Being asked and ask

rule 1: post the rules
rule 2: answer the questions the tagger asked you, then make 11 new ones
rule 3: tag 11 people and link them to the post
rule 4: let them know you've tagged them
Trying to answer Luzyhan's questions:

1) Your favorite author in AFF and the fan fiction you like the most.
I prefers Authors actually. There are lots of them. Each authors have different kind of writing style and I adore them all.
The FF that I love the most? Special Kiss: Playful Kiss 2 by RomancefreaK. This is the FF that brought me to fanfictions world.

2) Do you hate it when an author replied your comments? Do you love Luzyhan?
No. Not really. Kinda like it though. But sadly, I cannot reply all the comments that come to my stories :(
I love you, Luzyhan. I love the plot of your stories and our conversations. *grins*

3) Please tell me what you think about my story here, honestly, about the characters and story line.
Tsk. I have told you earlier. I love the plot and the characters. That is why I am staying to continue reading. Hehehe

4) Your favorite Idol and why you love them/he/her?
The ones that inspire me? Jung Somin, Kim Hyunjoong and BigBang (period)

5) Do you know where Malaysia? Thailand? have you ever when out from your country?
I know. But, just had been to Oz and Sing.

6) Here come my ert side ;), Have you ever kissed someone that you hate?
NOPE. Lucky me. But, Soojin falls for the one that she hates the most. Kekeke

7) What is your first love like? Why did you break up? (Sorry I love talking about it ;)
I never really had that kind of relationship with my first love. Hehehe. I was falling for my own bestfriend actually. Nah.. Don't want to talk about it.

8) This maybe stupid but I really want to know, Can you 'make out' with someone that you don't love? (I'm out of questions already)

9) What color is your eyes?
Black. I think :p

10) Have you ever been hurt because of love? What happen? How did he/her hurt you?
Hmmm.. Not really. Not the he. But the situation. We manage to become friends after the relationship.

11) Do you have a boyfriend?
Boyfriend? I am living with my ex-boyfriend now. Bwahahaha

AND, my requests and questions for you whom I tagged.

1) Describe yourself in one word.
2) Describe me in one word.
3) Which FF of mine that you like the most? And, why?
4) What kind of FF do you prefer? What character? What plot?
5) Name Bigbang's song that you like the most?
6) Sea or mountain?
7) Round or square?
8) Hardcore FF. Yes? No?
9) Movies/ songs/ FFs that stay in your head for more than two years?
10) Kill or be killed?
11) Love or be loved?
I am tagging:
Please care to answer gals
Love, hugs and kisses


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3)Behind memories and a diary even when he made her suffer a lot he learned the lesson in the most painful way and at the end their love prevailed

4)Drama Romance with suspense, I like strong characters but with weaknesses that make them real, if the story is good I don't care too much for the plot


6)Mountain always


8)All depends of the story if this is consistent I'm going to read it

9)Movie: The Notebook Song: Talk to show host/Radiohead
I have to say that an FF that is still in my mind is "Under the same sky" from AddictiveLuv very touching and romantic, "I'm Sorry But I Love You" from zanet I'm still suffering for the sad ending but good story and "Battle of Life" from zie what more can I say she is one of my fav authors


Rani16 #2
Mianhae im late unnie O.O

my answer . :D simple .. G aneh2. Hehe
2.very talented
3.special(meant to be), but i love all your ff.. :)
4.Romantic story and happy ending. Characters that initially cool to be gentle and kind (Hyunmin) :)
5.Blue .. <3
6. Sea
7. Square
8. Yees
9.Playfull kiss in my head.. Hehehe :-P
10. I dont know unnie O.o
11. I want both .. ^-^
160Mhel #3
1. Simple
2. Talented
3. Behind Memories and Diaries, ACS
4. Love Story, Destiny
5. Sorry but im not a bigbang lover
6. Mountain
7. Round
8. No
9. Notting Hill/ When you say Nothing at All/ Plaid Shirt and Lipstick
10. Killed
11. Both
1. crazy
2. imaginative
3. when simple things send heat
4. love story/fate
5. my top three: bad boy/haruharu/i need a girl (taeyang is hottttttttt!)
6. mountain
7. round
8. yes?
9. hmmm ff? im still very new here, sut since i started here, reel or real? i forgot the title but its with khj n mm
10. be killed
11. both
bsjlover #5
3.When Simple Things Send Heat,why???u still need answer??hahaha bcoz its MMMMMM all the way...hahaha #yreader..
4.Romantic Comedy,character that i like??? Meanie smart rich handsome boy,i dont understand about plot anyway..dont ask..hahaha
5.wahh its their songs..if i should pick the most it would be Blue ^^
6.Mountain, i love beach but scared of sea..hahaha
9.Playfull Kiss, Song : Love Light by CNBlue, FF : Mobster for Rent by Huntress
10.Kill !!!
11.Both =D

Okay thats my answer... ^^
Okay, here are my answers
1.Describe yourself in one word.- Gregarious
2.Describe me in one word- Best Friend
3.Which FF of mine that you like the most and why?- That is hardest one as I like all of them, but as we have to choose I will still choose 2- One is Behind the memories and diaries and second is - Another Cinderalla story. Reason, For BMAD- it has incredible description of hurt that is felt by both characters is described in most beautiful way that it still makes me cry. for ACS- first because its written by two of my fav authors and goof friends, second because there is Bae Yong Joon and third cause its a fairy tail inspiring us to believe that these things do happen in real life as well.- well thats what I think.
4.What kind of FF you prefer? What character? What plot?
Romantic with ANGST, comedy but will love to read a horror ff. Characters- Ofcourse Hyungmin, YongShin, Sandra TOP. Plot- best is in school but dont mind them being all adults and in business lifes as well
5. Name the big bang song you like most- Tell me goodbye.
6. Sea or mountain- Mountain
7. round or square- Round
8.hardcore ff? - yes please
9. Movies, songs or ff that stayed in ur head for more than two years- Song- Because I am stupid- that was first korean song I heard in 2010 and it still bring tears to my eyes even today.
10. Kill or be killed? depend on situation- mostly kill
11. Love or be loved?- both but Love
heerania #7
Okay...just trying to answer..hehhee...miaannn klo gejey... :p
1) Describe yourself in one word.
-.simple ...yet fun n pretty *Hwahahahhahaha.....naahh...^^v*
2) Describe me in one word.
-. talented *wink*
3) Which FF of mine that you like the most? And, why?
-. emmm...emmmm....which one?? dunno... i like all d'most... :p, esp. M part...OPs...too obvious? hahhahaha
4) What kind of FF do you prefer? What character? What plot?
-romantic comedy, with fine characters... don't too much cool n don't too much pabo.... about school or work romance,..
5) Name Bigbang's song that you like the most?
-. lies
6) Sea or mountain?
-. sea
7) Round or square?
-. square
8) Hardcore FF. Yes? No?
-. YES , esp. HyunMin
9) Movies/ songs/ FFs that stay in your head for more than two years?
-. Playful Kiss
10) Kill or be killed?
-. none
11) Love or be loved?
-. both... =D
You cutie sister ha.ha xD now I will just answer all your questions rather than making a tagged for it, because we will never stop if I tagged you and you tagged me back xD
1) Describe yourself in one word.
Cool and I love, I mean really love cool stuff xD
2) Describe me in one word.
Love. You make me feel love ;)
3) Which FF of mine that you like the most? And, why?
I'm sorry, I'm such a honest friend because I didn't read any of it =_= it's because I'm not a Joonmin shipper, if you write about EXO or L I'll read it =P I'll try to read your FF when I've the time.
4) What kind of FF do you prefer? What character? What plot?
Angst with romance and story with an interesting plot in it rather than well..just have -__0
5) Name Bigbang's song that you like the most?
Haru- haru and many more I love ALL OF BB SONGS O_o
6) Sea or mountain?
Sea,I'll always stare at the sea if I've problems, it's give my heart a very soothing feeling.
7) Round or square?
Round because I love D.O's round eyes xD
8) Hardcore FF. Yes? No?
Yes, but must have story in it rather than just buddies kind of stuff.
9) Movies/ songs/ FFs that stay in your head for more than two years?
A FF about 2PM, we're one not seven, and FF called Between Two Man by Millionsfandom a movie called secretly greatly by Kim Soohyun.
10) Kill or be killed?
None of them. Life is such a short journey that we've to treasure it moment of it ;)
11) Love or be loved?
Both because we have to give and take at the same time. :)