Tagging Game ("Peer Pressure" forced me to do it -.-) {Tagged by Kpoploving_4ever}

rule 1: post the rules

rule 2: answer the questions the tagger asked you, then make 11 new ones
rule 3: tag 11 people and link them to the post
rule 4: let them know you've tagged them


1) Favorite Group 

exo or bap (leaning more towards exo though :P)

2) Top 10 male biases...

1) Zelo
1.5/2) Chen
3) Xiumin
4) Baekhyun
5) Bang Yongguk
6) Minhyuk(BToB)
7) Peniel
9) Donghae
10) Jonghyun(SHINee)

3) Top 10 female biases...

1)Song Jieun
2) Ailee
3) Amber Liu
4) Dara
5) Hyoyeon
6) IU
7) - 10) none...

4) Top 5 ships...

(let me warn you, this is a very biased list -.- and in no specific order)
1) Song JieunxAny member of EXO
2) AileexRoh Jihoon
3) AmberxKris or Henry
4) AileexHanbyul(LEDApple)
5)Song JieunxAny member of BAP

5) top 10 idols you would want as siblings...

1) Amber(F(x))
2) Hyoyeon(SNSD/GG)
3) Ailee(Solo)
4) P.O(Block B)
5) Zelo(BAP)
6) Xiumin(EXO M)
7) Suho(EXO K)
8) Chanyeol(EXO K)
9) Song Jieun(Secret)
10) Bang Yongguk(BAP)

6) what do you think about Wa$$up? (the girl group)

ummm...who? sorry, just kidding, but really i don't think they'll make it far. but, what do i know? exactly, so i can be wrong or right, only time can tell.
but really, twerking is not my thing -.-

7) Favorite kpop gif(s)?

There's more, these are just a few...
tumblr_mv3g614gmI1rwac9lo4_250.gif tumblr_mv3g614gmI1rwac9lo1_250.gif tumblr_mtz843p0cI1qf0t3jo2_250.gif
tumblr_mut4bxIvme1spmqino1_500.gif tumblr_mut4bxIvme1spmqino2_r1_500.gif

8) what two idols would have cute children together?

Baekhyun and Chanyeol -.- buuuut, since there is no such thing as mprg *shivers*

Thennn, Song Jieun and Yongguk or Suho :3

9) what group would you still like to see working together 10 years from now?

bap, block b, oooorrrrr exo

10) what do you think ur top 5 biases will be doing 20 years from now?

Either still working as soloists, actors/actresses, or married and taking care of their family

11) favorite song atm?

Growl- EXO M



I'ma tag:
+ Dadamato9466
+ --hipster
+ yepponoona
+ TheChuglyOne
+ or anyone that sees this really~~

1) if you could be in any kpop group, which would it be?(and you can change your gender if you like)

2) which kpop idols would you date, kill, or ?

3) what's your OTP?

4) what kpop idol would make a great best friend?(does not necessarily have to be your bias)

5) funniest kpop gif, in your opinion?

6) what two male/female idols should go ghei for each other?

7) for what group do you have high expectations?

8) favorite m/v at the moment?

9) top 10 fandoms

10) what would be the couple name of you and your ultimate bias(male/female)?


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omg i love those gifs too XDDD
SongjieunxExo #2
Song jieun and suho*-*
wow.. awesome! sure im gonna do it and let you know :3 once im on lappy babe~