Tagged By: SRHYnamwoohyun

The Rules:

1: Post the rules

2: Answer the questions the tagger asked, then make 11 new ones

3: Tag 11 people and link them to the post

4: Let them know you've tagged them


Questions from SRHYnamwoohyun

1. If you are given a chance to speak to your bias/group, what will you say?

"Taehyung would you, could you, marry me?" *puts a shy and innocent smile on* I'm serious. I would if I could, as long as it wouldn't freak him out xD Which I doubt it wouldn't but I don't know ._.

2. Which kpop song made you cry bcos the lyrics are just too touching/sad?

I'm fabulous. I don't cry over songs, I cry over stories and movies xD

3. Is there any song that relates to your situation/ what you're feeling? What is it?

BTS - N.O to math and homework!

Teen Top - Lovefool because I feel like a fool for loving this guy. I shouldn't like this guy, but I do. HELP ME!! Dx

4. Dress or skinny jeans?

Both, I love dresses, and skinny jeans! But it's cold right now, so most likely to wear skinny's more often. Sorry dresses! YOU KNOW I LOVE YOU RIGHT?! <3

5. How will you describe your bias?

Look for someone a bit taller then me, with purple-ish brown hair, who has a box like smile, that eats a lot, and does weird things. He also likes blowing bubbles and he is like a freaking god!

Oh my god. what did I just type? O w O This is what Taehyung has done to me! DAMMIT BAEKHYUN AND DAEHYUN! HOW DARE YOU CREATE SUCH A PERFECT BEING!!

6. Did you ever have a crush? If yes, describe how you feel when that person is around you.

When I have a crush on the guy, I would try my best to attract his attention towards me, without making it seem like I want it.

7. What is the colour of your room?

Umm..it's like a mess of rainbow. Like pink here, blue there, black, white and green in corners or something like, it's just colorful.

8. How do you dress for school? If you're wearing uniform, describe how you dress when you go out.

In this time of year, a pair of skinny jeans, who are too big for me even though I've had them since I was like 9....like wtf?! ARE MY LEGS THAT SKINNY?!

I also usually wear a baggy cute sweater because I don't like wearing jackets and have to carry it home without even wearing it again.... and shoes, and that's pretty much it. Sometimes a hat or headband if I feel like doing my hair or something.

9. How will you face the situation where you're not feeling well yet some people are irritating the hell out of you?

I would give them my infamous 'death glare' and tell them to go away because teachers are around, if teachers or someone wasn't there, I'd be like "Go yourself with a cactus and get the hell away from me." and they would go away, or stop annoying me at some point. For your information, I'm not afraid to speak my mind if you bully me, or my friends, you hurt me or anyone I care about, " wants to die!"

10. What is the best gang/ gangster/ action fanfic that you've read?

Umm...I don't know. I don't read any that realy stuck in my mind, and if I go and try to find one....ughhh, soooo lazyyy!!!

11. You have been bullied by a group of girls, every time you didn't fight back, you forgive them. But they don't have a limit and it's getting on your nerves. You are scary when angry. What will you do to the girls when you finally can't take it any longer?

I'd tell and adult. First step in getting rid of bullies is to tell a responsibly adult. If that doesn't stop them, I'd tell them off saying that they have no right to bully me, because WHAT THE ACTUALLY HELL DID I DO TO YOU?! and then I walk away, like a boss!


.......I'm done xD NO MORE, PLEASE! I BEG YOU!

Maybe tomorrow.....but not today!! xP


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Sure sure, no more. xD
OMG! I LOVE YOUR RESPONCE!! I have to cover my face and laugh cos my classmates will think I've gone mad!
I wonder how a colourful room looks like. Mine is light violet colour [: