Anyone wanna help cheer me up?

I'm sad. My friends dad got shot and died a while ago and she said she's leaving. :( In my science class she made the announcement that she was leaving, and I started crying because she was leaving so I put my head down and cried. Then almost all my friends in my class were sharing how they lost someone and that made me cry even more, thinking about my life. My science teacher then told us "You guys are young. You have to cry, you can't keep your feelings all bottled up. You can't say your big and tough and you don't cry. Everyone cries, everyone does. And that's ok." then I started crying even more. I can't express how I feel that well, and I also don't like saying goodbye. I'm so used to being bottled up and keeping everything to myself not wanting to bother others with how I feel. Thinking like this I ended up calling myself stupid so many times for crying- and I'm getting off topic ^^"


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i hope u wont find this rude but this is how i cheer ppl up when things turn bad for them

remember that somewhere.someone out there is living a sadder moment than u.just like ur frnd who lost her dad.

even for her. there r ppl who lose both their parents at once

(if u kno wt i mean)
we should just try to be thankful even if the test happened

i saw this woman who was used a e and daily by diff men more than one time a day. She was literally happier than i am. she didnt even drop one tear. even though she lives in a MEGA poor and dangerous area.she justlves with her daughter

anyway bk to the topic.
cry as much aa u want since it helps. and try to be as positive as u xan after it :D life is too short to be wasted on sadness
I'm sorry, baby. Don't be afraid to cry whenever you feel the need. You would feel better after crying. Listen music, maybe that will help you to feel better. Well, it helps me, maybe it would help you too. Keep being strong. Fighting, ne? ^^
*hugs u tightly* i'll be here to listen to u whenever so don't think that u'll bother me..okay?
MizzPeel0007 #4
I'm sorry for your friend loss, it must be very hard for her family at the moment. But the best way to help her is to support system for her and be their for her in any way.
When I lost my father, two uncles and my 'twin' cousin in the same year, it was a lot to handle and felt like nightmare, close family and good friends being there for you helps in some way.
Friends that listen to each other good or bad that is a good friend so try and do that.
HYUKslave #5
I'm sorry to learn about your friend's loss.

your teacher is right thou, cry your heart out is better than let all feelings bottled up inside. coz it'll be like a ticking time bomb, waiting for the right time to explode.

anyway.... try to be a lil supportive to your friend, not making her feel guilty for having to leave to other place. she's already loss her dad, i'm sure she doesn't want to lose her friend too right?

cheer up girl... friends come and go in your life, just make sure you maintain the right one(s)

take care
Eunli_umma #6
I'm sorry about your friend and her loss. It's sad that she's leaving but be strong for her. Try to still talk to her even if she leaves. We're here for you :) It's okay to cry, it's healthy! Keep your head up high and try not to bottle up your feelings!