I love people..



From my own experiences, I learned early that people will always see what they want to see.. It doesn't matter how reality is like and what is the truth, because honestly, we all have our own fictional universe. Because life seems much more nicer when you see it through a pair of sunglasses in a warm and sunny place. Past doesn't seem as bad when you select what you want to remember and that future isn't so unsure when you think carefully about your present, dreams and things you want. 

People will see what they want to see, people will hear what they want to hear, and no matter how much you yell, scream and hit them with the truth in the face, your truth will never be the same as his/hers. Every one of us tries their best to place the things in our life in such a manner that every life is unique, every perspective is different and that what I see may be different to what you see, even though we look at the same thing. We all do this, we live together, but separatelly. Every human, every person,  has their own universe, place, where they can make paradise or hell, and step through it with a smile on their faces. It's clear that life means different to every one of us, that the universal truths only have sense when people accept their role as robots, putting on masks after masks, just to hide who we truly are.

I undersood that we are truly different when we are ourselves. That what I like, you may not, my own principles may be different from yours. That the person beside you may want to wake up and see the walls painted in white & grey and, the other person maybe wants to wake up and see the bright colors painted on the walls. We do not have the same feelings, we do not think the same. You can't judge my world, and I can't judge yours, because we do not have the same principles inside. We see justice differently, because we are not equal, because some of us are weak, some strong, some small, some big.. because some of us have big dreams, while others.. they can't see farther than tomorrow.

I love people. I love how different we are, even though we live under the same sky.




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