Tagged by akira33

I'm not tagging anyone in this, so just answer it and say I tagged you! Tag me in your post if you answer my questions, I'm interested in your answers :3

Rule 1. Post the rules.

Rule 2. Answer the questions the Tagger asked you, then make 11 new ones.

Rule 3. Tag 11 people and link then to this post.

Rule 4. Let them know you tagged them.


1. Your favorite Kpop group.

It's definitely Infinite, because I've loved them for years but rookie wise is VIXX and if they keep being as great they may catch up to Infinite soon (but Infinite will always be #1 :3)


2. Your absolute bias, and your favorite ship with him.

Lee Sungyeol, and my favorite ship is Myungyeol because I see it so much but I also love Wooyeol (with Woohyun) because they're really interesting together :3


3. Your favorite Fic ever (hey, I'm searching for new ones!)

Shoot to kill (my heart iis a smoking gun) by lirazel - is Wooyeol and so amazing, otherwise Lost in Love by Pikagyu which is awesome Woogyu!


4. Would you like to write a v-hope story? (I really love them but there aren't really many fics) If you don't understand just say no xD

I would do, but only once I get to know BTS a bit more, I love them but I don't feel comfortable writing their personalities yet!


5. Your favorite Kpop-song. 

Ahhhhh! So hard! Recently it's been Kim Sunggyu's 41 Days but of all time I'd have to say Infinite's I Don't Know, the Chaser or IU's Good Day xD


6. Most shipped pairing.

Myungyeol, without a doubt!


7. Stories you would recommend (can be books as well, not a ff)

Fics: Ahhhh, the two that I posted up there ^^. Dreamspace by Pikagyu (in the Halloween mood), anything by Lirazel, Sealed With a Kiss by Yeol Monster, anything by Howling (if you like Infinite) and my all time favorite VIXX fic is Online Adventures :3

Book wise: Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins, Divergent by Veronica Ross, All Our Yesterdays by Kristin terrill, Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas - I adore fantasy and YA!


8. Tell me something random XD (I'm out of questions)

I'm a second year university student studying for a masters in Environmental Geography, and I really want to be a volcanologist :3


9. What do you think about MIB (Yes, the group, not the movie XD)

They're good, but I'm personally not that into them!


10. Who loves Demion as much as me? (If you know them, don't you think Chibby would sweet their fan-club name?)

GASSEO GOBAEKHAE NEGA JOAHHANDAGO!! <<< Or something like that.

I adore them, seriously, that song is so sweet and all of the songs on that single are amazing! I wanted to be called Demons though! or Demis :3


11. Tell me that you love me XD (Sorry out of questions)



Now my 11 questions:


1: What was the first k-pop song you ever heard?

2: Who were your favorite rookie group to debut in 2012?

3: Do you read OC fanfics or just otps? Why do/don't you?

4: What is your favorite book?

5: What is your favorite Korean song and English (or your native language) song

6: What otp do you think there needs to be more fics of?

7: If you were stuck on a desert island with 3 kpop stars (or actors etc), who and why?

8: Do you watch K-dramas? What is your favorite?

9: What do you think of fanwars?

10: Who are your favorite boy and girls groups/idols?

11: What is your favorite ever fanfic?


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7: If you were stuck on a desert island with 3 kpop stars (or actors etc), who and why?
SuJu Siwon, Jaejoong, and Seungho... Siwon looks hot when he's scruffy so he would look amazing on an island, Jaejoong has the same snarky personality I have and I would LOVE that, and Seungho is my husband. So. Yeah.
8: Do you watch K-dramas? What is your favorite?
I used to and I loved it but my internet is now too slow =/ . Sungkyunkwan Scandal.. I love history and historical fiction.
9: What do you think of fanwars?
Utterly ridiculous. Just let others be. Love the music you love and say nothing about the music you don't. =) We're all entitled to our opinions and all artists work hard, even if we don't individually like the music they put out.
10: Who are your favorite boy and girls groups/idols?
Um... I like over 115 Kpop groups... that is HARD to choose. My favorites include Beast, JYJ, Big Bang, The BOSS, Infinite, One Way, Shinee, TriTops, BAP, Block B, EXO, MYNAME, TOXIC, SNSD, 4Minute, Brown Eyed Girls, Ailee, Miss A, Secret. =)
11: What is your favorite ever fanfic?
Off of AFF, it is cherithangel's At World's End. On LJ, it is ANYTHING by gulpsofoxygen; she's amazing <3

And that's, well, me! =)
Hi there! =) I figured to get to know you a little better, so here are my answers to your Qs. =)

1: What was the first k-pop song you ever heard?
Rising Sun by DBSK
2: Who were your favorite rookie group to debut in 2012?
in 2012... um... *cries* I have to choose one?!?! I guess, music wise I loved TOXIC, member wise I loved EXO.
3: Do you read OC fanfics or just otps? Why do/don't you?
I MUCH prefer OTPs, but I occasionally read OC fics, only when I know that the author has written quality fics before and therefore worth investing in.
4: What is your favorite book?
Actual book? Um... that's hard. I love books. The I Am # 4 series is good, The Wheel of Time series is the best thing EVER written, and the book A Child Called It makes me cry like a baby.
5: What is your favorite Korean song and English (or your native language) song
HA! One favorite Korean song. I wills ay the one I have been listening to on repeat all day; "Love Addiction" by TriTops
English? Oh... wow... um. Just ONE? "Gravity" by Westlife
6: What otp do you think there needs to be more fics of?
YoLi!!! (Yoseob+Eli <3 )
Aww your response was great! I will make sure to read the fics that I haven't yet from those that you named and of course I will try out some books as well xD
And OMG VIXX my babies xD
And SERIOUSLY!!! I love that you love Demion! I feel for them so hard XD And Demons or Demis! That is amazing too XD
And I hope that you will be a successful Volcanologist in the future! FIGHTING