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You AFF username: Fishy4life

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Your character Name: Park Sara

Nickname(s): S-Kwon (Onews horrible nickname for her because he thinks she's the new girl version of her brother DongKwon)

M /F?: Female

Age & DOB: 18 (November 05,1994)

Ethnicity: Korean

Background: Sara was born in Gwangju but raised in Seoul, Korea. She was a good kid along with her older brother, and always loved to be active. Sara always respected her parents and up till this day never talked back. As a kid she was bullied before her brother told them to back off. Her and her brother always got along and she was the only one in the family who knew he was in a gang. She is close to the gang members, because they are like family. Sara never really liked to get in trouble so she did what she was told. A couple months ago her brother died and that’s when she changed. She was probably the one who was most affected by it. She started not caring so much about her grades and soon started to skip some classes. It started becoming worse as she hung around more with the fellow gang members and Eunjung more. She started to drink, but not a lot, she still controlled herself. She learned how to fight and protect herself because her brother was no longer there to protect her.  

Family members/ friends:

Father (Park Jo Han/46) & Mother (Park Miyeon/44): They tend to always be busy with work so they don’t get as involved with their children. They didn’t even know that their son was a leader of a gang, Since Mrs. Park was a College Western Studies Professor, she was always interest in the western part of the world. She named Sara because of the fact she had always liked that name. It was to them the gang members where just his good friends. When their son died they were torn because even though they didn’t get much involved they still loved him.  

Older Brother (Park Dong Kwon/19 - Deceased): He was the Gang leader of a gang whose members all respected him. He was known all over among different gangs and was highly respected but there were a few who despised him. No one knew his background only his trusted gang members and close friends. Dong Kwon was smart and very clever so he was good at making all kinds of deals. He loved his sister and never wanted her to become like him. He would do anything to protect her and see her happy. He was killed by another gang leader who hated his guts, (his reason was unknown). They say it was a stabbing and beating.


Onew& the gang: He was in DongKwon’s gang and his best friend. Onew was a childhood friend, so he’s also close friends and second older brother for Sara. He became the gang’s new leader. The gang is always nice to Sara and like to take her out for some fun.

EunJung: She’s EunJung’s best friend and partner in crime. Eunjung was always there for Sara. EunJung was though also part of a gang, but a small one. EunJung actually got expelled before Sara, so when she heard Sara was coming to her school she was excited. 

How are you problematic?: Ever since her brother died she became problematic. She often gets in trouble for being caught at local bars and clubs late at night. Even got caught gambling in casinos once.

What are you like in school?: She's smart so she gets good grades and doesn't really disrespect her teachers, but if a teacher/class annoys her, she skip that class and just not do the work. She skips a lot just so she can go sleep on the roof.

Best and worst subjects

Best:  Math, Art, P.E 

Worst: History, Science

Appearance: she very pretty and has big brown eyes. She has Long brown her and an eye smile that can make people think different of her.

Name of the ulzzang/model/person: Lee Eun Hye (aka Jung Roo)

Personality: Sara has a quite strong personality, especially after her change. Before she was a weakling who got pushed around, but after her brother’s death she became more confident and stronger. Her brother always told her to not let herself be pushed around to be stronger and this is what he meant, this is what she thought he wanted for her. She likes to have fun and do things that interest her the most. She can be quite stubborn. Sara is one who'll be nice if the person is nice to her and doesnt get on her nerves. Sara is outgoing and loves to play around so she doesn't often lose her temper.Sara doesn't like fighting without reason because it makes no sense to her, why fight for nothing? She doesn't like violence but will fight if the situation demands it. When it comes to dogs and kids she can't help but act childish, she loves playing with them. She likes to prove people wrong when they put her down, especially for being a girl. 



*Spicy Food

*Winning by proving people wrong


*Floral Earrings

*Soccer Players

*Going Out

*Animals  (has a soft spot for animals especially Dogs)




*Using Drugs (doesn’t consider Alcohol a drug)


*Annoying teachers



*Arrogant/Cocky Jerks



*Easily distracted in boring classes

*Tends to make a fuss when being picked up or carried (feels helpless)

*Blow her bangs when bored

*Becomes childish when there’s a kid around

*Looks somewhere and bites her lip when nervous  


Love interest?: Lee Donghae ^^

Their personality & your relationship: Donghae is quite childish and knows how to have a good time. He’s athletic and very active. He can be sweet, but also a bit of a show off. Him and Sara start off a bit rough, and have more or a hate/love relationship. They flirt without realizing it, before they actually notice they have strong feelings towards eachother.

Anything else?



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