❥ `「 asweetcomplication ┊ Kim Myeonhye ┊ sigma . 」

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large.png )  Nice to Meet You,
Kim, Myeonhye.


-dignityVanny9.5 /1O (I have no life /uglysobs.

  {  name    ;  Kim Myeonhye

 {  nickname }   ;  Myeon -- everybody; as a short form of her name.
Kimhye -- Minseok, as an affectionate form of her name.


 ▬ {  birthdate }   ;  12/12

  {  age}   ;  20

  {  birth place   ; Seoul   

  {  current location / city   ;  Seoul

 {  ethnicity    ;  Korean

 {  languages   ;  
-Korean (fluent)



 )  You Look Pretty .


 {  face  claim}   ;  Park Sung Sin

 {  backup face  claim}   ;  Kwon Su Jeong

                {  extra    ;  A tattoo with "Dangerous" on her shoulder blades.


 )  I'm One  of  a  Kind .


 {  personality traits }   ;  Daring, loud, stubborn, independent, lazy.

 {  personality }   ;  Myeonhye is just like her name: Bright, clear and intelligent. She's brash and bold; or in other words, daring. She isn't afraid of anything and is always enthusiastic to try, no matter what it is. The first to bungee jump while everyone including males are quivering in the background. The first to try that strange dish, the first to go at a truth or dare game. The first to fall in love, the first to fall out of love. Maybe it was stupid of her to try love at such a young age, but she follows her heart -- stubborn. If she thinks that what she does is right, she does it. She doesn't really care about the consequences or the future, she only cares about now. Myeonhye is loud. REALLY loud. She yells a lot; swears, scolds, screams. Mostly at people that annoy her. She expresses herself through speech so she has to be loud enough to express. 

She's independent. She doesn't like people bossing her around. She can cook, she can protect herself -- the only thing that she needs to improve is her messes. She's very disorganized -- books everywhere on her table, clothes everywhere on the floor. She's rather lazy; always lying around without a care in the world and her friends have to draaag her out of bed for her to start working. Although she's actually quite smart she doesn't like to show it-- sometimes even gets a C on purpose -- she doesn't like people giving her attention or befriending her for marks. 

 {  life  story }   ;  Myeonhye didn't live an especially special life or anything. She was born in Seoul with two brothers; she always played with them when she was younger and that was perhaps the reason why she's rather boyish. She loved her grandmother a lot and when her grandmother passed away when Myeonhye was 13, she had a stage of slight depression, but her family and friends cheered her up and after a year she was healed.


 )  This is Me .

 {  likes}   ;  
-Mocha. She needs to drink one everyday.
-Converse. She loves the shoes they produce and have a lot of them at home, all in different colours and patterns
-Skating. Not graceful ice skating, skating on a skateboard.
-Top Shop. She loves the clothes there.
-9GAG. She browses through every day.
-BTS and SPICA. She loves the aura and the flair and the style of them.
-Her bed. Who wouldn't?
-Her phone. She communicates with it.
-Running Man. "Hilarious stuff,:
-Love. "It hurted me a lot of times...but I'm still curious about what true love feels like,"
-Horror and comedy movies. "Those are awesome sauce,"
-Sunsets. "WOOHOO! IT'S NIGHT!"
-Sports. She likes running around feeling the wind in her hair, and feels refreshed after it. 

 {  dislikes    ;  
-Sunrise. "Bleh morning..."
-Exo. She thinks they're overrated. She's not an anti, in fact, she likes their songs, she just dislikes them as a band.
-Her alarm clock.
-Sappy romantic movies. "Meh, they make me cringe,"
-Kang Hodong, "He as a comedian:' he's mean and obnoxious and SO FULL OF HIMSELF,"
-Pink, "Gah. I once ate pink medicine and I threw up,"
-Medicine. Who wouldn't?
-School. "Getting in the way of fun. Psh, at least I get to see him,"
-Books. "Get them AWAY from me,"
-Curfew. "Another thing getting in the way,"
-Silence. If people can speak use their mouths!

 {  hobbies }   ;  
-Listening to music
-Calling out her friends and dancing randomly everywhere on the streets of Seoul because she can.
-Running around a field two times a day
-Hiding in the toilet, plugging in her earphones and just enjoy total silence.
-Taking pictures of everything she sees.


 {  habits    ;  
-Playing with a stress ball when she misses a certain someone or is bored.  
-Holding her prized volleyball (the one where she won her first ever competition and the coach gave it to her) and staring at it intently when she's troubled.
-Cracks her knuckles when she's annoyed or flustered.

 {  others/trivia}   ;  
-Loves her brothers but won't admit it.
-Is on the school volleyball and dance team.
-Is a fangirl of BTS
-Can cook really well, contrary to popular belief
-She attended the school with a sports scholarship.
- at academics.
-Is always the first to say "Let's do ToD!" and prank people.
-Has two brothers, one popular with students, one with teachers.
-Owns an iPhone 4 with a lip case.
-Knows judo.
-Cannot sing to save her life.
-Sings in the shower. Her family cringes when they hear her.
-Stumbles after she wakes up. Has crashed her head into a bookcase before.
-When she wakes up she mumbles a string of random words.
-When she wakes up she looks fine. But her hair is equivalant to a bird's nest.
-When she sleeps she needs to cover her head with a blanket. You can't see her. At all.
-Needs music to fall asleep.
-Does not believe in any religion. 
-Cannot stand dubstep.
-Avid roleplayer and her boyfriends always get jealous.
-Has had 3 boyfriends before, all broke up and remained as friends.


 )  It'sThem . 

 {  family   ;  
Father | Kim Chaewook | 56 | Chef | Jolly, passionate, oblivious | Chaewook and Myeonhye are really close. The reason Myeonhye can cook well is because of her father. Since she was eight her father taught her how to cook every day, and that brought them close. They talk a lot about everything, from Myeonhye's normal life to her dilemma with Minseok.
Mother | Han Chaeim | 55 | High school teacher& disclipine master | Posured, strict, caring. | Myeonhye's mom is very strict and was always the one to keep Myeonhye from going too crazy while her father let her do anything. Chaeim is usually nice, but if she gets angry, she yells at everybody in the household.
Brother | Kim Myeonsoo | 21 | student | Loud, outgoing, erted |Myeonhye threatens to kick Myeonsoo's balls and she will if Myeonsoo annoys her too much. But him teasing and Myeonhye being violent are just how ther care.
Younger Twin Brother | Kim Myeonbum | 20 | Student | Attentive, caring, naive | Myeonbum is younger than Myeonhye by three minutes. And Myeonhye rubs it in, by pranking him a lot -- Myoenbum knows she doesn't mean it and laughs it off, then make Myeonhye feel guilty when Myeonbum slowly sits down next to her when she's down.

 {  friends; in school    ;  
Best Friends | Nam Shinah | 20 | Student | Sweet, quiet, gullible | People don't believe they're best friends -- they're polar opposites. But that's what exactly make them compatible -they balance each other out. Myeonhye knows when to shut up with Shinah around, and Shinah knows when to be loud with Myeonhye.
Close friends | Kim Kyusuk | 20 | Student | Loud, flirty, stubborn. | Kyusuk makes his erted jokes and Myeonhye hits him. Kyusuk is Myeonsoo's best friend and so they always hang out in a big crows: Shinah, Myeonhye, Myeonsoo, Kyusuk. Kyusuk has a crush on Shinah but won't admit it and Myeonhye always rubs it in to get him to confess.
Lab Partners | Jung Myungsoo | 20 | student | Quiet, understanding, reliable | They're only lab partners so aren't especially close, but they get along with small talks just fine.

 {  friends; outside of school }   ;  
Neighbour | Moon Woohyun | 24 | Office worker | Reliable, humourous, sensitive | Myeonhye and Woohyun are oppa-dongsaengs. Woohyun would greet Myeonhye and Myeonhye would greet Woohyun. Small talks about life would be exchanged.
Friend | Nam Jongkyu | 18 | Student+helps out at his family's flower shop sometimes | Cheerful, happy-go-lucky, playful | Jongkyu is a person who whines to his noona and acts really childish. Myeonhye plays along -- then Jongkyu drags her inside to buy flowers "I'm helping my family noona," and Myeonhye has to buy some or else Jongkyu would throw a fit.

 {  plotline friend}   ;  

Their relationship can't be known either.

 {  rivals }   ;  
Ex friends| Sin Bi | 20 | Student/Ulzzang | Cunning, hotheaded, helpful | Let's guess who adandoned her friend so she could become a model. Yup, that's Sin Bi. She missed her friend's sweet sixteen -- the party they had been talking about for years - for a model audition. Now when they see each other, it's glaring and shifting uncomfortably.

 {  plotline rival   ;  Omega. Myeonhye thinks the girl is too girly and whiny. 

 )  Let's  get  Educational .


 {  grade year   ;  Senior (IDK why but I like to be older. u.u)

 {  extra curriculars   ;  
-Volleyball team -- one of the star players
-Dance team -- in the corner, sadly.

 {  behaviour / attitude }   ;  
-Favourite subject is Physical Education
-Nothing much to teachers but she sometimes pipe up a sarcastic remark. Not exactly a favourtie.
-Her marks are above average.
-Fun towards fellow schoolmates, rather meh towards teachers.

 {  academics    ;  
-She's had a lot of dententions. For using the classroom for non educational purposes.
-Above average marks -- Ranging from B to C-


 )  It's You;  Kim , Minseok



 ▬ {  name of  love interest    ;  Kim Minseok

 {  backup love interest   ;  Huang Zitao

 {  nickname    ;  
-Minnie: By Myeonhye, an affectionate term
-Seokie: By his friends.

 {  personality traits   ;  Understanding, irresponsible, caring, observant.


 {  personality }   ;  Minseok looks childish. Is he? The hell he is. He's caring and understanding and acts like an older brother to pretty much everyone around him. He likes caring from afar, it makes him feel like a guardian angel (Myeonhye: "Stupid,"). He's very understanding. He understands why you left him alone waiting, he understands why you insulted him indirectly; and forgives people easily. People call him too nice but he would only smile at that comment ,"Being nice makes people like you, does it not?" He's observant: the times he spends alone in the classroom staring is because he's observing. He sees every reaction and so he knows people pretty well -- what makes him understanding. He's optimistic and sees life brightly, and tries to spread happiness to people. Of course there are times when he's sad, but he stands up, puts a smile on his face, and continue on his life.

People have flaws. Minseok does of course. He's rather lazy and wouldn't do anything until you make him -- pinching him, punching him or mostly, dragging him out of bed. Even then if he hasn't got the fire in him yet he mopes around like a zombie. He likes lying on Myeonhye's house's floor like a dead seal -- his parents see him as Myeonhye's friend and doesn't care. He's also stubborn when he comes to things he believe is right and wouldn't ever back down if he has an idea or belief. He's also sensitive and gets hurt easily -- if he does he won't talk to you and you'd have to be really sincere to get him to open up to you again.


 )  Our Secret Story . 

 {  chosen plotline }   ;  Sigma

 {  fate    ;  It all started with Kyusuk's dirty mind. He was playing ToD with the usual crowd, and he called Minseok over to play too -- Minseok was along in the room as the only ones left were the crowd playing. Myeonhye chose dare -- and Kyusuk's mind got to work. He made Myeonhye kiss Minseok -- with tongue! Right there, right then. It was awkward, they only knew each others' names. But they kissed nevertheless (as a person who refused to do a dare had to kiss the disclipine master) and Myeonhye was shocked that Minseok could kiss... Really well at that. After that they became closer and every day stayed after school to make out in the classrooms... or the library.

 {  relationship   ;  In front of everyone, they just act like normal classmates, not close at all. They only talk when needed to, and even if they do, it's awkward, others can feel it is. Minseok is afraid of Myeonhye and Myeonhye doesn't know Minseok too well to be gruff. It's just tbh u.u But when they're alone, Minseok is the rough one while Myeonhye just lets him do whatever he wants. They trust each other. Other days when they're not eating each others' faces out, they hang out at Starbucks usually -- talking about random stuff, cracking jokes and making each other smile...Minseok gave Myeonhye this as a symbol of their relationshup. Myeonhye wears is everyday and passes it off as a luckiness ring.


 )  Can I ask you a Question ?

 {  What  do you think /feel  about  your  relationship? ;    

" I feel? To be honest, I thought this was going to be just a small fling, but it's really much more. It isn't just... lust anymore, I do like him more than friends. My heartbeat quickens and we make eye contact in class, I blush when he gives me that secretive smile...I definitely like him a lot...Maybe I love him...I'm not even sure."

 {  Do  you  think  it`s  going  to  last  ? If  so  how  long ?;   

 " I hope it lasts as long as it can..Maybe after we graduate. Or even longer after that, where we can come clean? "

 {  What  will  you do  when  someone/everbody  finds  out  ?;    

"I'll freak. Definitely. Let's pretend you didn't ask that question, I don't want to think about it. BUT if they really do, I think we might have to come clean, pretend to date...or lose all contact."


 )  I`ll see you later .

 {  scene suggestions    ;  
-Minseok and Myeonhye making out in the classroom after most people left school
-Myeonhye and her crew hanging out
-Myeonbum caring for Myeonhye after people find out
-Myoenhye not giving a damn for anybody else, drags Minseok off to a corner of the corridor and confesses. Minseok looks stunned and Myeonhye and Myeonhye thinks she's rejected, about to turn away when Minseok kisses her and says that if Myeonhye didn't confess, he would have.
-Myeonhye barging up to Minseok's flat (I wonder who Minseok entrusted with the spare key), to see him STILL sleeping at 1 in the afternoon so she draaaags him out of bed literally.
-Myeonhye and Minseok kissing on the street and out of Minseok's eyes he sees a person in their uniform walk closer so he grabs Myeonhye's hand and escapes from there, only to find an alley and just kiss all over again. 

 {  any comments/questions   ;  Bite meh, I have no meat for you to bite. OTL I really hope to get chosen c;

 {  others }   ;  sweetexo


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 )  backtohomeroom
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