❉ R E I N C A R N A T I O N || Kim Haeyeon

Kim Haeyeon
Kim Haeyeon
Kim Haeyeon

Plotine Number: 6
Behind the Scene

Username: TheLandofBrownSugar

How should I call you: Anna

Activity Level: 4

The Heroine

Character Name: Kim Haeyeon

Nickname(s):  Hae (short for Haeyeon)

Birthdate + Age: April 11, 1992 + 21

Birthplace + Hometown: Busan, South Korea + Incheon, South Korea

Ethnicity: Korean

The Muse

Ulzzang Name: Park Hwan Hui

Link: Click~

Back up Ulzzang Name: Park Cha Hun

Link: Click~

Height (cm) + Weight (kg): 166 cm + 54 kg

Style: Haeyeon has chosen comfort over style ever since her childhood, but she is also the type of person to add something of her own to her outfits in order to make them more unique and stand out. She has a very relaxed style; not very into fashion or having the best clothes in the group. She is, however, proud of her style and likes to show this off. She wears jeans and shorts over skirts and dresses. Haeyeon never leaves home without some sort of bag, which may include objects such as her phone, wallet, a small bottle of water and such. She is a big fan of oversized jackets and simple jewelry, be it silver or gold. She often buys several pieces of the same material if on sale, such as single-colored clothing, jeans and tank tops. 1 2 3 4

Others: Both of her ears are pierced once, but she rarely wears any heavy or noticable accessories there due to her experience of losing them and/or pulling at her hair, which she finds annoying. She has a scar on the back of her neck from a mole removal surgery in 2003 and she has this silver heart-shaped necklace given by her mother as a memento of her.
The Present Princess

Major: Medicine

Affiliations *optional*: Tennis club

Hangout Place: The campus ground or the school library

Lifestyle: She's the obedient student who takes notes during every class and always quick to answer questions. A very kind girl who is happy to help others out whenever they need some, yet is always ready to take her place as number 1.

Others: Works part-time in a bookstore and at a flower shop close to her university

The New Lady

Personality: This girl can be described in various ways; smart, logical, rational, someone with common sense, obedient, stubborn - even a bit enigmatic - yet one thing she's not, is energetic or fun. She started maturing at a young age because she thought playing games was embarrassing and younger children just immature. She's always been very focused on the future, planning events several years ahead of her time. Her life consists of daily routines and she hates being interrupted or surprised without knowing anything about it beforehand.

Haeyeon is the student sitting in front of the classroom with her hand high up in the air at the end of each and every question coming from the teacher. She may seem a little arrogant with the way she answers at times, as if she knows everything, but secretly it brings her great pleasure to be right about something. She loves getting praise from others as it helps boost her self-confidence. She can be very awkward around those she's not familiar with, trying to be as independent as possible to avoid clinging onto others.

Rules are her guides on how to live your life. She follows them by the book and often insists on following them, especially when she sees someone breaking them and getting punished for it. She hates being punished and tries to be as obedient as possible to avoid it. Haeyeon is no fan of surprises and likes to keep things as simple and neat as possible.

♚ Literature
♚ Art
♚ History
♚ Seasons
♚ The smell of rain
♚ Online shopping
♚ Colors
♚ Movies
♚ Food

Disappointing her family
♚ Loneliness
♚ Confusion
♚ Pressure
♚ Alcohol
♚ Bad health
♚ Losing

♚ Graphic design
♚ Tennis
♚ Cooking

♚ Heights

♚ Her family used to travel each summer, usually somewhere tropical
♚ Favorite dessert is Chocolate Sundae ice cream
♚ Favorite colors are sakura flower, because they symbolize bravery and loyalty, and sunflowers because of their symbolism of focus and good luck
♚ She's a linguist; she loves languages
♚ Hates Italian food
♚ Finds Egypt and Canada beautiful
♚ Loves mythologies; especially Norse and Greek 
♚ She adores dak bulgogi
The Woman of Past

Background: Kim Haeyeon was born on April 11, 1992, to a chef and a housewife in Busan, South Korea. She is an only child and raised in a warm and loving home with a tight-knitted family bond. She was always aspiring to be the best, being a quick learner and an avid reader since early childhood. Both of her parents were rather intelligent and she wanted to follow in their footsteps and do something with her life. Her mother died at an early age, which caused a bit of a quake in Haeyeon and her father's relationship, but as time went by, he became more clear of his goal and returned to taking care of her as his own.

She has always been a very curious person and was often getting herself into trouble because of her sometimes reckless nature. This caused her to develope a more cautious way of doing things, becoming a lot calmer, but also a lot less adventurous, preferring the company of books over the company of nature. She became more distant when it came to friends and proper socialization, but she did have a few people she was quite close to, one of them being her best friend.

Family Members: 

Father ♚  Kim Jinwoo ♚  Caring, fun-loving, mature, affectionate ♚  Alive ♚  Haeyeon and her father have a very close relationship, especially after the death of Haeyeon's mother and Jinwoo's wife. He is always looking out for his only child and wants nothing but the best for her. He can be very protective of her, and she is always there to lend him a helping hand at his restaurant.

Mother ♚  Im Yejin ♚  Sweet, intelligent, calm, nurturing ♚  Deceased ♚  Haeyeon's mother was a lot like the person Haeyeon is today; she was always a very book-smart perfectionist who wanted nothing but the best for herself and others. She took good care of Haeyeon while she was still alive, although not very good as a cook.


(Best friend) Park Chanyeol ♚  Kind, lively, oblivious ♚  Alive ♚  They are best friends and have been close since their high school days. They're always there for each other and often offer advice or act as a listener/shrink if needed. They tease each other a lot and hang out as often as possible.

(Friend) Seo Joohyun ♚  Intelligent, quiet, mature ♚  Alive ♚  They often have study sessions together and Joohyun is actually very close to Haeyeon in terms of results and intelligence, though she is a few years older.

Kim Hyuna ♚  Cheerful, passionate, energetic ♚  Alive ♚  Haeyeon is Hyuna's tutor and they are sometimes hanging out together outside of school and tutoring sessions. Hyuna likes teasing Haeyeon about her relationship with Chanyeol, being good at reading others and is the only one who knows about it.

Her Other Half

Love Interest: Park Chanyeol

Back up Love Interest: Kim Jongdae (Chen)

Birthdate + Age: November 27, 1993 + 20

Major: Music

Affiliations + Others: Tennis club

Personality: Chanyeol is a very sweet and sensitive kind of guy. He can seem a little insecure and even childish, but he is always there to protect those he loves and help the ones in need. He has these big eyes which are easy to read and he finds it annoying to be unable to hide his emotions and what he's thinking about.

He is an optimistic and positive guy who gives off the impression of someone kind and friendly, which isn't far from the truth. He can secretly be very possessive and jealous, but doesn't show it very often. Chanyeol can actually be rather oblivious about things such as love and relationships. He is a very naturally flirty person and it's hard to see at times whether he has real feelings for someone or is just having fun, but he is secretly a hopeless romantic and can get very clingy whenever he's in a relationship.

Background: Chanyeol comes from a middle class family and was born on November 27, 1993, in Seoul, South Korea. He has an older sister, Park Yura, who is a news reporter at CBS. He used to be in a band during middle school and parts of high school, resulting in realizing what he wanted to in the future. 

Meeting: Chanyeol was Haeyeon's junior in high school. Due to his habit of day dreaming from time to time, his mother assigned Haeyeon as his tutor until his grades got back up. Chanyeol thought Haeyeon would be one of those boring geeks while Haeyeon thought of him as childish and irresponsible, but they soon found a connection and got talking in and out of sessions.

Interaction: Currently, those two are best friends, but Haeyeon has a secret crush on Chanyeol, which she's had ever since she was his tutor. Chanyeol thinks of her as an older sister and the closest person in his heart, but with his new girlfriend, he's gotten a bit of a weird feeling in his heart, like a tug everytime he sees Haeyeon, but he can't describe it and is feeling a little conflicted about everything.

Out of Topic

Scene Request: Chanyeol and Haeyeon having their first kiss. Hyuna confronting Haeyeon about her feelings. 

Questions/Comments/Suggestions: Thank you for reading, author-nim! If you have any comments or find any errors, please do not hesitate to tell me! ^^


layout credit. gifs credit to tumblr.


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first applicant! thank you for applying. ^^ i will post your app and review soonest.