's wrong. But he's a Korean fluent in English at the same time, so, what can I say?

I guess all I can say is, Leeteuk needs to learn to shut his mouth at times. He's stirred up way too many controversies for Super Junior and gained too many antis, and we all know, despite him being an argubable good leader, good acts just aren't enough to get rid of antis, as all they see is the bad side.

Ahh well.


Yeah, if you take away ELFs or SONEs.


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*shrugs* Well, i don't really get what you're trying to say . I'm an ELF but i don't hate SNSD .
And about the Leeteuk's Cyworld , maybe he is not talking about ELF or SONE . Maybe he is talking about something else . You know , he is an artist , of course he can't talk about his personal life in a direct way .
And 2NE1 , I don't think ELFs and Blackjacks are associated . 2NE1 has their own talent . They have good voice and can dance well just like SNSD . They deserve to get those votes . People have the right to choose between those two groups , isn't it ?
Well , same here , i'm also trying to stop this fanwar in a fair way .
But , I don't talk bad things about SNSD .
Whatever you want to say , even if you want to stop this fanwar , please , don't talk bad things about Super Junior because it won't help anything . It will make this fanwar worst . I'm sure SNSD won't like it either . As you can see , SNSD and SJ can cooperate well . I don't want to start another war between us , just saying my opinion . Please , don't talk like that about JungSoo . You will make ELFs hate SONEs more . You may delete my comment if you want to but never forget what i've said .