⌘Nexus || Choi Harumi'

 Rich music scene in the Bay Area






Before We Get Started …

Username: -naegatokki

Activeness: 10.

What should I call you?: Hana


Only One

Name: Choi Haru

Other Names: Harumi (Japanese)

Nicknames: Haru (I guess this is a nickname), Tokki

Age: 21

Birthday: 08/19/92

Ethnicity: Korean-Japanese

Birthplace: Osaka, Japan

Hometown:  Incheon, South Korea

Languages: Japanese & Korean (Both fluent)


I’m So Hot

Ulzzang: Lee Hyeri

Pics: (There's no galleries, sorry) 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15

Back-Up: Ulzzang: Choi Jinri / Sulli

Pics: Gallery + 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5

Appearance: Harumi's natural height (without insoles or heels) is actually a surprising 168cm, meaning that her weight of 54kg is perfectly healthy. She's also naturally pale, which shows when she has her natural dark brown hair color but it fits with whatever color she dyes her hair, especially blonde or light brunette.

Style: She's a real girly, tokyo stereotypical doll. She'll wear some really cute outfits that fit her childish attitude and are bright colors such as pink and yellow, normally this is what she would wear if she had a choice and no schedule but being a sensible person when it comes to her work, Harumi will tone down her style and wear the regular sweat pants and shirt for training. This doesn't always mean her sneakers will be dull and boring too, in fact she'll normally wear a bright pair to contrast with the rest of her outfit. Harumi's favorite color to wear is of course pink but she does strangely enjoy wearing greys and blacks too. Despite being incredibly sweet with her fashion, she collects a lot of sneakers and oversized jumpers as they are her favorite to wear purely because they're comfortable and the worst thing for Harumi is to be wearing something that she's not comfortable in. 1 - 2 - 3 -4 - 5

Extras: Harumi has a large scar on her hip from her childhood when she fell from a branch, she's not afraid to show this though. Her ears are both pierced multiple times and her navel too from a slightly crazy idea she had while visiting friends in Japan.


I am the Best

Personality: Harumi is an extremely positive person, she always looks for the good in a situation even if there is none and she'll cheer up the atmosphere with her bright smile and bubbly personality. She's probably one of the most creative people out there and if she cooks something, you probably don't want to eat it as it'll have some weird ingredient in the mix which will end with one of the members sick for the night. If anyone has a problem, they'll probably go to her as a last resort because despite being overly optimistic, she's not that great with advice and sometimes causes more trouble than there was to start with. Harumi finds it hard to sit still as she's such an active and bouncy kind of person, she'll constantly move around and make faces at the camera or mess with the other members while on a show.

Even though she's a sweet and happy go lucky person, Harumi can also be stubborn and quiet towards people that she doesn't know too well or trust enough. She's mostly stubborn about her dancing as she does her best to get it right so when someone dares to say a bad word against her, she'll become moody instantly and though she won't start an argument, she'll make it known to the person that she's not a happy bunny. Due to previous events, Harumi is very shut off and cold towards people that she doesn't trust.

Likes: + Bright colors

+ Plushies, especially large ones

+ Anime's

+ Visiting Japan

+ Going for long walks

+ Fruits, especially kiwii and strawberries

+ Banana milk

Dislikes: + Cheesy dramas

+ Carrots

+ Coffee

+ Being compared to others

+ Insects

+ Fish, both as food and as a pet

+ Awkward interviews

Habits: + Chewing her sleeves when she's concentrating

+ Talking even louder and faster when she's nervous

+ She talks in her sleep, not so surprisingly

+ And she kicks the bed, the covers off of the bed and anything close to her when sleeping

Hobbies: + Soccer, she used to play it as a child

+ Painting / Drawing

+ Cooking, although it's not always a great taste

+ Playing musical instruments, piano + guitar

Fears: + Loud noises, not so great at concerts or award shows

+ The dark, they have to sleep with a light on in the dorm


+ Her idol is Bom of 2NE1

+ She tried out for YG Ent. previously

+ She admits that Sungyeol is her bias

+ As a child she was very active

+ She visits Japan every so often and has a few friends there as well as family

+ Her father calls her 'Tokki' because she reminds him of a bunny

+ Everyone else picked up on this and it's her official nickname

+ She took singing lessons when she was in Middle School

+ She has a Cockapoo puppy called Miso

+ Her favorite subject in school was music

+ She often takes long walks to clear her mind

+ Harumi helped out with charities during her High School years

+ Everytime she visits Japan, she spends her money on clothes

+ She has a large collection of sneakers

+ She started dancing at a young age

+ Her first pet was a rabbit

+ She visited London once with her father but struggled to understand anything



Dear My Family

Background: Harumi was born in Osaka, Japan and stayed there with both of her parents until she was four years old when her father decided that he would rather move back home to Incheon shortly after her mother died of a long illness. Harumi doesn't remember her mother much and most of the memories that she does have aren't very happy ones. When she moved back to South Korea, she was extremely quiet and her father struggled to get her to talk to anyone unless he was there with her and even then it was a hard job. Eventually, by the time she was seven she had come out of her shell and freely spoke to people with her improved Korean. It was then that her father decided to treat her to her first pet, a rabbit that she called Noodle. Shortly after her seventh birthday, Harumi found that dancing helped her to express herself even more and over the years it helped her to bring out her loud and childish side. When she eventually auditioned for Woolim, her dad supported her the entire way and promised to be her biggest fan no matter what happened.


Dad | Choi Changsun | 52 | Lawyer | He's a very caring and loyal father to Harumi, he promised to look after her and tends to keep that promise no matter what. Changsun would do anything for his daughter and shares his optimism with her. | 5

Mother | Choi Ayame | (Dead) 34 | Teaching Assistant | Ayame was a very gentle and kind woman, one that wanted to help everyone that needed it and loved her daughter more than anything on the planet. Ayame spent most of her time with her family until she died.


Choi Minho | 21 | Idol | Minho's a really sporty and active guy, he's always doing something and if he isn't he'll be the one complaining. He's extremely caring towards his fellow members and friends of his. | 3

Noh YiYoung 'E-Young' | 21| Idol | Yiyoung can be extremely dorky, hilarious and loud all at the same time. She's a musical prodigy and it shows in her natural creativeness when she suddenly comes out with a strange idea or doodles all over a blank sheet of paper. | 4

Best Friend: Lee Sungjong | 20 | Idol | Sungjong likes to think of himself as 'manly' but in fact...he's not really. He's sometimes really quiet and then other times he can be louder that Harumi herself but he's really the sweetest little thing. | 5

How you met: Sungjong and Harumi met while they were both trainees as their schedules often overlapped so over the duration of their trainee time, they became good friends and once Sungjong debuted they continued to become closer until they were officially best friends. 

Rival: None



I Love You

Love Interest: Park Chanyeol | 21 | Idol |Much like Harumi, Chanyeol's a loud and optimistic person. He's not afraid to stand out against others, in fact most of the time he aims just for that. He's really caring towards the ones he loves, apparently s say he's romantic | Chanyeol and Harumi meet during her first music show, when the girls are first debuting and he instantly takes a liking to them, he introduces himself to each of them along with his fellow members but once they've exchanged numbers etc. he's only interested in Harumi, who doesn't really want to get involved just yet.

Back-Up Love Interest: Lee Sungyeol | 22 | Idol


Power of Music

Stage Name: Haru

Persona: Tokyo Doll


( ) Main vocalist, Sub Dancer

(2) Lead Vocalist, Face of the Group

(1) Triple Threat, Lead Dancer

(4) Main Rapper, Sub Vocalist

( ) Main Dancer, Vocalist

(3) Lead Rapper, Vocalist

( ) Lead Vocalist, Sub Dancer

Fanclub Name: Dolls

Fanclub Colors: FB094E + 09FBCB (Sorry, it won't let me add a background color)

Trainee History: Harumi first started her trainee years at the age of seventeen, during her first year at high school which caused some troubles as she struggled to keep up with her school work - she was previously top of her class - and also reach her goals as a trainee. Harumi knew that she had to sacrifice certain things in order to follow her dreams but she didn't expect to fail her classes in her first year of High School. By the time it was her second year, she had become more used to the routine and improved her grades drastically. Harumi also pushed herself to improve her dancing as her trainee years continued, as well as her singing. By the time that Infinite had debuted, she was a little upset although happy for her best friend, she felt as though she should have been debuting in a girl group. This also pushed her to do even better.

Trainee Years: Four

Pre-Debut Activities: Paradise MV by Infinite, various modelling jobs

After Debut Activities: MC for Inkigayo and actress.

Other: Harumi's accused of dating Sungyeol because she said he was her favorite, she's then caught sneaking out of the dorm late at night.

Talents: + Acting

+ Able to roll her tongue

+ Can make her eyes really big

+ Impressions

Weaknesses: + Harumi struggles to keep herself to herself, if she likes another Idol, she'll probably blurt it out

+ She doesn't always listen to the managers

+ She's not naturally good at rapping, she has to practice a lot

+ She struggles to keep quiet and lie about things in interviews


Interview Time!

Have you gotten plastic surgery?: No, definitely not. I'm 100% natural.


Would you consider leaving the group for a solo career?: Never! They're my family, I couldn't leave them.


Who or what is your ideal type?: Ideal type...is Sungyeol sunbae.


A band you look up to?: Infinite sunbaes? And 2ne1 sunbaes.


Any rumors you’ve heard about yourself?: Not that I've heard.


What is your favorite variety show?: Hm, I like Hello Counselor


Any collaborations you would like to do?: Definitely a song with Bom sunbae-nim, please. Or another song with Infinite-H oppas.


A message to your future fans?: Annyeong my loves, thank you for your support so far and please continue to love us. We won't disappoint.


Goodbye Baby

Comments: Nothing right now,  but thank you.

Scene Suggestions: Hm...sorry, I can't think of any at the moment but if I do, I'll let you know.

Song Suggestions: 'Every Night' by Exid, 'Lonely' by Spica, 'Hasta Luego' by Tahiti, 'Don't Forget Me' and 'Expectation' by Girls Day, 'Miss You' by Tiny-G (maybe as a cute/y subunit?), 'Gun', 'Dolls' and 'Wild' by Nine Muses

Password: Monday to Sunday by BTOB


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