Poor Minki :(

I am sure some/most of you know Ren's love for Chucky, that creepy little doll. This is his new twitter update. Poor baby :(


{TWITTER} @ChoiGoRen: I hate Chucky now…He came to my dream and it was so vividㅜㅜSo scary…I hateee himㅏㅏㅏㅠ

{TWITTER} @ChoiGoRen: It’s not good talking about dream, though …ㅜㅠ Does it really happen…?? I’m going to tell about it. I kept fighting with Chucky… But he keeps hiding and it was really scary when he disappeared..but I won in the end.. it was such a cruel dream. But I won hahahah. Even Chucky’s bride and son came into my dream tooㅡㅜ


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StrawberrySweetCakez #1
Aww poor Rennie!! >< I hope he learns to love chucky again <3
Alishaaye #2
That is so creepy!! Childs Play and IT were always the scariest movies in my childhood! :)
yoaisummer #3
I love 2 watch Chuck movie but in love with Chuck doll....it creepy 4 me.xp

I nvr noe that sweet Ren love that doll so much.
Ahhhhwww poor baby... :( he's so cute though. ^^
2minFTW #5
Waaaa ...poor Minki..... but still so adorable :3
So freakin cute and Ren should stop watch at Chucky before he go and sleep :P I think I dreamed about Chucky too one night but it wasn't a nightmare lol xDD But I understand I hate nightmares too.
I don't remember my dreams

nightmare, hmmmm naah don't want it
He Is the most adorable little thing ever! MINKI, Y U SO FRIGGIN CUTE?!≧◇≦
AptonKey #9
............*runs away* "not dealing with this" "my share of nightmares is over"