50 Facts About Me.! keke

Hey all. Got a little free time so imma go some of these blogs I've been meaning to do but haven't had the time. So expect a few different posts from me today. The first one will be this. 50 facts about me.
Hope you guys enjoy this.! Ok.! Let's go, fighting.!
50- My middle name is Elaine and it's because of my great aunt I never got to meet. She and my mom were really close though.
49- I'm bi ual and very proud of this. My baby girl is my everything. 
48- I work full time during the day then go to college at night to be a Medical Assistant. 
47- I am TERRIFIED of thunder. It's quite funny to everyone who knows me because I'm not easily scared.
46- Scary movie are the best.! I love loooove a good horror thriller :)
45- I live in an apartment with 3 other girls and I'm the 'man of the house' lol they're all a bunch of sissies. Bug in the house.? Get Jennifer. Scary noise.? Get Jennifer lol I'm serious.
44- I love the Japanese and korean language. I took Japanese for 3 years in high school.
43- I hate HATE mornings. I am not a morning person in any way. 
42- winter is absolutely the worst season in my opinion. I hate it. It's cold and dreary...plus snow. 
41- I detest snow. If it never snowed again I would be happy.
40- I have an addiction to hoodies, toe socks, and Gatorade. Lol
39- I'm the youngest out of my brother and sister. I'm 10 years younger than my brother and 9 year than my sister lol I'm the baby.
38- I'm allergic to cats :/
37- my most favorite animal ever is the.......*drum roll* Elephant. Dude I love them. I want one. Just ahhh so cute :)
36- I am 5'9 or 69 inches tall.
35- my birthday just passed making me 22. Geez I'm getting old lol
34- Halloween is my favorite holiday 
33- migdet clowns freak me out....a lot.
32- I lived in Arizona when I was younger. I think up until I was six or seven. Although I was born here....lol
31- I want to go to Greece, Egypt, Australia and Korea.
30- I have never been to the beach...I'm always up for a road trip though ;) 
29- long car rides put my to sleep.! They just knock me OUT.
28- I'm very very flexible.
27- I can not swim. Seriously me and water just don't mix. I'll drown. Lol
26-I have a tattoo of an elephant sleeping on the moon. Its on my left shoulder blade.

25- I am not ticklish. At all. Anywhere. Everyone tries to find a weakness but I really don't have one. Well I guess I do...if you get my knee just right it works but only my brother can do it lol seriously evrryone tries but nope. 

24-  I have a very strong personality so most people don't really know how to handle/take me.

23- I've been called an enigma more than I can count. I say one thing do another.

22- I don't like tomatoes. Yuck.

21- I absolutely love olives though...lol

20- I am extremely protective. Ask my girl how many times she's had to drag me out of a store or restraunt to keep me from pouncing on someone. Lol

^ would totally be me...

19- I have the habit of playing with my hair almost constantly. Even if I go through all the trouble to put it up all fixed...I'll still end up taking it down to twirl little sections with my fingers. Half the time I don't even know I'm doing it...

18- I can't draw to save my life. 

17- I'm a human jukebox. Not that my singing is any good...but hey.

16- I hardly ever watch tv. Like the only show I ever really even want to watch is the Big Bang Theory. I feel like Penny lol

15- my favorite Disney character is Mickey Mouse.


14- I don't like Minny though....

13- my headphones are almost constantly in my ears. Sometimes I catch them still in even though nothing is playing. ...like right now.

12- I don't usually crave sweets but when I do I want kitkats, twix, or butter pecan icecream.

11- I love spicy food. The spicier the better.

10- I'm running out of facts lmao

9- I have very little patience especially with waiting. 

8- I almost wasn't born. I was going to be aborted until my mom heard the heart beat. She says I saved her life because she knew she wouldn't be able to live with the guilt she was going to go home and kill herself after it was done. Everything changes with a heart beat. She cries everytime she talks about it.

7- I'm sarcastic by nature so don't take me personally lol 

6- my hair is naturally black and I have green eyes like my moms.

5- I dislike the color red...

4- purple, green, and orange are my favorites though.

3- I'm deathly allergic to all melons. I almost died once on a field trip because my little group of friends wanted to share a honey dew smoothie. Clearly I'm super slow because I did not know honey dew was a melon.....

2- I have horrible HORRIBLE balance. 

1- the past 49 facts have all been lies.!! Muahahahahahahahahah.......jk lol they're all true.


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b1acksharpi3mark3r #1
I'm also allergic to melons! And lots of other fruit! Not deathlyallergic or anything though...
oh wow really? you can't have melons? i love melons and i would be so sad if i was allergic to them ;n; also that story about your mom and the heart beat was really sweet <3 im glad you were born and your mom is alive~!!
haha i laughed at that gif of that guy punching those other two guys out xD it was funny i pictured you doing that c: