Confession #30 (xD)

So, two out of three people wanted to know my hobbies. 


So like. 

I do a lot of stuff when I'm bored, okei. 

Here's a random list in no order at all:

1. Draw (I had an entire confession on this and my drawing skills that are really not up to par with Tori's. Lol. If you can't remember, go scavenge~ xD)

2. Listen to K-Pop (lolololol)

3. Sing (I sing my heart out in K-Pop lol. D'ya want me to post a cover? Well, too bad. I dun have a mic. Ha x3)

4. Learn Japanese (okei so like my brother made an account on this website where you can learn a language for free. And I'm learning how to read Kanji so far so yeah.)

5. Learn Korean (okei i'm learning two asian languages at the same time big deal. i know more korean doe. ouo i already know how to read hangul so yeah.)

6. Learn binary (same website. lol.)

7. You-Tube (I watch my Asian comedians that I love to death, comedies, etc.)

8. Watch Dramas (lol okei it gives me feels)

9. Watch TV. (...Oh, you thought I meant Disney? No. Although I do watch Mighty Med... But, no no no. I watch the Filipino channels (because i can)... Like GMA. GMA for lifeeeeee <33333 Lol. Got to Believe, Juan dela Cruz, Be Careful with My Heart, and so many others. Lol. Even though i don't speak tagalog or ellengo idk how to spell it haha.)

10. ... Creepypasta fan fics (Okei i am in love with Jeff the Killer and Ben okei because Jeff's so unf and Ben's so dorky and nerdy it makes me wanna love him so much and ksajhf;lsdakjl;shgkjhgf;ddklhjdxlkjh;dj;lkjhfjl;jlgfjl;gfjgfkld. Oh, for those who don't know what Creepypasta is... I don't think you wanna know. If you're super curious, look it up. It seems scary but them feeeeeels.)

11. Photography (I'll take random pictures of stuff I find. Or selfies. And then I edit them usin the Internet because my laptop can't get Photoshop because it costs money ouo)

12. Biking (This is like my favorite sport of all time, okei. Like. Srsly.)

13. Talking/typing/texting/chatting with friends (I love talking and socializing with people, lol. Can you blame me <3)

14. Manga and Anime (THIS IS IN RANDOM ORDER SO DON'T YELL AT ME OKEI. ESPECIALLY YOU SOPHIA. Since school has come, I find myself with less time to watch anime ;u;)

15. (This is le last one) Writing stories and regular fan fictions (I GET SO BORED LOL LIKE THIS IS LAST RESORT THIS IS WHY IT TAKES ME A LONG TIME TO UPDATE OKEI DON'T BLAME ME)

That's all my hobbies, gaiz. Lol. xD


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how can you put anime and manga so low. tsk tsk.