Get to know me~



Hair colour:

- Reddish brown

Eye colour:

- Blue/Grey/Opal

Skin colour:

- Zelo white

Most favourable facial feature:

- Lips/smile

Most disliked facial feature:

- Nose


- 5'4"




- Alicia


- 18


- Mixed European/South American

Country of origin:

- America

Current location:

- Nevada

Favourite colour:

- Silver, Black, White

Favourite animal:

- All


- Baby/a.r.m.y/bbc


20 Random Questions:

Summer or Winter?

- Winter

Do you have a special talent?

- Musician/dancing

Do you think you are a strong person?

- Yes

What are your phobias?

- Being constricted/ Ants/ buzzing noises from bugs

When do you feel most calm?

- With friends

What inspires you?

- Music

What do you dislike about yourself?

- A lot

What are your top three favourite colours?

- Silver, Black, White

What are your hobbies?

- Anything Music related

What is your favourite subject?

- Music

What are three of your current favourite songs?

MOT - Cloudy Seoul

The name is in Korean but here it is on YT with no name

SHINee - Orgel

What is your favourite day of the week?

- Friday/Saturday

How would you describe your current mood?

- Neutral

What are your future goals?

- Not sure

What artists do you like?

- Too many

If you could travel back in time, where would you go?

- I'd go back to the 90's

Which artists do you dislike?

- Nikki Minaj

What is your favourite month?

- October/December

Do you believe in love?

- Yup

What is a saying/quote that you live by?

Last beverage:

- Water

Last text message:


Last song you listened to:

- YT video I posted earlier

Last time you cried

- Last night when I broke down

Ever got back with someone you’ve been with before?

- Nope

Ever been cheated on?

- Nope

Ever kissed someone and regretted it?

- Nope

Ever lost someone special?

- Yes

Ever been depressed?

- Who doesn't feel depressed at times?


This year have you…

Made a new friend?

- Yes

Met someone that changed you?

- Hmm I guess so

Do you want to change your name?

- My name is who I am, even if I dislike it

What can’t you wait for?

- For College to be done 

What were you doing at midnight last night?

- Sleeping in bed

When was the last time you saw your mother?

- Last night

What is the webpage you visit the most?

-Twitter & YouTube

What is your relationship status?

- Single

What do you worry over the most?

- Homework

First surgery?

- n/a

First piercing?

- Ears when I was about 8

First sport you joined?


Do you want kids?

- Not for a while

Do you want to get married?

- Yes

What career do you want?

- Nurse maybe


Ideal type…


- Male

Older or younger?

- Older

Shorter or taller?

- Taller

Romantic or spontaneous?

- Both

Lips or eyes?

- Eyes like Dae Hyun

Appearance or personality?

- I have to be both physically and mentally attractive to someone. Can't date a douche and can't my best friend, if you understand.


Please feel free to ask any questions ^^


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