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About Me

Username: Panda3093

Activeness: 8.5

Me, Myself an I

Full Name: Lee Mei-Zhen

Nicknames:  Mei

Birthday and Age : August 15, 1995 and 18 (Earth Years)

Nationality: SYN (or is it suppose to be something like Korean-Chinese??)

Birthplace: Uhhhhh..was there a birthplace? Sorry??

Hometown: --

Languages: English, Korean, Tagalog, Chinese, SYN : Fluent || French, Animal, Japanese: Conversational 

Blood Type: AB

Height: 168 cm

Weight: 50 kg


Face: Kim Jee In

Sample Pictures: can I give you a gallery? (if no, just tell me, I'll fix it)

Back-up Ulzzang : Yoo Hyun Jin

Sample Pictures: 


Fashion Sense: She could care less about what she wears. She usually wears skinny jeans with an white or single colored tee over it. She does not wear heels, like everrr, since she KNOWS she will break her neck from that kind of thing. Instead she will wear flats or sneakers. And while others llike to mis-match their socks, she likes to mis-match her sneakers. She isn't too big of a fan on neon-y or bright colors.../le gasps/ the maknae not liking neon pink or bright yellow?! Yep, this girl is pretty neutral with colors, she will wear colors like blue or red sometimes, but never pink or yellow(unless it is sorta a soft color).

Idol Life

Stage Name:  Mei

Nickname: Mei; nickname that was easier to say than Mei-Zhen | Soft Serve; since although she puts on a hard facade, she is a softy within(got it from those close to her) | Zhennie; called by the Dancer/sub vocals, since she claims it's a cute nickname(having no reason behind it, and Mei-Zhen inwardly hates the name)

Position Applied: (1st)Main Vocals

Fanclub Name: Meichines

Fanclub Color: #99cccc

Years of Training: 2 years

Who was your in:  Jung Yunho from TVXQ

Real Me


Personality: /COLD GLARE/ - This girl will not openly display her emotions in public. She thinks it's dumb and pointless to HAVE to be so damn happy every single second when out and about. She is the "ice" of the group; when out and about(in public) she gives off an icy cold aura that warns people to BACK OFF or STAY AWAY. She doesn't very much like meeting new people(partially since she is a bit shy). Her emotions and nerves are like steel, it is NOT easy to make this girl sad or depressed. She DOES NOT cry in front of others, that is not her style.
/SARCASTIC B*TCH/ - She is HIGHLY sarcastic. She is always able to come up with the wittiest of things to say and has a sharp tongue that can make grown men cry. She is full of wit and is actually quite intelligent for her age. She is blunt with her words and will not sugar coat anything to "spare" your feelings. She is straightforward and when you ask her to "be honest, does..." she will tell you her response and be hardcore absolutely honest. Whether it was the response you wanted or not, she WILL tell you the TRUTH.
/DENSE DITZ/ - She is NOT clumsy or an idiot or really a "ditz." Some just get REALLY frustrated with her cause she is...sorta DENSE. She can't take a hint quite that well, especially when it comes to LOVE. She can't really understand love and a;ways asks for explanations or clarifications on the topic. She is dense when it comes to other peoples' feelings and can't tell when someone likes her. She can't even tell when she likes a person, if she likes someone she will just think that she is sick and shrug off the feeling.
/WILD TIGER/ - This girl is competitive as much as she is protective. Even though she may not be the oldest in the group, she is sure as hell one of the most protective of her group members. Especially those younger than she. She will stand up for those she cares about without blinking an eyelash or hesitating. But, her counter of being protective is that she is HIGHLY competitive. She isn't afraid of a challenge, she will NEVER back down from one. She loves to win, and will always give it her all to win. She plays to win.
/BACK UP/ - She is similar to the leader, never showing her true emotions and bottling up her feelings on the inside. She is like the back up leader. Always in the back, a bit silent and watching out for trouble. She makes sure everything is nice and that everyone is well. Though she knows that she and the leader are not as close as he and the maknae, she likes to stay bu his side a bit. Feeling a slight bit of comfort when near him.
/SOFT SERVE/ - Sorta a tsundere(is that right?). She maty be icy cold on the outside, but inside she is a ray of sunshine. She smiles, laughs and is happy freely when she is around people she knows and is well aquainted with. Really only the other members have seen this side of the girl. She is pretty shy when it comes to meeting new people. and can be sometimes and awkward panda so that's why she gives off a bit of a cold aura.  She is a total softy on the inside, she melts at the sight of cute things. If she sees a puppy or something her icy cold demeanor will melt and she will be fawning all over that cute doggie. She is pretty unpredictable and a heck of a handful.

Background: Her memory and life before coming to Earth is vague. She has partial-amnesia from the crash of their ship. But what she does remember is that she came from a family of 3(her mother, father, and herself) they were a happy family until a dark day. Her parents were in some sort of incident, but Mei can't remember that part clearly(at times, she just doesn't choose to remember). The day of the incident was the same day she ran to one of the ships, detinated for Earth.

Power and sign: molecular Manipulation and :3(It would be on her left shoulder blade)

Hobbies: painting/sketching, skateboarding(expert, able to do many tricks on it), eating(but has a fast metabolism), star gazing(or just looking at the night sky), martial arts, training, controlling her powers, playing sports(highly athletic and flexible), sleeping(hates when others sleep on her bed tho), and playing video games

Likes: animals, sarcasm, skateboards, her older sister, art, music, stars, the moon, spicy foods, winning(is HIGHLY competitive)

Dislikes: love(doesn't understand it), learning, past memories of her family(it only reminds gives her a terrible head-ache in trying to remember the past), crying, sadness, skinship, guyliner, maegyo, aegyo, sweet things, others on her bed(she may unconsciously kick them off)


Happy - Smiles widely like an idiot but covers it with both her hands

Sad - bites her lip until it bleeds(in public) ; her tears rush out, her eyes soften, but she is silent the whole time(when around the other members)

Angry - Dig her nails in her palms, leaving marks after and bleeding a bit 

Nervous - plays with what's around her(be it her shirt, pants, etc)

Lying - poker face demon

Shy - looks away, avoids eye contact

Fun Facts:

She loves sports(hardcore competitive player)
Her favorite Earth sport is fencing
She does martial arts
Is ambidexterous
Tends to MOAN in her sleep
Loves animals so much that she sometimes sneaks stray cute puppies, kitties, etc. into the dorm
Hates sweets or sour things
LOVES video games- is sorta a video game nerrrrd
never dated before
Never had her first kiss
usually if someone asks her out("Hey, you wanna go out?") she will respond "To where?"
Has, weirdly, a ton of skateboards
Very artistic- though she is a bit self-conscious in her art and drawings, so she NEVER lets anyone touch or look in her sketchbook
She loves to b-girl/break dance(she thinks it's quite fun and is quite good at it)
She DOESN'T squeal, whine, scream like other girls do
She portrays an image of a TOMBOY

Time Machine

How did you get to earth: My memory is still a bit fuzzy and vague from the crash land on the planet that is mostly of H2O. But I do recall a flashing red light, siren blaring and flashing words spelling out "ENGINE FAILURE." Before I knew it, everything went dark and the pressure held myself and the others on board down. The sirens and blinking red lights turned off as quick as they were on.
I could no longer feel us moving through space anymore. My headached and that is all that I remembered...To this day the "crash" it seems made my memory of everything a bit fuzzy. I asked the others at times, but those that remembered always looked away, not wanting to give a reply.

Who did you leave on SYN: I left two figures. But, I know they are already gone. I mean, I do not remember who they were, since my memory is still a bit fuzzy, but I just remember that they were unable to come along one way or another.

Earth Family

Family Members! none...anymore...besides the other members

Friends! (The other members are NOT her friends...they are her family)
|| Tao(The romantic and lonely Panda) || 20 || EXO ||
|| Amber + Krystal || 20 + 19 || F(x) ||
|| Krystal || 19 || F(x) ||
|| Zelo || 17 || BAP || They met by coincidence and accident when both went out skateboarding one day. Zelo was close to the SM building and the two ran into one another, literally. They accidentally colided when both riding their skateboards, ultimately both falling off their boards as well. They started to argue a bit at first but then started to settle down and talk a little calmer. Soon getting to know one another. They now usually skateboard together.
|| Yunho(Uknow) || 27 || DBSK/TVXQ ||

Enemies! EVERYONE that tries to get near or hurt her members...

Love Life


Love Interest: Kim Jongdae(Chen)

Personality: MAJOR TROLL! He loves to goof off and tease others. He may seem all nice and cool on the outside, but his sharp tongue and quick wits can make anyone run home and cry. yes, he is VERY sarcastic and blunt with his words, he can even tell that sometimes he may have gone too far; but his pride won't let him apologize. He can be a bit stubborn at times; hates it when people disagree with him or say "no" to him, he doesn't throw a tantrum he just ticks the person off the whole rest of the day. He can become quite the jealous time, though he may not seem it. Yes, he would try to hide his jealousy on the inside, where no one can notice it; but when he sees a girl he likes with another guy, he may have a smile on, but there is fire burning in his eyes.

Your Love Story: Still being written...They have a cat-dog relationship. Though they secretly care for one another, they are just denying it to themselves.      

How you act around eachother: These two "hate" one another with a passion. They always seem to beable to argue about something. Unable to agree on one thing, and either one of them usually starts up the battle on purpose. They are very sarcastic to one another and aren't gonna back down from the "challenge" of beating the other. Though they argue, they secretly care for one another, no matter how much they deny it to themselves and those around them. But, Mei and Chen are sorta "dense" to their own feelings.

Back-up Love Interest: Byun Baekhyun or Kim Minseok(Xiumin)

EXO-Member-Profile-Baekhyun.jpg EXO-M-Kakao-Talk-exo-EC-97-91-EC-86-8C-3

Personality: Baekhyun- *same as Chen's(above)
Xiumin- cute, kind, fun, huggable, lovable, social

Your Love Story: Still to be written...(would you want me to change this??)

How you act around eachother: Baekhyun- *same as Chen's(above)
Xiumin- He loves to hug Mei, no matter what. Though she puts on a cold facade, he is able to easily melt it with his cute baoziness. She loves cute things, and though she denies it, Xiumin can tell that she doesn't mind his hugs. When he can't hug her in public, then he tries to secretly hold her hand. Though she HATES skinship, she is okay when it is from Xiumin, for some reason.


Requested scenes!:

Chen and Mei have their usual bicker and fights
Chen and Mei caught in an embarrassing moment/miunderstanding(like Chen or EXO stays over at their dorm and Mei and Chen accidentally fall asleep on the same bed and Mei starts her habit of in her sleep)
Chen gets unconsciously jealous from seeing Mei hang out with Zelo so much(like skateboarding, dancing, etc.)

Anything else? nope, just hope it's good enough >.< sorry for my spelling, grammar, punctuationa, etc. TT^TT


Password: [I swear they have to be long lost brothers or something -.-]



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