❀ B l o o m | Gia, The Frost Warrior









( Gianna Jeon )




Welcome into my world

username: -xtroublezz

nickname: Sara

activity: 7/7



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Who are you ?

full name: Gianna Jeon


-Gia [used by her family]
-Anna [used by her friends in Hawaii]
-Jihyun [used by her friends in Korea]
-JaguarJeon [used by her fans and members because of her well known talent; jaguar walking]
-Dolphin Scream [used by her fans and member because she can scream like a dolphin]
-Warrior [used by her members, because of her strong vibe]
-Fashion Queen [used by netizens, because of her fashionista style]

birthdate: 10/30/91

age: 22

hometown: Honolulu, Hawaii

ethnicity: Korean


-English [fluently- she talks with American accent]
-Korean [conservationally- prones to make mistakes when speaking and even worse when it comes to writing]
-Japanese [basic- learnt prior to her debut]



It's really me


First impression; When people first see her, she is often considered as a real life tsundere, a tsundere is a japanese manga/anime character development process that describes a person who is initially cold and even hostile toward another person before gradually showing her warm side over time.

Offstage; Getting to know her, she is very defensive of her friends and family. They are the one who see the soft, caring and considerate inner self of hers. Her twin is very important for her, and comes at the top in the list of priorities. She also happen to be very emotional and often fall into the depths of nostagia. No wonder she has an excellent memory, she hardly miss a piece of detail about her past. She extremely sensitive and emotionally fragile. She has a protective and affectionate side. She makes excellent groupmate and are not so good at letting go of her members when the situation requires. She loves to make her members laugh and happy. She is like the mother of the group. To her loved ones, she present her most soft and mellow self. She is very sensual and can be the best of lover. She can get hurt by her lover easily. Being herself, she is quite shrewd and astute and even intensely revengeful in cases, she is not the person to cross. She is the symbol of courage and power, and this is certainly accompanied by foresight, intelligence and power, along the freedom that this power provides. Her vision gives her the power to see farther than her members and oppenents. And this enable her to strike down those oppose her, figuratively. Adventure lures her and finds her wherever she is, and this intrinsically makes her a leader, as she dare to tread where no one else dares to go. She has a great stamina, and as I talked about, she is deadly adversary. She expect total loyalty and sincerity from her friends, as she gives the same to them and she is not easily deceived, because of her superior vision. She is briliant and tactical in her business, but run the risk of appearing, and even being deceitful and surreptitious. She is quite dedicated and sensible. She succeed a lot in life, and also makes a lot many enemies in the process, but they are innocuous and only cause anxiety.

Onstage; Regarding her stage personality, she has this special love for the spotlight, and the desire to be admired and loved is very dominant in her character. She loves the cameras and the flash and the lens that follows her movement. She is very touchy, and get emotional a lot more often than others. She can even shed her tears when singing a sad ballad. She sense of purpose for everything she does, and she is ready to endure anything if she feels the end result is worth it. Whatever routines or anything she is ask to do onstage, she'll do it obediently even when thats mean being touched or having seductive dance movement like in "Trouble Maker" or doing aegyo. She will move in all directions to reach her destination, and this makes things possible for her that no other person around her can manage to pull off. Being active when on air with various facial expressions and body languages thats make the cameraman to capture her moment more. This also increases her money making opportunities, and she might well make her way into large money-making project in the future. She loves being in variety show a lot and always volunteer to go in if being ask to. But she has an innate feeling of insecurity and timidity. She don't like to talk about her weakness or show anything bad about herself when the tape still rolling.


She was born as a result of a one night stand. Just because she and her twin sister was the only thing that kept her parents together, didn’t mean that they loved them any more than necessary. They didn't even love them that much at all, especially her mother. Born in Honolulu, Hawaii. Her mother, Jacquiline is a korean that lived in the city since birth while her father, Joongkook is from Korea. They work as chefs and own a braches of restaurant in Hawai. The family is quite rich. When she was 12 her parents finally divorced and they, obviously, went to live with their father.

She is the eldest twin in the Jeon family. She has a little twin sister named Daniella. She is the wild one of the twin. Her early teenage life is full of freedom and fun. Living in Hawaii is different from in Korea. When in Hawaii, her father was open mided and won't fuss up about small things. She met many friends there. During her high school years, she made some questionable decisions regarding… life in general. Smoke, and alcohol, the whole package really. She called it experimenting. Her father called it craziness and she ended up being sent to Korea.

When she was 18, the twin were sent to Seoul, South Korea to leave with her grandparent, specifically her father's parent. They also had gotten their residense visa. Her theory is that her father probably couldn’t keep up with them anymore and sent them away for someone else to take care of them. Back in Korea, things got a little strict with the observation of her grandparent. She didn't really get exposed to idol world. The only person that close to her and involve in Kpop things is her cousin, Shinhye, who is an actress. She is sort of like her older sister but with different parent. Her staying in Korea has change her, not yet completely, but she has quit the smoking and . Gianna and Daniella was enrolled and is studying in a nursing academy. She is also became interested in Kpop.

She was discovered after her cousin uploaded a dancing clip of her onto her sns and it caught the attention of Stardom's president. She got scouted shortly after that.


mother | Jacquiline Kim | 44 | Chef

father | Jeon Joongkook | 49 | Chef

twin | Daniella Jeon | 22 | Student

grandfather | Jeon Byunghee | 70 | Professor

grandmother | Jeon Yoonji | 68 | Housewife

cousin | Park Eunhye | 23 | Dancer




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My real beauty 

face claim: Park Jihyun

gallery/tumblr: xoxo

back-up face claim: Kwon Sujeong

height: 163cm

weight: 49kg



What I like or dislike ?


| Keroro
| Exercise
| Animals
| Flower
| Greenary
| Winter
| Snow
| Ice
| Spicy food


| Hot days
| Non spicy food
| Medicine
| Hospital
| Rude people
| Sasaengs
| Rumors
| Insects

| Shopping
| Makeover people
| Reading books and magazines
| Music video imagining
| Plays korean traditional percussion music instrument(named gayageum)
| Plays piano
| Happy- hugging someone
| Sad- cries silently away from people
| Jealous- will do something to make person who make be jealous become jealous at me back
| Confused- bites her lips
| Pissed- curses in English "Sh*t"
| Nervous- face turns to pale
| Before and after sleep- does sits up
| Tired- Shouts out loud
| Her favorite number is 7
| Her least favorite number is 2
| Her favorite color is pink
| Her least favorite color is blue
| Gianna's name means "God is Gracious"
| She is allergic to cucumber. Her skin will rashes if she eat it
| According to the group trainer , she suddenly shouts if their fitness workout becomes too difficult.
| She regrets not showing her good side to her twin, Daniella. There were also times that she tooks all her angers to Daniella.
| She loves to sleep. She is the group resident sleepy-head. She can sleep up to 16 hour a day and is the hardest member to wake up.
| She is a cousin of Park Eunhye. When she is sad, she asks advice to her Shinhye. And Park Eunhye would feed her, and tell her that she is pretty.
| She is an atmosphere killer, the atmosphere went down or turned cold once she said something at times. For example when everyone is having fun, she’ll say something, for her that is funny, but instead, everyone will be quiet. Since not everyone can do what she does, she considers herself special.
| Ear piercings, left | right. Belly button piercing. Tattoo at her shoulder blade saying, "now I'm a warrior"
| Predebut: Sang "My Lifestyle" ft Daeryong [2012], Acted in "High Kick" as Ahn Soojung [2011-2012], Acted in "Heir" as Lee Bona [2013], CF Model for "Clean and Clear" [2012-2013]
|  Sns: Twitter @Gianna_Jjeon, Instagram @Jjeon_Gianna
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My second family


Daeryong || 25 || Tasty || Cute, Cheerful, Silly, Initiative, Loyal

Soryong || 25 || Tasty || 4D, Calm, Modest, Optimist, Loyal

best friend:

Amber Liu || 21 || f(x) || Witty, Energetic, Prankster, Sweet, Sincere





Rocking the stage

stage name: Gia

persona: The Frost Warrior

position: Main Dancer, Sub rapper

back-up position: Lead Dancer, Vocalist

singing twin: Yuri | one two | Suzy

dancing twin: Hyoyeon | one two | Min

rapping twin: Min | one two | Yuri



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You're more important than you think

love interest name: Xero

position: Topp Dogg

relationship: Close Friend but they secretly crushing on each other

how he act around you?: This bright nature guy is quickly replaced by a serious possessiveness when it comes to his Gia. He also has a rather peculiar affliction of caressing Gia’s cheeks and arms. His touchiness with her is a great example of his love for affection. His childish antics that include begging Gia to play with him make him appear beyond adorable. His immaturity results in feeling of Gia, she doesn't really takes him seriously, however, he has proven to be quite a romantic. This romantic side of his can usually be seen in his natural charms and obsession with romantic Hollywood movies, He once brought Gia to a yacht trip and did the scene in Titanic with her. 

how you act around him?: Gia is often sarcastic though is sly when talking to Xero, leaving Xero to think about whether the girl had complimented him or called him a stupid . Gia could seriously tell Xero everything and he would do it because she would say all the great stuff about it as possible to convince him with her goddess charm and smile, along with her soft and sweet melodic voice. She loves messing with Xero and playing with his minds and rest assured Xero, she is very good at it.

back-up love interest: Nakta




Before to say goodbye

comments: Hope you like Gianna and English isn't my first language..but I use it a lot..still, my grammar >.<

scene requests?: Gianna's dark past in high school years is discovered by the media and she get bash badly by netizens. She almost give up but her members are there for her. They didn't know about her past too but they keep the faith on her. At last Gianna told them about her history.

album songs requests?: T-ara's I'll Go Crazy Because Of You, Number Nine, I Know The Feeling



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