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Kim Jooyeon
        I LOST MY MIND 当你走进我视线    






Username: TheLandofBrownSugar

Nickname: Anna

Profile Link: Profile

Activity Rate: 8.5



Name: Kim Jooyeon

Nicknames: Joo (short for Jooyeon; pretty much everyone)

Age: 19

Birthdate: 09 || 29 || 1994

Birthplace/Hometown: Paris, France / Incheon, S. Korea

Ethnicity: Korean

Languages: Korean, French, English



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Ulzzang Face Claim: Park Hwan Hui

Picture Links||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||

Backup Face Claim: Park Cha Hun

Style: Jooyeon has chosen comfort over style ever since her childhood, but she is also the type of person to add something of her own to her outfits in order to make them more unique and stand out. She has a very relaxed style; not very into fashion or having the best clothes in the group. She is, however, proud of her style and likes to show this off. She wears jeans and shorts over skirts and dresses.Jooyeon never leaves home without some sort of bag, which may include objects such as her phone, wallet, a small bottle of water and such. She is a big fan of oversized jackets and simple jewelry, be it silver or gold. She often buys several pieces of the same material if on sale, such as single-colored clothing, jeans and tank tops. 1 2 3 4 5

Others: Both of her ears are pierced once, but she rarely wears any heavy or noticable accessories there due to her experience of losing them and/or pulling at her hair, which she finds annoying. She has a scar on the back of her neck from a mole removal surgery in 2003 and she has this silver heart-shaped necklace as a memento of her first boyfriend.



Personality: The thing first that comes to mind about Jooyeon, is energetic and fun-loving. She's a mischievous little prankster who loves to amaze people with tricks involving optical illusions and mind-blowing experiments. This girl has different sides of her depending on her company; in public, she's calm, polite and filled to the brim with bright smiles and most often an enthusiastic attitude as well. She's hard-working and ambitious, resulting in a bit of a competitive perfectionist when it comes to her great passions in life.

In the privacy of close friends and family, Jooyeon is honest, outspoken and not afraid to speak her mind. She's bold, brave and athletic, but also a big dork who enjoys being the centre of attention. Still, Jooyeon is a humble and good-natured individual with an odd obsession with science fiction and magic. She's a bit of a geek at heart, having a great interest in comic books and alien collectibles. She's not fond of choosing sides during an argument, being one of the few times where she prefers sticking in the background and letting the argument solve itself, but steps in if things might get physical. She's a protector and a fighter, but no leader and is terrible under stress.

Jooyeon is like an open book; her emotions are as clear as day, especially her eyes which are very expressionate. She's a bit of a people pleaser, wanting to get along with everyone, and family and friends mean a lot to this girl. She's loyal to her peers and quick to forgive, which is often to her disadvantage. She loves children, but hates the work it usually involves. Playing with them and taking care of them, sure, but she's not the best cook nor does she want to be so. Even in stressful situations, she has a tendency of being a bit sarcastic in order to tune down the seriousness a little. 

While being playful, Jooyeon is also attentive and very gentle at heart. She is comfortable with her own body despite her need to be modest and can easily do a y or bad girl concept. She's smart, but easily stressed and besides sports, she's rather lazy when it comes to doing things. She'd rather lie down on her bed reading fanfiction on her phone than practice from time to time. She loves the outdoors. Every morning she goes jogging around or takes a walk along the bridge. She loves exploring and hiking, but hasn't had much time to do so after becoming a trainee. 


Background: Kim Jooyeon is the only daughter of a former tennis player turned chef and a former model turned housewife. She has an older brother, who's an actor, and grew up in a rather close family environment. Her father had been a famous tennis player during her early childhood, resulting in a lot of moving around. They settled in Paris for a while, where Jooyeon learned to speak French. After he got an injury during a match, he decided to retire and moved his family back to Incheon, where he and his wife were originally from. Jooyeon was a very active child, climbing in trees and getting bruises on her arms and legs from running around and falling somewhere along the way. Her brother was very into sports and involved her a lot of the time, but she never found anything that was truly hers until her mother told her about the potential of her voice.

Jooyeon spent a lot of time practicing her singing and also trying out for gymnastics and basketball. She'd post videos of herself doing song covers on the internet, where she got praise of viewers elsewhere. When Jooyeon's mother died when she was 15, her family went through a crisis. Her father stayed at work more often, her brother had moved out and she spent her time doing everything to distract herself. Her father eventually pulled himself together and took more responsibility of his family, but when Jooyeon revealed her dream of becoming a singer, their relationship became distant. After that, Jooyeon often seeked support from her brother, who was her personal cheerleader. She auditioned for SM Entertainment and was accepted through their 2009 Casting System, officially beginning her life as a trainee.

Likes: (5+)


→Comic books





→Being right about something



Dislikes: (5+)


→Someone stealing the spotlight

→Those who refuse to listen



→Great speed



→Cigarette smell


→Puts objects such as books and pillows on top of her head

→A closet cuddle (comes out in her sleep)

→Raps in the shower


Heights; it makes her feel insecure and as if she's not safe at all. She feels like falling and may refuse to move if victim of serious panic attack.

→Rollercoasters; she gets nauseous from sitting in them. They are a combination of heights and speed, some of her worst enemies.

→Being left behind; Jooyeon is a sociable person and the thought of abandonment makes her very sad and scared, especially after what happened to her mother.


Her favorite dessert is Chocolate Sundae ice cream

→Once, her family went to Egypt and her brother tried to "sell" her for a lot of camels (just teasing her)

→She adores dak bulgogi

→Enjoys sunflowers because they stretch towards the sky and symbolize focus and good luck

→Can be very dominant, especially around men

→When she was young, she used to buy Japanese fans and put them next to her pillow whenever she went to sleep because she thought of them as protector of dreams and that they would blow away the bad ones

→She has a dog named Dai

→Broke her leg as a ten-year-old due to crashing her bike down a hill during winter time

→Was a troublesome kid

→Has a partial, red-green colorblindness

→Donates blood almost every month

→Her hobbies include graphic design, collecting aliens and comic books, basketball and gymnastics

→She's ambidextrous and looks at it like an identity crisis (right or left, you know)

→Her brother is deaf

→Loves chicken A LOT




Father || Kim Jinwoo || 45 || Chef, former tennis player || Strict, future-minded, oblivious but loving || They have a bit of a mixed relationship; while they have a good father-daughter relationship, they also take a bit of a distance from each other due to their different agendas and ideas about future plans. They love each other, but disagree a lot and haven't had a proper conversation in a few years. ||

Brother || Kim Dongho || 23 || Actor || Creative, immature, good listener, smart || They are very close and always there for each other. After Jooyeon and her father's disagreement, she often went off to spend some time with Dongho. She feels like she can count of him, and he has always been very protective of his little sister, especially when it comes to her love life.

Best Friend:

|| Choi Sunmi || 19 || Dancer || Sweet, gentle, childish, cheerful || They met at the end of elementary school, when Sunmi transferred to their class from Ulsan || They are an odd couple. They love teasing one another and talk about pretty everything, yet they are each other's rival, but also fake sister and significant platonic other. They are very open and don't hide much from the other person. || 


|| Lee Hyeri || 19 || Idol || Hard-working, tough, sensitive, romantic || At a fanmeeting || They are good friends and are almost found hanging out with each other and on Jooyeon's Instagram photos and such.

|| Park Chanyeol || 19 || Idol || Bright, positive, sweet, truthful || At the SM Entertainment building || They have a bit of flirty relationship, but it's completely platonic and they are not about to make anything out of it. They are both very energetic and honest, but are also different enough that they find new things to do around one another.


|| Bang Minah || 20 || Singer || Energetic, a little timid, brave, likes to laugh || Minah became jealous of Jooyeon when it became clear that she and Hyeri were rather good friends. Jooyeon is very jealous, but also admires Minah's talent and wants to be like her. Minah finds Jooyeon annoying, but does, in a way, acknowledge her hard work and obvious enthusiasm at fulfilling her dreams.



Trainee History: Jooyeon was always a very easy-going person and was quick to make friends among the other trainees. She loved making connections to other people, and often found it necessary in order to avoid the always feared loneliness of hers. A few found her a little clingy and even fake, but she was actually quite popular among her peers and was always a kind and sociable girl. She didn't really stick out much apart from her singing, but she did do a few dramas beforehand, which is why she was a little noticed by the media and online. She found the pressure to be tough and she was often stressed and on the verge of crying, but tried to keep it to herself and worked very hard to make her wish come true in order to prove to others the things she could do. 

Trainee Years: 4 years

Stage Name: Jooyeon


The Unique Vocal (Taken by me)

The Powerful Vocal

The Functional Rapper and Emotional Vocal

Fanclub Name: Joosters

Fanclub Color: Tiffany blue

Persona: Cool Charisma

Talents: Jooyeon is very flexible and knows how to play the piano and violin. She can also beatbox and make insane chicken sounds and laugh like a cliché evil villain.



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Love Interest's Name: Lee Howon (Hoya)

Nicknames: Ho-YAH! (often said in more private settings as a way of calling out his name)

How you met/meet: Hoya is at a fansigning with the rest of s. Jooyeon has been standing in line for a few hours and is very excited to get an autograph from one of her favorite groups. As she comes up to his spot and asks for his autograph, he accepts it, asking for her name. A little surprised, she says it to him and he replies, "What a pretty name."

How do you act around one another?: They are very different in personality, but they love to just go around teasing the heck out of each other and being annoying. Jooyeon admires him secretly and wants to get to know him better, despite his hesitance in the beginning. As they get to know each other, they realize just how much they have in common, and are slowly but surely getting more and more attracted to one another.


Backup Love Interest's Name: Kim Jongdae (Chen)

Nicknames: Jongie (it's short and much cuter than Jongdae, Jooyeon always teases him about)

How you met/meet: Chen is heading back when he hears this rather big voice down the hallway. Realizing one of the practice rooms are lit and considering how late it is, he gets curious and decides to check it out. He is surprised to find a trainee there so late in the evening, practicing in front of the mirrors. As the song finishes, she turns to turn it off and nearly jumps at the sight of him. When she recognizes him, however, it's nothing but an open mouth and a quick heartbeat going on. Chen himself feels a slight pull towards her, but ignores it in the favor of complimenting her before leaving her to pack her things.

How do you act around one another?: They have a close relationship and are good friends, but they are dancing about each other and being very hesitant about their feelings.



Comments: Thank you for reading, author-nim! If there are any mistakes, do not hesitate to tell me! ^^

Suggestions: None at the moment, sorry!

Scene Requests:

  • Hoya and Jooyeon sneaking out to go on a secret date together
  • Jooyeon getting into a scandal with a friend; love interest takes a bit of distance as he thinks it's true
  • Jooyeon bonding with the other girls; gaining a good friend or two along the way!
  • Getting into a fist fight with Minah! >:D
  • Jooyeon being possessive and rather dominant to Hoya/Chen because of reasons
  • Sunmi setting her up on dates with people from university with no luck

Password: For your eyes only.





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