The One Where A Chapter Became Five

i'm at work.

but this is exactly how i feel right now.


what became of one chapter that i was developing last week for RED STEPS has evolved into five scattered chapters that i can't seem to stop rearranging.

i thought it could remain as one, like Big Bang itself. but, i had to look back at the bigger picture and realize it's impossible when my characters' lives will interwine and develop into the Epilogue i have given in the first place.

i hope you remain patient for the five-shot of chapters for
you may think i shouldn't be too ambitious, but i don't see it as one. i have an sense of perfection derived from my personality at work. maybe, i might be able to give you a full course Korean dinner of sorts, this time.

so please forgive me, i will take more than a week for these five chapters to get completed.



for the other stories.
they are also on the way. genereally they will not take as complex a route as the one above.


i do hope you would understand.






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