``Get To Know Your *Author* - '(taken from AngelicWhisper)'


Hair colour
burnt black

Eye colour
doo doo brown

Skin colour
uhhh...red from pimples(teenage problems), and pale-ish-to-tan

Most favourable facial feature

Most disliked facial feature
Face shape

That's not important...hahahahahahah

Body type
I wish I knew...




Wouldn't you like to know~

*check above for the answer


Country of origin
A-merica, USA, Country of the Free~ or something like that :P

Current location
In the living room :3

Favourite colour
Blue(like any type of blue)

Favourite animal
pandas..or dragons - u -

exo, bap, block b, 2ne1, secret, ailee, ledapple, ukiss, lee hi, and others~



20 Random Questions

Summer or Winter?
Summer~~ the winter kills me - n - (literally, I get freakin' sick every time I step outside)

Do you have a special talent?
I wish...

Do you think you are a strong person?
strong like..emotionally? mentally? physically? cause I am none either way.

What are your phobias?
horror movies, dolls(like chucky/american girl dolls), the number 4(like 4 of anything; very superstitious, chinese kind of thing), noises in dark

When do you feel most calm?
when i take a shower

What/who inspires you?
korean-wise: exo or kim seul ki
reality/in general: everything.

What do you dislike about yourself?
everything(lol i'm not depressed, just have low self-esteem)

What are your top three favourite colours?
blue + blue + blue (jk, blue + black + white)

What are your hobbies?
drawing, writing, sleeping, eating, trying to learn kpop dances

What is your favourite subject?

What are three of your current favourite songs?
1) growl - exo m ¤
2) u&i - ailee ¤
3) very good - block b 

What is your favourite day of the week?
I hate all days that end in "y"

How would you describe your current mood?
tired - n - probably should finish my hw

What are your future goals?
get in college

What artists do you like?
exo + ledapple + ailee
^my mains

If you could travel back in time, where would you go?
i don't want to go back in time - n - cause i would still have to face the future one way or another. going back in time would just delay arriving there.

Which artists do you dislike?
g.na, 4minute(sorry - n -), evol, uhh..some others :P

What is your favourite month?
June. Cause that is the month where we get out of school!

Do you believe in love?

What is a saying/quote that you live by?
"i'm selfish, impatient, and a  little insecure. i make mistakes, i am out of control and at times hard to handle. but, if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best."

"being normal is boring."

"nothing lasts forever, so live it up, drink it down, laugh it off, avoid the bullsh*t, take chances & never have regrets, because at one point everything you did was exactly what you wanted."

Last beverage

Last text message
idk, probs asking when my mom would pick me up from school

Last song you listened to
growl - exo m :3

Last time you cried
yesterday? I sorta cried during an episode of "cold case" that sh*t is down right sad at the end >:(

Ever got back with someone you’ve been with before?
i'll let you know when i actually start dating someone.

Ever been cheated on?
yes, my pooh bear cheated on me by hugging my sister(well, really, my sister hugged him..but STILL!)

Ever kissed someone and regretted it?
if i kissed the person, why would i regret it?

Ever lost someone special?
who hasn't?

Ever been depressed?
hmm...i can't tell. it's really only those around you that see you as that way. i may be wrong, but i only think that those outside of you can only visually see your actions. you, yourself, may not know that you're depressed. or you can know. idk.



This year have you…

Made a new friend?
new school, new year, hell..no yes!

Met someone that changed you?
well, everyone changes. though you don't want to think you have. you probably have. don't deny it.

Do you want to change your name?
i want to, but i won't

What can’t you wait for?
senior year(in 3 years - n -)

What were you doing at midnight last night?
watching a movie(Pacific Rim)

When was the last time you saw your mother?
just a couple of seconds ago, before she went into the kitchen.

What is the webpage you visit the most?
uhh..this site?

What is your relationship status?
y, free, and single

What do you worry over the most?
grades, school, my future, relatives

First surgery?

First piercing?

First sport you joined?
tennis? idk.

Do you want kids?
probably will when i get older :/

Do you want to get married?
indeed, but if i don't, meh.

What career do you want?
something fun. something that i won't regret waking up to every morning. maybe a writer? actress? or model(but will NEVER happen)?


Ideal type...
hmm...someone who treats me differently and sees me as special.
Treats me with respect as much as i respect he. someone that is generous, yet can be strict when need be.
someone that shows a different side to him just for me(like a good side).
A supportive guy that is loving and not a bum - n -
seems a bit of a far-fetched ideal, but meh. not everyone is perfect after all.


Older or younger?
OLDER!! I don't want to be no pedo or cougar - n -
Max. of 3-5 years. no more. maybe less.
But I don't want any one younger than I - n -

Shorter or taller?
taller than i(which shouldn't be too hard, i'm a shortie fun sized).
if he is shorter than i then that is a bit of a problem that he should get checked out(since NO normal person should be shorter than i)

Romantic or spontaneous?
i don't really care.

asian(my parents want chinese. i don't mind chinese, japanese, korean, etc.)

Lips or eyes?
eyes. i like to look into people's eyes(as weird as that sounds) since you can see most things through their eyes.

Appearance or personality?
beautiful on the inside as much on the outside. good heart, and good face(sorry i'm low like that - n -)


To my readers

Thanks so much to everyone! For the support and love and (omgsorryforbeingsomushy) everything!

I will now ride off into the sunset~ Bye bye!




(poor poor, confused Channie ._.)


Okay, for realz this time~ Peace out!


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