`( Park Jooyeon, The Bookworm | 신아 아카데미



Username: TheLandofBrownSugar
Name: Anna
Activity: 8/10



Name: Park Jooyeon
Age: 18
Birthday: April 11
Ethnicity: Korean
Hometown: Incheon, South Korea
Languages: Korean (native), English (advanced), Latin (learning)
Height: 160 cm
Weight: 50 kg



Face claim: Ban Nam Gyu
Gallery or links: 1 2 3 4 5

Backup face claim: Kim Jung Yeon
Gallery of links: 1 2 3


5 key personality traits: Linguistic, mature, nurturing, wallflower, hopeless romantic

Personality: Jooyeon can be described in various ways; smart, logical, rational, someone with common sense, obedient, stubborn - even a bit of an enigma - yet one thing she's not, is energetic or fun. She's a linguist and a fan of William Shakespeare and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, fascinated by the world of mysteries and great, somewhat unreachable romance. Jooyeon finds comfort when she's at peace with herself, like at a bookstore, the library or in the privacy of her own bedroom. She matured at a rather young age, yet still remained a bit child-like with her views of the world and constant search for wonders. Fond of animals and children, she's a naturally nurturing character who finds it hard to express her emotions. She's a bit of a wallflower, preferring to stay in the background and away from the looks of strangers.

One of Jooyeon's greatest weaknesses is the weather. Whether it's snowing or raining or there's a rainbow in the sky, she gets very excited and wants to get out there and just take a look at everything. She is a very curious individual who wonders about life itself and enjoys the simplicity of everything while digging deeper for the unanswered questions. Despite her lack of need to socialize and decent amount of friends, she still feels a little lonely at times. When she sees couples walking down the streets with their hands clapsed together, she secretly wants the same thing. She's a hopeless romantic who keeps falling in love over and over inside of her books, but can't even function properly in the real world, according to herself and various other people.


  • Her guilty pleasure in life is the horror genre; she seems like the type who'd shy away from it, but she's rather fascinated by it although she stays away from movies because of the gore and bad perception of the genre itself. (She doesn't really watch a lot of it, anyway.)
  • She likes sunflowers because they symbolize focus and good luck; they're also tall and reach towards the sun (or stars), just as she wants to be doing.
  • Her favorite dessert is Chocolate Sundae ice cream; she could eat it every day if she could've afforded it.
  • Whenever she's around someone she likes, she starts stuttering or mumbling like crazy, unable to get out a single word. Either that, or she simply just walks away before being able to even start a proper conversation.
  • She's ambidextrous and feels like it's a bit of an identity crisis. (Right or left, you know?)
  • Her dream job is to become a writer or an astronomer.
  • The guy of her dreams isn't afraid to express himself and is warm, kind and thoughtful, willing to protect her and let her be herself.
  • She loves the color blue; every shade of it.
  • Whenever she's out, she makes up stories about people passing by on the streets. She finds it comforting, inspiring and just funny at times.
  • She has an inner voice she calls Leader, who is, very unlike her, outspoken with a big personality and not afraid to speak up. It acts as an inner encouragement and also a mental friend who is always there for her.
  • She visited Egypt with her family once; someone tried to buy her for a lot of camels.
  • She tried running away from home once with nothing but books, because her parents threatened to take them out if she didn't do what she was told to.
  • Her childhood dream was to be a dinosaur, a chef or an astronaut.
  • She likes figure skating, but is bad at keeping her balance for more than five minutes.

Likes: Watermelons, horror, crime, romance, cooking, weddings, children, science, history, seasons, colors, smell of rain, online shopping
Dislikes: Disappointing her family, confusion, pressure, bad health, alcohol, the beach
Habits: Balances items such as books or pillows at the top of her head, plays with anything within reach, bites her bottom lip a lot, stutters and mumbles when nervous
Hobbies: Literature, art, science, Shakespeare, graphic design



Background: Kim Jooyeon was born on April 11, 1995, to Kim Sooyoung, a fashion designer, and Kim Jiyong, a lawyer. She is the youngest of two siblings and grew up in a family of high-standard living and great expectations for the future. Ever since she was young, she has been found exploring her surroundings and testing out various activities and objects, sometimes resulting in a new discovery or simply just another injury. Her family is filled to the brim with intelligent people, and she's no different, but she always felt like she was different from her older sister despite their similar upbringing. Her sister was always their parents' favorite child, so Jooyeon found other ways to occupy her time, mostly through books and photography.

Whenever children were playing at the park, Jooyeon would be the little kid who sat beneath a tree with a book in her lap. She's have a focused look on her face as she attempted to memorize the plot and its interesting characters. She's get teased and bullied for her introverted nature, but she preferred it that way. She never saw the point of friends or even a boyfriend until she entered elementary school and became the #1 Loner in her entire class. She saw others greet their friends every morning and bid farewell in the afternoon, with her having no one like that.

Family: Avoid using idols as family members.
Mother | Kim Sooyoung | 42 | Alive | Picky, future-minded
Father | Kim Jiyong | 44 | Alive | Strict, oblivious but loving
Sister | Kim Sooyeon | 22 | Alive | Calm, collected, observant

Lee Hyeri | 19 | Student | Tough, stubborn, sensitive
Kim Hyuna | 21 | Dancer | Passionate, cheerful, energetic


Scene suggestions:
- Jooyeon hitting a monster with a kendo stick in desperation, kind of surprising anyone else if there.
- Love interest trying to protect Jooyeon, but it ends up being the opposite, causing a bit of an awkward break
- Getting teased at school and getting defended by friends

Comments: If you want any mistakes or errors, please do not be afraid to tell me! ^^
Password: Dare to explore.



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