Take This Job And Shove It

I haven't felt good in over a week. I threw up at work before my shift started, today. I was going to go home but stupidly decided to stay. Then I had a small confrontation with a problem person--one that I had discussed with my boss previously and been told by my boss this is a problem person. Problem person then goes to my boss and says I was rude to her. I am shy, timid, and scared of confrontation. I find it hard to believe I was rude. So boss says to me that I have to work with this problem person. ugh. 

I called my hubby and told him I couldn't do this job anymore. I wanted to quit. But he said this is probably the least stressful job I'll find. He's probably right. It is only 2 hours and 35 minutes 5 days a week, no weekends, no summers. But I know I'm basically disabled and can't work. He doesn't believe it because it's not something he can see or understand. 

So I just cried. blah. 

I have to go back to work monday and this problem person now knows she can do whatever the hell she wants, despite being told not to. Maybe she can manage to get me fired. That would work for me. 


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Littlestarexo #1
Yah! how dare she!? I dont like her even if i dont meet her, the things that you said make me think she is like a witch... No! liar witch >< dont make your self upset, she gets what she deserves someday!
Wow.....karma is an awesome thing.
yikes! that woman sounds like a babe without the "abe" and followed closely by an itch! i believe in the saying - what goes around, comes around. she'll get what she deserves someday.