I Need Answers! (Not Kpop Related)

Ok, well I enjoy dressing like a doll, wearing circle lenses to make my eyes bigger, and putting my hair up in cute hairstyles (including usually wearing cosplay wigs ^^)

Well, I got this from a YouTuber called VenusAngelic. (The pictures below are her)

I tend to look exactly like this everyday Clothes, shoes, makeup, hair, everything (except I am brunette unless I am wearing a wig that day):

Now for the main question I want you to answer is............ drumroll!!

Do I digust you or make you feel uncomfortable?

Does me doing this disturb you or anything?

Because every single day I get comments from strangers or anybody saying "Why would you want to do this or look like that?" "You're freaky!" "You are digusting" But I also get good comments from some including "You are so cute!" "Omg where did you get that outfit?!" "You are too adorable like a living anime".

My mom and most of my family accepts this I just would like to know your opinion on it please ^^

Thank you for answering I just want to know why? Could you explain your answer! Bye Bye~


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I honestly don't mind if anyone wants to wear lolita clothing. It's actually pretty cute and it's already its own type of fashion. However, don't expect to be a lolita forever.

I don't find it weird at all. Just go to Japan, no one will find anything weird. Their creativity is wild in Japan.

I'm 100% that the people that comment "that's so weird" have never once been to Japan (or understand Japan) and are more of Western thinkers. The doll-like obsession comes from a colonial mentality of wanting to look like a White Girl Doll. (But this will be too much so..)

Just do what you like. If people find it weird. GOOD. You don't need to get approval from anyone but yourself.
I think it's cute and a good way to express your individuality. :D
That's normal xD You like lolita. That's fine xD