⚤ Retro ⚤ Retro-B ; Jung Taehyuk ; Rapping King

                                                           ( )  Retro - B



                                                    Jung Taehyuk ;   Rapping King ;  Main Rapper, Face of Group ; Lee Areum    

         basics; Wassup? .
                Name ¦ Jung Taehyuk
               Other names ¦ Adam (English)
               Nick-names ¦ Tae, Hyuk and sometimes goemul.
               Date of Birth ¦ June/14th/1993
               Bloodtype ¦ B

              Place of birth ¦ London, England
               Hometown ¦ Seoul, South Korea
               Languages ¦ Korean (Fluent), English (Fluent) and Japanese (Basic)
               Fashion ¦ Taehyuk is a typical guy, he doesn't always care about what he wears but sometimes he does like to look his best and show off to all of his fangirls (and fanboys). If he's having one of these days, Taehyuk will put in a lot of effort to look as handsome and chic as he can but he won't do it as much as the regular diva, Key, does. Normally he's seen wearing a lot of black, sunglasses and all sorts of caps especially if he's having a bad hair day or just too lazy to do anything to it. Sometimes he really does hate the things that the stylists put on him, mostly because it could ruin his reputation or make him look idiotic, but he'll never complain and he'll do his best to make the horrible outfit look good.
               Other¦ He has his ear pierced, but he was only brave enough to have one done. (his left ear)


  basics; How do I look? .
              Faceclaim ¦   Kim Myungsoo             

               Gallery ¦  Here
               Back-up Face Claim ¦ Hwang Minhyun
               Gallery ¦ Here

  deeper; Do I know you?
               Personality ¦ Taehyuk's a pretty normal guy, he doesn't do much to stand out against others and he doesn't often make a big deal about things or make himself the centre of attention. He knows he looks good so he doesn't feel the need to prove himself or look better, in a way this helps a lot for other members who feel they need to try harder but it frustrates others when he doesn't do much. Taehyuk's always been naturally quiet, only getting involved or voicing his opinion when needed although when he's in an extremely good mood most people find he's more lively and engages in conversations freely without being forced into it. Even though he's a quiet guy, Taehyuk really cares for s and would most likely do anything to keep a smile on their faces.

One thing that stands out about Taehyuk is his musical ability, it's surprisingly good for such a quiet and introverted guy like himself. From a young age he could play the piano without difficulty after just months of lessons, he's also good with a guitar, violin and drums but none of them are a big interest to him and he would rather sit in a quiet room with his piano. Despite having a musical background, Taehyuk's dancing skills are terrible and everyone that knows him definitely knows this.
               Background ¦ Taehyuk was born and raised in England for the first five years of his life before his father felt like it was time that they returned to Korea where Taehyuk's sick grandmother lived. Although he was promised that one day they would return to London, they never did, even years after his grandmother passed away. It didn't matter to Taehyuk though, he could barely remember his childhood in England and he had easily made friends in Seoul. It was a few years after moving to South Korea that they discovered Taehyuk's musical talent and his parents supported him in his ambition to make a living out of this passion of his. At first it started with the piano but within a year he had moved to the violin then later the guitar. 

Taehyuk entered himself into a talent contest when he was just twelve after discovering that he was able to sing well enough for people to enjoy his music. It was at this talent contest that an SM scout spotted him and encouraged him to audition for the company. At first his parents weren't too happy about this idea but eventually they came around to the idea of their son training to be an idol and supported him during his audition process. After auditioning for both SM and YG twice, Taehyuk was accepted into the company at fourteen years old.
               Likes¦ + Sushi - especially salmon

                               + really cute girls / aegyo

                               + writing new songs

                               + spending time with his fellow members

                               + hot chocolate drinks

                               + late night movies
               Dislikes ¦ + waking up early

                                       + talking in front of a lot of people (he doesn't want to say something stupid)

                                       + marshmallows

                                       + green tea

                                       + when it's too hot / summer

                                       + horses
               Hobbies ¦ 1. Going to the gym / working out.

                                      2. Writing his own songs

                                     3. Basketball / Soccer

                                      4. Skateboarding


deeper; It's about connections, yo.
              Family ¦ Jung Changsun - Father - Accountant - Strict, Ambitious and Protective

                                    Jung Hana -Mother - Nurse - Caring, Gentle and Quiet

                                    Jung Seohee - Sister - Student - Loud, Immature and Hyperactive
              Best-Friends ¦ Choi Minho - Best Friends - Idol - Sporty/Active, Caring and Funny.
              Friends ¦ Choi Jinri - Close Friends - Idol - Sweet, Loud and dorky?

                                     Lee Hyunsu - Old Friends - University Student - Prankster, Childish and Loud.
              Rival ¦ Kim Kibum 'Key' - Idol - Diva? Dramatic but Caring. Although neither have bad feelings against the other, they do have a lot of competitions between one another as they're both the rappers and consider themselves the best looking in the group. They used to fight when Key first debuted and Taehyuk was a trainee but they don't anymore.

deeper; Romance is in the air .
               Love Interest + Gallery ¦ Park Jiyeon + Here
              Personality ¦ Jiyeon's really your typical sweet girl that would do anything for people that she cares for. She can be really funny and act like an idiot around those she loves then she can have a really serious and sometimes 'y' personality on stage. When she's in a good mood, she'll be the funnest person to be around at that time and she could make a room light up with smiles but if she's in a bad mood...then you should probably run for your life if you could be the reason behind the bad mood. 
               How do you act around each other? ¦ Jiyeon brings out the louder, funnier side of Taehyuk that no one really gets to see. He'll act like a real goofball around her and smother her with his love, irrational hugs and kisses included. Taehyuk isn't afraid to show his admiration towards her in public although he's not allowed to really admit it to the fans, he'll stand with her during music shows and say that she's his ideal type.
               Back-up Love Interest +Gallery¦ Lee Areum + Here
               Personality ¦ Areum's the cutest little thing, she could make anyone smile within a mile of her just with a quick glance. She's full of aegyo and everyone enjoys her bouncing around like a little puppy. Like Taehyuk, she's gifted musically and is really creative/artistic. Areum's extremely optimistic although she doesn't always say a lot when her optimism is needed.

               How do you act around each other? ¦ Taehyuk and Areum act like any cute couple would, she'll often pull at his cheeks and annoy him until he speaks to her but most of the time he doesn't and they'll sit in silence with eachother...which isn't really a bad thing when you have the lifestyle of an Idol.

               Love Rival+ Gallery ¦  None
               Persoanlity ¦               

              How you act around each other? ¦              

  Even deeper; Practice makes perfect right? .
              Stage Name ¦ Adam
               Trainee Years ¦ Five years
               Trainee History ¦ Taehyuk really didn't have any problems while training, in fact he was quite popular among the other trainees including some members of Exo, meaning that he's quite friendly with them when he's at smtown or any music show at the same time. Despite being popular with the trainees, he sometimes annoyed the managers with his lack of dancing skills and five years worth of training was definitely needed...but he still isn't great. When they felt like he was ready, SM often had Taehyuk help out at concerts and even had him as a back-up to anyone that couldn't perform when needed.
               Singing Twin ¦ Dongwoo
               Dancing Twin ¦ TOP

               Rapping Twin ¦ Dongwoo
               Talking Twin¦ Lee Joon
               Position¦ Main Rapper, Face of Group
               Back-up Position ¦ Lead Rapper, Maknae (I'll change the age if this is the case)
              Social Media ¦ Twitter (Adamretro), Instagram (JungAdhyuk)


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