I Got Tagged....

 1: Post the rules rules

2: Answer the questions the tagger asked, then make 11 new ones
3: Tag 11 people and link them to the post rule
4: Let them know you've tagged them
 Tagged by: Lovex2254
The Q's
1.) What's your personal style? (ie boho, preppy, grunge)
Hmmm to be honest I really like colorful things... like what some of the kpop groups would wear:P stuff that are mix-match like and stylish :P 
2.) Who's your favorite solo act?
I love me some K.Will ;D
3.) If you could only meet one idol, who would it be? (No either or. Just one cause I'm evil)
OH GAWD WHO DO I CHOOSE??!!! DX *dies on the inside* hmmmm......Perhaps Kris from Exo?? Because hes HAWT and interests me how he would be in a conversation ;D 
4.) Who would you want to be on We Got Married with?
5.) Who's your favorite Kpop star turned actor?
Dongho <33
6.) Where are you?
At home :P
7.) Do you hate me for tagging you?
No :)
8.) What's your favorite movie?
Hmmm I have so many.... I cant think of one...
9.) Quote you live by?
"Dont judge me by my looks, judge me by my character" 
10.) Tired of my questions yet?
11.) Favorite month?
May cuz thats when my Birthday is XD 



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I already know dis...
What kinda gayyy!
Hahaha jk