love at first sight

today i updated 2 stories......

time breeds love




Bride of the TIGER


GAH~ i was worried about my 1st fic.. the last chappy was a bit of a mess..tsss.. wonder if my readers would like it?:|


oh well. to update 2 chapters a day was fine with me.since completed my sleeps 10hours! HORRaY!~ i was lacking sleep lately...gah...~ so its been a great sunday! we went to church, i was wearing a brown skirt 3 inces above the knee a white tshirt with a big heart as its design and red spads.. there i saw a guy. who was taking care of his little bro. i looked him coz i caught him staring at me. he was tall. he wasnt that fat nor too thin,.. his hair was not too long not to short too. reminds me of my crush XIAN.. his hight was about 5'9 i guess. his complextion was fair.. GAH~ talk about totally my type. he took his brother. then i still kept on staring at him then he suddenly glanced towards me. so when our eyes met. i totally evaded eye contact. HAHA. so for the WHOLE 1 hour at the church.. i was looking at him.. may gad! o_O

oh well. i wont see him anymore. if i do.. LUCKY ME!~♥


now. im only writing a blog coz I TOTALLY FORGOT MY STORYLINE FOR CHAPTER 5 of  my 2nd FIC: 


SORRY to my dear readers... i will just update it tomorrow. my mind is a mess tonight! LOL...


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J-cryptic #1
YEP. i was shocked as well! HAHA
soo there are still guys like him? i thought they're already extinct in naga? :D