Happy 3rd Anniversary to the one and only E-X-O




H A P P Y   3rd   A N N I V E R S A R Y   EXO !!



 To be honest I'm so proud to call myself an EXO-L. Exo as whole just makes me so happy wether its listening to their music or watching them make complete fools of themselves xD. And I'm proud to say that I have been with them since their debute year till now and they'll always be my # 1. They've had their up's and down's last year, especially with Kris and Luhan leaving and as upset as I was about them leaving, Im kind of over it because you have to support the members that are still there and working their butts off for their fans (I 100% am still supporting Kris and Luhan so before you bite my neck off, hear me out lol). What I'm trying to say is that the remaining Exo members were more effected than anyone else and at that time they needed the most support, especially from their fans. 


But when the MAMA awards came around, (like a couple months after Kris and Luhan left?) and when I found out that Exo won almost EVERY category they were nominated in made me the most happiest person on Earth (as lame as that may sound) because that just goes to show that there are so many Exo-L's that still love and support their Exo members even after all the chaos with the two members leaving the group. And not to mention I voted for them like almost everyday too hahaha xP. 


And NOW! With their comeback and new album release, they STILL hit records on big music charts. And lets not forget how many copies of their albums were sold within 5 days of its release. I think it was like 5,000 copies? I still yet have to buy mine and Im very excited to because I absolutely LOVE this album! 


So ya, enough of my rambling LOL. I just want to say how happy I am for Exo, especially with them starting off fresh and new for this year with their comeback as 10 and hitting it big as usual :) And one quick thing, their concerts they held in Seoul for thoes 5 nights as well was AMAZING! I was so jelly of all thoes people who got to go :/ but hopefully my dream of going to an Exo concert will come true :P


EXO 사랑해요 !!

We Are One! ^_^ 



Can't wait for the many years ahead :) 


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