My real OTPs in Teen Top revealed..? XD

I sent my friend a message about all the Teen Top couples I've written about.. and I think the results are a bit shocking. Out of all my stories that are put up, here are the couples I've written about the most, and a number indicating how many stories I have with said couple : 

1. Rickjoe (11)
2. Chunjoe (7) 
3. Changjoe (6)
4. Changrick (5)
5. Nap (4)
6 / 7. Changji / Chunrick (3)
8 / 9. Chap / Chuniel (2)
10 / 11 / 12 / 13. Capjoe / Nieljoe / Nielrick / Caprick (1) 
14 / 15. Capji / Changniel (0) 
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
I knew Rickjoe would be #1, but I had no idea it would be by that much XD. 11 stories with Rickjoe...*Still refuses to accept them as my OTP*  
I counted the couples even if they were very minor in the story. (So if Changjo had unrequited love for Chunji, and they never even got together, I'd still count it XD).
 This list is just really weird to me. I don't see how I've never put up a story with Capji or Changniel before xD. Oh well. I think I have at least five Changniel story ideas written down... just not put up yet^^ (But if we start counting story ideas, Rickjoe might soar from 11 to 25 or something XDD) 


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Haha, seriously you have lots of rickjoe ideas :D

Hope there's more changjoe :P
rickjoe! yeah, because rickjoe is a cute couple...
CosmoQueen #3
Cool!! Though you need more ChangRick up there XDDD And I'd really like to see some CAPJi too! *coughirecentlywroteonewiththemcough*
Haha Rickjoe is so adorable
LovingKitty #5
Lol..Rickjoe *^* cool tho!!
AptonKey #6
Hairy maclary