My Heart Has Rusted Application


AFF Name: Fishy4life

Character's Name: Park Miyoung

Nick Name:  Sara (prefers to be called this),  Miyo (Onew’s nickname for her)

Birthday/Place: June 2 / Daegu, Korea

Age: 19 (19)

Race: Human

Ethnicity: 100% Korean


Sara was born in Daegu, Korea and moved to Seoul when she was 9 because of her stepfather’s new job as a professor. She lived with her Stepfather (Japanese-Korean man named Kim Hasabe), her mother (Park Ji Yoon), and her older brother (Park Sang Min: older by 6yrs). She never met her biological father (Park Taewon), he just disappeared not saying where he was going. The only thing that lets Sara know he still remembers her is a birthday present sent every year by mail. Her mom got remarried when Sara was about 8. Sara has always been very fond of her step-father and even learned Japanese through him. Her older brother Sang Min and her were always on good terms and didn’t fight much. He would always look after his sister. After a night of not coming home, he came back only for two days before he packed and ran away, again leaving Sara and her family without a say in where or why he was going. All that he left was a note telling Sara not to come look for him. A couple years later, after Sara was coming home from a friend’s house late at night, a couple of hungry vampires (not yet showing there fangs though.)  started to surround her. Luckily, she was saved by another stranger figure, who scared them away and ran off only after giving her a quick glance to see if she was ok. During that fight Sara saw the fangs come out and swore that the stranger was her older brother, though she refused to believe what she saw. Now she lives alone in an apartment in Seoul, and is studying in the University of Seoul.


Sara is the type of girl that doesn’t like sitting around and doing nothing. She enjoys working and being active. She likes to go out and have fun, and is all for trying new things. Sara always likes to sometimes joke around and have a good laugh even when she’s hard at work. She is very outgoing and isn’t afraid to stand up for what she thinks is right. She is someone who doesn’t like to judge people based on their appearances or what they do. She thinks that people always have a reason for doing something, even though the way it’s done isn’t the best. After a day of working, she likes to walk outside and just stare at the stars, she finds it relaxing. Sara can be pretty stubborn and doesn’t like to give up. Sara can also be pretty persuasive when it comes to getting what she wants. She’s someone who doesn’t like to be looked down on and is willing to prove it. She is good at hiding her true feelings and not can be pretty restricted about herself.





Picture links:

Ulzzang/Model's name:  Lee Eun Hye (Jung Roo)




·         Strawberries– she could eat them no matter what time it is.

·         Star Gazing– makes her feel peaceful and she loves the view.

·         Doing something/ Being Active – she likes finding something to do, whether its going somewhere new or volunteering, or even just taking a stroll.

·         Dogs– she loves animals especially dogs, acts pretty childish around them.

·         Soccer– her favorite sport

·         Kids– She loves playing with them, just adore them.

·         Dancing– Dancing is how she likes to relieve stress and have fun.

·         Taking Risks- she not afraid to take risks, she likes challenges


·         Thunderstorms– the sound of thunder and sight of lightning just freaks her out.

·         Mushrooms– She’s highly allergic

·         Smokers/Heavy Drinkers – She find them to be wasting their life by killing their insides

·         erts– thinks these guys should really have more respect towards girls

·         Backstabbers– thinks no one should be backstabbed

·         Being Sick– because people  force her to rest when she wants to be out doing something



·         Jumps when someone sneaks up from behind her

·         Talks in her sleep

·         Taps her finger when she’s thinking

·         Puffs out her cheeks when she’s bored

·         Listening to Music on blast while cleaning


Can break dance

Can speak Korean, Japanese, and only basic English

Can cook all kinds of foods

Good at Persuading people.


Vampiric Information:

How/Who You'd like to turn you:

Turned by Mir or Kim Jonghyun, I don’t have an Ideal scenario though..



Partner: Mir <3

Would you like a triangle? I’m ok with either a triangle or not. If you’d like a triangle I’d pick Shinee’s Kim Jonghyun.

Scene requests: none

How you met/know each other/will meet:

A few days ago Sara saw a flyer for donating blood at the local hospital, so she decided to go donate some blood.  Mir was going to the hospital too; his friend (vampire) got a job as a doctor at the hospital and gets to help out with the annual blood donations and promised to give Mir a pint of some ones donated blood. In the hospital Sara had just finished giving blood, so she started heading out, Mir who had just finished receiving the blood from his friend, was trying his best to hurry out of there because he was starting to feel sick seeing needles and blood everywhere. Trying his best to get out, he wasn’t really paying attention to where he was going and bumped into Sara. He sees her arm and the blood stain that had passed through the band aid, and that was all he needed to make him rush to the men’s room. Sara wanted to make sure he was ok so she waited for him to come out, and when he did he felt better, they got something to eat, walked around and made conversation before Sara had to attend a class.


Shinee’s Onew: Vampire (secretly till she finds out about the existence of vampires)

MissA’s Min: (Human)



Anything Extra: nope



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