A Thing I Found Interesting

Okay so I'm friends on Facebook with a guy I went to my 11th grade homecoming dance with (that's actually how we met was on FB).

Anyway, for some reason, I was on Eat Your Kimchi's website and on the side bar, it had the "like on FB" link to it. And usually if your friends like something on FB, it shows.

Well this guy's name was on the list of my friends that likes Eat your Kimchi.

And I was like "wait, this can't be right. How does he know about EYK?" 

He's not Korean, he's not even Asian.

So I did a little "digging" aka stalked his profile briefly and found out that indeed, he likes EYK on FB.

So now I'm like "how in the world did he find out about them?"

I'm tempted to ask him, but we haven't spoken in....3 years so it'll be kind of awkward to suddenly start talking to him and be like "btw I see you like EYK. How do you know about them?" lol


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Lol, just ask. I would. xDD
FB has shown me some surprises, too, lol, but nowadays I only use it to play games, hehehe
Lol thats kind of like how i feel bc theres this girl who was the vp of a club i was in. And i kinda dont like her but we're friends on fb, and im pretty sure she has no interest in kpop, but when i was on allkpop' fb i saw her name on the list of friends who also like allkpop