✡ muse :: the fiery phoenix


park jaeyeon

❝ we are muse!  we inspire you with our music~



Username  -xtroublezz
What should i call you ⇢ Sara
Activeness ⇢ 9


full name ⇢ Park Jaeyeon

---Francesca [used by her members, because she has a scary glare]

---Sohee- look- alike [used by netizens, because she looks like her]

---Yeonnie [used by her family]

---Jane Park [used by her American friends and after debut]

age ⇢ 21
⇢ September 22, 1992
⇢ Seatles, Washington, United States
⇢ Seatles, Washington, United States
⇢ Korean

--- English [fluent]

---Korean [fluent]


---Green color





---Sunny days



---Spicy food


---Acting as someone she's not


---Rainy days


---Entomophobia( fear of bugs and insects

---Acrophobia (fear of height)


---Looking at people with a scary glare when she doesn't approve something

---Touches her face

---Looking into the mirror

---No matter what, she can stands still or seat still for more than 5 minutes

height ⇢ 167cm
⇢ 49kg 

sleepwear- 01 | 02 | 03 | 04

home- 01 | 02 | 03 | 04

formal- 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08

airport- 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05

casual- 01 | 02

training- 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05

others- She got a star tattoo at her wrist.


---Want a new nickname, she denies that she got a scary glares

---Can play violin and piano

---Always think that she's better in dancing than in singing

---Always cook at dorm

---Was a cheerleader in USA

---Received a lot of award in school years

---Never in a relationship before

---Knew 2PM personally even before her debut

---Has to buy sneakers in the kids' department because she has small feet

---Wears stacks of insoles to balance herself when wearing heels

---Favorite flower: Green Rose

---Twitter account : @parkjaneee

---Sometimes goes out and exercises with Miss A's Jia

---Likes to write lyrics in the recording studio in the basement of muse's dorm

---Is not confident with her variety show skills

--Writes and expresses her thoughts in diary everyday

---Wants to visit Disney Land in Japan

---Usually ignores what others say if she had make up her mind

---Hasn't spent New Year's with her parents since her trainee years in SM


She exhibit impeccable bravery, superiority and sovereignty. She is expected to achieve extraordinary feats. She has strength of character to take command of any situation and her presence commands respect and attention.And just like a queen, she has a big heart, she is generous and sensitive to others' feelings.She innately want to lead and be a master, but for those she adores and reveres, she is ready to become slaves. She is very well organized and do things just the way they ought to be done, but it is also true that she is much better at organizing and systematizing others' lives than her own.This traits of hers sometimes borders on bossiness. But all this effort to improve another person's life comes with an unnatural amount of warmth, kindly encouragement and a promise for help without having to ask, whenever it is needed.

She is probably the most individualistic and strong kind of person. Now you can read that as pigheaded and rebellious, but that’s your wish (that’s not to say that being either of these is always a wrong thing). And as is the way of the world, the distinctive and strong in character will be at least one in a group. Now things are not all rosy and jolly for her. If she has to describe herself in the least possible number of words, she won’t classify herself as a pioneer, she will call herself a walking bag of contradictions, coz that’s what she most definitely is. She does pioneering work, she go against the tide and try to change how the society thinks about something, yet she herself find it very hard to change her mind on something once she has made up a notion. So this difficulty in modifying herself and her beliefs becomes more and more noticeable and prominent with maturity, she might need a lot of help and encouragement in coming up to prevalent times and practices.

However, another important good thing about her is her cool temperament and emotional control, you could not find a person better at taking affirmative action in practically testing circumstances. she is really understanding and do not find it very difficult to suffer contravenes of fellows. That is why she makes such a good friend and family member. Another enigmatic aspect of her persona is her glamorous yet distant kind of vibe in relationships. She likes her freedom and don't like to be confined yet is a romantic and sweet person. She may seem to be a little too introvert and aloof of the world, but that’s normal, in fact, that’s her thing! In friendship, she is very generous and caring, but may also get a little carried away and showers her affections on the wrong person.The same happens in case of love interests, but if the other person is the right one, he will find no derth of kindness and generousity.


ulzzang Jang Haebyeol
back-up ulzzang 
Gam Dain
stage name ⇢ Jane
fanclub name ⇢ Janexist
fanclub color #00ff00
talking twin 
singing twin 
rapping twin 
⇢ n/a
dancing twin 
⇢ Leader, Main Dancer

family ⇢     
mom :: Park Sooyoung :: 50 :: Housewife :: 8 ::
Loving, Optimist, Passionate
dad :: Park Donghoon :: 55 :: Pilot :: 8 :: Ambitious, Caring, Self aware
brother :: Park Jaebeom :: 26 :: Idol :: 9 :: Flirty, Charming, Brave
bff :: Nickhun :: 25 :: 2PM :: 9 :: Male :: Caring, Conventional, Stable
friend :: Jia :: 25 :: Miss A :: 7 :: Female :: Warm, Playful, Cheerful
friend :: Amber :: 21 :: f(x) :: 6 :: Female :: Tomboyish, Prankster, Troublesome

Her mother had lived in the USA since birth while her father is from Gwangju. Her father is a pilot and met her mother during his duty. She is the youngest child in the Park family. She has a brother named Park Jaebeom or better known as Jay Park. Born in Edmonds, Washington, in the Seattle area, Jane showed great interest in hip hop music and breakdancing at a young age, alongside with her brother. Her early teenage life is full of freedom and fun. Her parent is open mided and won't fuss up about small things. They treat Jay and Jane like a friends. She met many friends there. She and her brother was so close until Jay had to left to Korea after he was accepted in JYP.

Jane attended Edmonds Woodway High School, where she spent most of her break and lunch times practicing dance with friends instead of focusing on her school-work. Jane started listening to hip hop and rap music in her early teens, and spent time learning and writing songs herself during high school. In 2008, Jane became one of the first members of newly founded Seattle-based b-girl crew, Art of Girls (AOG). In 2009, her mother, seeing how her daughter spent more time breakdancing than studying, suggested she audition for Korea-based JYP Entertainment but failed on the first try.

She then later tried for SM with more confident heart, got accepted and that company which brought her to Korea in January 2010, to receive further training in dancing, singing, and the Korean language. She couldn't converse with all the new people she met, due to not being able to speak the language very well, and she didn't know what to eat. She cried everyday for the first two weeks she was in Korea, but decided to work hard even though she wanted to go back home, to not disappoint her parents. Year by year she had improved her korean language, singing and dancing skills. She even came in 2nd place at the 5th SM Best Dancer Contest. Considered as one of Lee SooMan's favorite trainee.


love interest ⇢ Chen
Describing Chen's personality could be the easiest thing to do... or it could be the hardest thing to do. Like so, Chen is very two-faced and extremely contradicting. For that reason, he was loved by many of his seniors. However, after what had happened to him around the time he debuted as EXO member, Chen's inner personality changed drastically though he learned to keep it to himself. He is often sarcastic though is sly about it, leaving the other to think about whether the boy had complimented them or called them a stupid . He is smart and knows how to use his intelligence well, he knows how to use words to his advantage to assist him whenever he is dealing with people, especially women. He could seriously tell someone to go jump off a cliff and they would do it because he would say all the great stuff about it as possible to convince them with his boyish charm and smile, along with his soft and sweet melodic voice. He loves messing with people and playing with their minds and rest assured, he is very good at it.
group ⇢ EXO
relationship ⇢ Friends; Jane is Chen's fangirl
how you met When she was in SM bulding during trainee years. She was literally standing right next to Chen in a lift. She was scared, she was really nervous because Chen is actually her ultimate bias. She didn’t know how to approach him or if I should just give up and ignore his presense. Chen was busy with his phone until the lift opened up and Chen walked out. Jane walked out too and she felt like he was walking farther and farther away from her till she said “Chen” he turned around and smiled, nodding to her and bowing in such a respectful manner. She could had just say something but seeing his smile, she was bewitched. She just snapped out of it after Chen walked away from her since she didn't said anything. She regretted this with all her heart, just why can't she say something to him.
how you act around with him It feel weird when Chen try to befriend with her at first, at least that's what Jane felt. Jane don't even dare to look at Chen on their first "date" or meeting as a friend. He always the first to start a conversation everytime they meet and she feel more comfortable everytime. Soon they become a good friend and Chen know that Jane is his fan by chance. Chen often says that he got a crush on her dance. The longer they befriend, the more he realized that he has a crush on her not just her dance, but he never confess. Infact, he plays hide and seek with her feeling. It's obvious that she likes him, its not just platonic but more to romantic. The strong Jane turns to the weak Jane infronts of Chen.
back-up love interest ⇢ D.O

love rival ⇢ Junhyung
At the first time when people see him, he looks like a very cold person but that's just first impression. He known to be a romantic guy who's like taking stroll at the beach alone. Junhyung is honest about his feeling even though he appeared to be tough and manly but actually he's quite sentimental, very sensitive yet strong at the same times. He never hesitate to show his endless love to anything or anyone he loves. He's softhearted, kind and has mature side on him. Looking at him, there's many things that he want to talk about and share together with his friends, but, sometimes there's a wall that makes him wasn't able to say it. And that's only make him sad. He is so thoughtful and a sweet guy.
group ⇢ Beast
⇢ Friends
how you met 
Met at a dance competition held by JYP for the rookies there back in 2010 (2PM was consider as rookie around that time). Jane was there too as her brother participated in the competition. Junhyung was a trainee in JYP. Later, after Jay finished performing, he met his sister. He brought and introduced her to his friends, including Junhyung and Jia.
how are act around him He tends to fight with her all the time and always winning. Their interaction is like cat and dog and sometimes people wonder if they are really friend. Jane always try to be a good friend with Junhyung. But with Junhyung's meanie mode around her on, they just ends up looking like a bickering couple. He has always being mean to her but not like that with others.
back-up love rival ⇢ Dongwoon
rival ⇢ Suzy
Suzy is currently the biggest issue. However, because of her rapidly growing popularity, she is getting arrogant, and she is being criticized by her co- worker behind the scene. She is always late to her photoshoots, and when it’s time for her to resume filming after her break, she gets annoyed. Not only so, but she uses profanity that is not befitting for a female idol. There is also a reported case where she cried and complained she didn’t want to film, and ran off the set. Even though she has a beautiful face, because of her contrasting personality, she is currently being called the rudest among all the girl group members. But since JYP is a powerful company, all of her backstage story was blocked and  is only known among people that already work with her, not others.
group ⇢ Miss A
how you met 
They will meet in a variety show, AlltheKPOP. During the show, they compete to get the same guy to be their partner.  He choose Jane over Suzy. Suzy get annoy and despite that it isn't Jane's fault, she hold a grude agaisnt her. A simple reason. Suzy is annoyed that the male idol pick Jane over her. It is a childish reason but that's what happened when someone gain a nationwide popularity in a short time, they become conceited. Jane isn't the first person who is treated badly by Suzy.
how you act around her Suzy keep her snobbish act around Jane and Jane decides to ignore the childish reaction of her. She would gives comment on how Jane should improve herself in a not so good way. Jane try to ignore and act like usual, but sometimes she will slyly argue back with her words.
back-up rival ⇢ Hyuna


questions  ⇢ n/a
comments Hwaiting authornims!!!xD

scene request 

---Chen kissing Jane on lips in the rain

---Jane is faint due to overwork and need to stay in the hospital for a day

---✡ muse as guests in Star King with EXO

---✡ muse filming a commercial at the beach, they are so happy playing after the shooting end until they notice that a member is missing


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lovablegyu #1
I like your app!
Just fix what Hana said and you'll be fine. ^^
Thank you for applying!