
So, I've recently realized that it's more along the lines of when I'm about to finish a fic that I run into a particularly dastardly problem.  >.>  No, finishing said fic isn't the concern.  I usually have that part nailed down pretty good.  How it's going to end or at least close to it have likely been in the back of my mind since the story's inception.


In this instance, I am troubled by what to progress to next.  To elaborate, some of you know I've put the majority of my in-progress fics on hiatus.  Not enirely unusual in and of itself, but sad, yes.  Though, I must admit, having put said fics on hold, I've had a rather surpring explosion of plot bunnies (potential story ideas for those who might not be familiar with them) and am having a hard time swinging back around to focus on such projects that are already in the works.  I know I need to focus on those so that they're not left, forlorn and incomplete in this nameless limbo of flux that I have yet to address, but there are so many new ideas...  T_T  Anybody have any thoughts or suggestions to address or combat this issue?  lol

Just curious.

I'll figure something out either way though since November is approaching, I may well fall off the grid for NaNoWriMo.  We'll see.  I've got a plot bunny that might be perfect for it.  hehe

Thanks for checking in and happy reading/writing!  ^_^


Amalya out!


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sCeNeBLUETattoo #1
As for handling the plot bunnies that try to derail you, how about jotting a few notes/ideas in a 'bunny' book or doc? That's what I do to keep stuff straight when I've got about 30 designs rattling around in my head. The more I get into my notes, the quieter things get in my mind. I guess it's less crowded in there after I make notes about a design so the others quiet down a bit. Yeah, mental pix of completed outfits fighting each other. Strange. Yep. That's me. Also, is there a way to put up a title and/or a quick synopsis on AFF without it/them being visible to the general reader populace? If so, that may help you as well. There is no rule carved in stone that says you have to finish one story before beginning another. Keeping up with numerous stories are why subscriptions were invented for readers. LOL. I hope you find a solution to your challenge.
I went to scroll through the ones on hiatus and now I have the same problem as you >.>; I have no idea which one to go back to!