⚤ Retro ⚤ Retro-G ; Park Miyoung ; Fiery Dragon

                                                           ( )  Retro - G



                                                         Yoo Miyoung ;   Fiery Dragon ;  Lead Dancer, Visual ; Huang Zitao    

         basics; Wassup? .
                Name ¦ Yoo Miyoung
               Other names ¦ Mingyu (Chinese name)
               Nick-names ¦ Miyu (this is what gave her the stage-name), Mimi (maybe by the maknae or another childish member?),
óng (Chinese for Dragon)

               Date of Birth ¦  january/15/94
               Bloodtype ¦ A+

              Place of birth ¦ Beijing, China
               Hometown ¦ Fangshang, Beijing
               Languages ¦ Chinese (fluent), Korean (fluent), Japanese (basic)
               Fashion ¦ Miyoung has a lazy attitude towards fashion despite being the visual. She's more than happy to let the stylists dress her for going to the airport or events because otherwise she might make a fool of herself or disappoint her fans for not being her usual 'fashionable' self. If it were up to Miyoung, she would happily go to the airport in a pair of sweatpants and an old jumper found in the back of her wardrobe. Miyoung prefers to wear sneakers over heels and being naturally tall helps her in this matter, she doesn't need to wear heels to gain height or look taller. Miyoung's natural style is quite laidback, casual and suits her personality. She prefers to wear jeans or shorts and a large jumper over frilly dresses and cardigans covered with sequins.  (1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10)
               Other¦ Miyoung has her ears pierced several times, four on one ear including her tragus. During her rebellious stage as a teen, she also had her navel pierced.


  basics; How do I look? .
              Faceclaim ¦  Hellovenus'  Nara
              Gallery ¦  here (i couldn't find any galleries on aff)
               Back-up Face Claim ¦ MissA's Suzy
               Gallery ¦ here

  deeper; Do I know you?
               Personality ¦ Miyoung is a bright person, anyone knows that from just looking at her. Anyone can see from the way her smile lights up a room that she is indeed an optimistic and charming young girl, she'll have people laughing within minutes of speaking to them or she could even have them falling in love with her lovely personality. If there's anyone that a member will talk to, it's going to be her, the optimistic and motherly figure for the other members who'll have advice lined up for them before they begin talking. As an only child, Miyoung became very mature at a young age as she was only around adults when she wasn't at the school, meaning she has a more motherly and sophisticated way of thinking or acting around the younger members. She'll always help them with their problems and cheer up anyone that has a bad day. She can sometimes be overly loud and bouncy for some people.

                                                Despite being overly cheerful and optimistic, Miyoung does have a few bad traits that can get her in trouble from time to time. She's extremely stubborn, almost to the point that no one dares argue with her because there's almost no changing her mind when she has an opinion. If a dance instructor says she's wrong, Miyoung will still believe she's right but most of the time she'll drop it. Miyoung can also be very critical of dancing, she doesn't mean to be but after dancing for so long it does sometimes slip out at the wrong time.
               Background ¦ Growing up in Beijing meant that most of the time, Miyoung wasn't alone or in a quiet place, resulting in her having such an upbeat and loud personality. Being an  only child also had its benefits during the years she spent living with her parents, she was extremely loved and cared for when she  returned from school or anywhere else she had been. Because of Miyoung's natural beauty and bouncy nature, she was rather popular while at school with boys confessing to her every other day. This had its downside though, some of the girls didn't like Miyoung during middle school and like most cliche stories they ended up picking on her for silly little things. The girls would claim that she was unnaturally tall, her nose was too big or that her hair was disgustingly long. Miyoung kept her head held high throughout all of this and acted as though none of this was important to her or that the girls weren't really saying mean things about her.

Truthfully, Miyoung had never been so happy when SM accepted her months later, meaning that she no longer had to stay there to listen to the comments while she walked down the hallway. Like any loving parents (that could afford it), Miyoung's agreed to move to Seoul with her so that she wouldn't be alone while she trained with the company and she would have a home to go to afterwards. Just two months after being accepted, Miyoung had moved with  both her parents to Seoul where she began her training years.
               Likes¦ + strawberry milk

                               + homemade foods (especially her mothers)

                               + going long jogs at night

                               + cheesy / cliche dramas

                               + visiting new places

                               + plushies, she has a slight obsession

                               + people going to her for advice, it makes her feel useful

                               + meat, another obsession of hers.
               Dislikes ¦ + seafood, she really hates it

                                       + birds, she has a slightly irrational fear of birds or anything that flies

                                       + not having enough sleep

                                       + sasaengs, they really bug her and she's more open to speaking about them

                                       + halloween

                                       + horror movies

                                       + cheese, just the smell makes her feel sick
               Hobbies ¦ 1. she goes jogging regularly

                                      2. soccer, she used to play it a lot as a trainee

                                      3. cooking, as the best cook in the dorm she does a lot of this

                                      4. painting, she'll do this while relaxing in the dorm


deeper; It's about connections, yo.
              Family ¦ Park Taehyun - Father - Doctor - Caring, optimistic and sensible

                                    Park Biyu - Mother - Personal Assistant - Intelligent, creative, energetic.
              Best-Friends ¦ Lee Taemin - Best Friends - Idol - Hyperactive, troublesome but friendly.
              Friends ¦ Jung Krystal -  Close Friends - Idol - Cold on the outside but really sweet and childish inside.

                                     Kwon Yumi - Friends - Student - Loud, a big dorky fangirl and funny.

                                     Oh Sehun - Friends - Idol - Quiet, can be mischievous but also really caring/protective.
               Rival ¦ Son Naeun - Idol - They're rivals due to the fact that they're both the visuals of their groups and almost every variety program compares them to eachother.

deeper; Romance is in the air .
               Love Interest + Gallery ¦ Huang Zitao + here
               Personality ¦ Tao's really a sweetheart when you get to know him, he can be a big child at times but he's always got others interests at heart. At first, people see Tao as a spoiled maknae and honestly he can be pretty spoiled by his other members but once they get to know him they see that he is infact a nice person with little intentions of being like that. Sometimes Tao can act a little full of himself and he does show off at times like these but at the time he doesn't quite  realise the things he's saying or how he comes across during interviews. He's really just the typical maknae, a little childish at times but really a caring  person.
               How do you act around each other? ¦ Tao and Miyoung are always together, they never leave eachothers side when they're at the SM building or alone together. They often hug and act cute around one another, pulling eachothers cheeks etc. However they do often tease one another.
               Back-up Love Interest +Gallery¦ Zhang Yixing + here
               Personality ¦  Yixing's everyones dream boyfriend, son and best friend. He's almost perfect in every way, charming and sophisticated as well as being extremely talented in the musical area. He's always open to helping out another member or just a stranger that requests he teach him a few dance moves, it's one of his weaknesses; saying no to someone. As well as being helpful and musically talented, Yixing is a really determined person and if he has his mind set on achieving something then he'll do anything to reach that goal.

               How do you act around each other? ¦ Yixing's overly protective of Miyoung, always checking that she has enough water or that the practice room isn't too hot for her while she's dancing. In return, Miyoung is caring of him and if he's ill or hurt himself while dancing she'll go to his dorm once her schedule's done and make him some food to remind him of home.
               Love Rival+ Gallery ¦  None.
               Persoanlity ¦ -
               How you act around each other? ¦ -

  Even deeper; Practice makes perfect right? .
              Stage Name ¦ Miyu
               Trainee Years ¦ Four
               Trainee History ¦ At first, Miyoung struggled with the basic trainee life even with her still living with her parents at the family home. Her father had taught her basic korean since a young age but she still wasn't fluent in it and struggled to speak to any of the trainee's until she met a few chinese trainee's that helped her to get along and then eventually when she was fluent in korean she made more friends. In her third year of training she began to attend concerts and covered as a dancer for any backing dancers or idols that couldn't be there.
               Singing Twin ¦ Park Chorong 
               Dancing Twin ¦ Eunji

               Rapping Twin ¦ Erin (if back-up position), None (if first position)
               Talking Twin¦ Shin Yoonjo
               Position¦ Main Dancer, Visual
               Back-up Position ¦ Lead Rapper, Face of Group
              Social Media ¦ Twitter (Miyu93), Weibo (Mingyuyu4)


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