Ren the Lady Gaga fanboy :)

He tweeted to a Lady Gaga fanclub a few days ago :P I love the lyrics he chose ;)








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YES!!!!! And his twitter bio is the lyrics to paparazzi her best song and just ... Ren kills me with how much he loves her ;-; It's something I feel I share with him. It's slightly overly sentimental, but I'm sure you understand the point. Haha xD. I desperately want to know what he thinks of her newest song 'Applause' though. The overly hopeful side of me wants to see him dance to it. What can I say ... I love Ren's Gaga moments ^^
RENS A FANBOY~!!! I love Love LOVE Lady Gaga xD
Alishaaye #3
I love this so much!!!
Honestly I was never a fan of Lady Gaga as a person,but gotta admit her music is good,sometimes inspirational and 'Born this way' is my fave song from her.No wonder she's Ren idol/role-model.
StrawberrySweetCakez #5
Lol love the lyrics he choose<33
AWWWW!!! He is such a cutie. Being all fanboy-ish and stuff. :')
giracrystal #7
my two favorite people!!
he shouted that he is gay(yeaaaaaaaaaaaah) to the world!! ahahha
yoaisummer #9
I love Lady GaGa and Ren also.
2minFTW #10
Lady gaga is so lucky to have him as a fan... =]]] jk.. I think she is the reason that Ren isn't affected by his girlish looks...
I was a fan of Lady Gaga Before but then I stopped listen on her :/ Oh yes Ren is a big fan of her xDD