spark ;// — danielle lee ;// -xtroublezz


( ` spark )
s p a r k l i n g  o u r  w a y  t o  t h e  t o p !

{  daniellelee }
{ the exquisite rose }

( ` oh dear creator! )

Username ¦ -xtroublezz
Activeness Level ¦ 9
What shall I call you? ¦ sara

( ` look who's here... )

Name ¦ Danielle Lee
Nickname(s) ¦ Hawaii [trainees in Starship calls her + because she is the only trainee from Hawaii that they know] | Dancer D [public including her members + she likes to introduce herself as that]
Age ¦ 18
Birthdate ¦ 15th July 1995

Birthplace ¦ Honolulu, Hawaii
Hometown ¦ Honolulu, Hawaii
Ethnicity ¦ Hawaiian- Korean
Language Spoken ¦ English [native language when grew up, she talks fluently with American accent] | Korean [native language when moved to Korean, her mother is Korean, she can talk semi fluently and tends to mix up words]
Height and Weight ¦ 168cm and 52kg
Blood Type ¦ AB 

( ` i twinkle, what to do? )

Ulzzang face claim ¦ Yoo Hyeon Jin
Back-up face claim ¦ Park Sung Sin

Style ¦ She always looks like she is walking out of a fashion magazine, she never dresses very comfortable and is almost constantly in heels. Sneakers or flat will not be her choice of shoe, though she is tall,  she prefer to wear heels. She wears tons of metal jewelry she typically has big designer bags with so many make up and accessories in it. She loves to wear her hair down, sometimes she'll make it into a bun or in a ponytail. Her favorite hair accessory is various type of jewelry headband. She will wear full make up when go out and she really does take care of her skin health. She wears spectacles but only at dorm, she'll wear lens when go out.

( ` what's inside the box? )

Personality ¦

On stage: She has special love for the spotlight, and the desire to be admired and loved is very dominant in her character. She loves the cameras and the flash and the lens that follows her movement. She is very touchy, and get emotional a lot more often than others. She can even shed her tears when singing a sad ballad. She sense of purpose for everything she does, and she is ready to endure anything if she feels the end result is worth it. Whatever routines or anything she is ask to do onstage, she'll do it obediently even when thats mean being touched or having seductive dance movement like in "Trouble Maker" or doing aegyo.

She will move in all directions to reach her destination, and this makes things possible for her that no other person around her can manage to pull off. Being active when on air with various facial expressions and body languages thats make the cameraman to capture her moment more. This also increases her money making opportunities, and she might well make her way into large money-making project in the future. She loves being in variety show a lot and always volunteer to go in if being ask to. But she has an innate feeling of insecurity and timidity. She don't like to talk about her weakness or show anything bad about herself when the tape still rolling.

Off stage: She is considered to be quite unsophisticated from the inside and prone to move around in search of the right opportunity. She don’t find it difficult to blend in the environment, and at the same time, is also quite attached to her family. She is a very defensive person, defensive of herself, her friends and family.  She is not intimidated that easily and can sometimes take an aggressive stand in order to protect herself emotionally from transgresses of others. Anyone who intentionally or unintentionally jeopardizes hers or her close ones’ dignity or self-respect, you will feel fended off or even pinned down. But if you persevere and gain her trust with time (which you most definitely will if your intensions are honest), you will be one of the protected.

She has strong likes and dislikes and preconceived notions.To top it all, she has a fascination for money and all the luxuries that it can bring to her feet. She also happen to be very emotional and often fall into the depths of nostalgia. No wonder she has an excellent memory, she hardly miss a piece of detail about her past. To her loved ones, she presents her most soft and mellow self. She also may overreact to incidents and tend to be very moody at times. But she is very sensual and can be the best of companion. She can get hurt by people around her very easily, but are in no way weak. She can strike back with equal force and venom.

Likes ¦





-Spicy food




Dislikes ¦

-Animal abusers

-Hot days

-Non spicy food




-Rude people

-Dark places

Hobbies ¦


-Customing clothes for other people

-Watching movies

-Listening to music


Habits ¦

-Happy || hugging something or someone

-Sad || can't hide my emotion, she might will cry silently and don't care if people see her tears

-Jealous || will do something that is more better, maybe trying to make others jealous over her more

-Confused || bites her lips

Fun Facts ¦

-Learnt wakeboard, snowboard, ballet, swimming and punching bag

-Can take a bite of 4 slices of pizza at once

-Had a month of Taekwondo training

-She does 5 sets of 20 sits up

-She once did a split while she was sleeping

-Considered as a Bagel Girl (Baby face but with glamorous body)

-Has never done plastic surgery on her face or any part of her body

-has a nice s- lines body

-loses her appetite when look at the performance outfit

-she is good in voice impersonation

-her room is decorated with wholesome of pink color

( ` dear my family )

Mother ¦ Jacquiline Lee // 44 // Chef // Alive

Father ¦ Lee Joongkook // 49 // Chef // Alive

Sister ¦ Dayana Lee // 17 // High School Student // Alive


Best friend ¦ Minwoo // 18 // Boyfriend


Friends ¦
Dasom // 20 // SISTAR

» K. Will // 32 // Soloist


Background ¦ Born in Honolulu, Hawai. Her mother is the original native that lived in the city since birth while her father is from Korea. They work as chefs and own a braches of restaurant in Hawai. When she was 14, they moved to Seoul, South Korea. It is according to her grandparent wish, specifically her father's parent. She is the eldest child in the Lee family. She has a little sister that currently study in high school. Her early teenage life is full of freedom and fun. Living in Hawai is different from in Korea. When in Hawai, her parent is open mided and wont fuss up about small things. They treat their child like a friends. She met many friends there but she knows how to take care of herself and her little sister. Back in Korea, things got a little strict with the observation of her grandparent. She didn't really get exposed to idol world. The only person that close to her and involve in Kpop things is her cousin, Semi, who is a Starship songwriter. She is sort of like her older sister but with different parent.

( ` the on-stage princess has arrived! )

Persona ¦ The Exquisite Rose
Stage Name ¦ Dani
Chosen Position ¦ Lead Dancer, Vocalist, Group's Image

Back-up Position ¦ Vocalist, Maknae
Personal Fanclub ¦ Danism
Fanclub color 
¦ FA0290
Training Years ¦ 3 years 5 months
Solo Activities ¦

» Lead actress in K.Will's Please Don't mv (2012)

» Lead actress in K.Will's Love Blossom mv (2013)

» Solo single, Secret Love (2012)

» Appeared in Running Man (2013)

Singing Twin ¦ KARA's Hara
Dancing Twin ¦ SNSD's Yuri
Rapping Twin ¦ n/a

SNS ¦ Twitter- @miss_initialD

( ` can this be love? )

Love Interest ¦ Sungjae

Age and Group ¦ 19 and BTOB

Personality ¦ He likes to cling, not in the bad way though. He likes to hang out with his hyungs and also do fun things together. He is also a hard worker but it seems like he knows that he doesn't play an important role. He is a really good performer but his hyungs are the main and lead making him not the main in anything. He loves to cry. He's also a soft hearted person too, he may not seem like it but he is, he is also hard to control so it would have been hard for people to grow close to him straight away.

Current Relationship ¦ Friends


Back-up Love Interest ¦ Changjo

Age and Group ¦ 17 and Teen Top

Personality ¦ He is a hard worker, definitely and he is competitive. He also respect people who have more experience than him. He seems strong and like a playboy but really he's just a shy and also so fragile. He gives it his all and does what he loves. He really just a cute little boy behind all that y photo shoots and fierce facial he has.

Current Relationship ¦ Friends

Love Rival ¦ Sohyun
Age and Group ¦ 19 and 4Minute
Personality ¦ Matured, Competitive, Smart. Her personality is matured than her age and her title as maknae.

( ` this is the finale! )

Comments? ¦ Hope you like Dani!^-^
Suggestions? ¦ They all should have their own solo single in the debut album :)
Questions? ¦ Waiting for review cuz I want to know if I make mistakes anywhere?
Scene Requests? ¦ Kisseu scene :*
And the last part.... Password? ¦ Step

( ` SUBMIT? )

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