Even in the back we can see you Baekho and Ren :)

They had this Coffee Chu opening event on Friday (where that cute picture was from I posted the other day) and according to pictures and what my Korean friend said who was there Baekho and Ren were together the whole time, they weren't even really talking to the others except she saw Baekho talking to JR a bit. It's funny because in the opening introduction they stood in line like they do for Sleep Talking (on the album cover etc), Baekho-Aron-Ren-JR-Minhyun, yet the whole time Baekho and Ren were together <3 Anyway I saw this fancam posted on tumblr, it's JR focused, but you can see a bit of Baekren in the back at 1:01. Sadly they stop recording when Baekho's arm moves. Not sure what he wanted to do there, but anyway, it's more than nothing and my shipping heart is happy :)





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StrawberrySweetCakez #1
Aww it cut off right when the good stuff was going to happen ):
yoaisummer #2
I c that Baekho hand all over Ren shoulder.:3