Get to know your author~ Stolen


Hair colour:

-Light brown

Eye colour:

- Very bright aqua blue

Skin colour:

- Fair

Most favourable facial feature:

- My eyes and hair.

Most disliked facial feature:

- Skin


- 164-5 cm.

Body type:

- Bagel girl



- Alicia Marie S.


- 19


- European/South American (I look so white though honestly)

Country of origin:

- America

Favourite colour:

- Black, white, silver

Favourite animal:

- Everything



20 Random Questions:

Summer or Winter?

- Winter.

Do you have a special talent?

- I am very musically oriented 

Do you think you are a strong person?

- Yeah, kind of. 

What are your phobias?

- Ants, being alone

When do you feel most calm?

- With friends having a good time at the ocean

What inspires you?

- Bang Yongguk

What do you dislike about yourself?

- My skin problems

What are your top three favourite colours?

- Black, white, silver

What are your hobbies?

- /Too lazy to type everything/

What is your favourite subject?

- Music, health

What are three of your current favourite songs?

What is your favourite day of the week?

- Friday

How would you describe your current mood?

- Decent

What are your future goals?

- To travel the world

What artists do you like?

- B.A.P, Zico

If you could travel back in time, where would you go?

- I will go back to where I was in high school & tell myself to keep working out

Which artists do you dislike?

- Jay Park, Nickhun

What is your favourite month?

Do you believe in love?

- It depends on what kind of love

What is a saying/quote that you live by?

- “The person who I was in the past isn’t me today and won’t be in the future!"

Last beverage:

- Water

Last text message:


Last song you listened to:

Last time you cried:

- yesterday

Ever got back with someone you’ve been with before?

- No.

Ever been cheated on?

- No.

Ever kissed someone and regretted it?

- Never kissed anyone in my life.

Ever lost someone special?

- Honestly, no.

Ever been depressed?

- Yes .

This year have you…

Made a new friend?

- Yup.

Met someone that changed you?

- Nope.

Do you want to change your name?

- No, I love my name!

What can’t you wait for?

- For my second semester of college to end

What were you doing at midnight last night?

When was the last time you saw your mother?

- Last night

What is the webpage you visit the most?

- Twitter, youtube

What is your relationship status?


What do you worry over the most?

- Chemistry Lab (College )

First surgery?

- I never had surgery 

First piercing?

- My ears 

First sport you joined?


Do you want kids?

- Not now.

Do you want to get married?

- Yes. Who wants to stay single all their lives!?

What career do you want?

- Something in the Community Health Science field

Ideal type…


- Male.

Older or younger?

- Older.

Shorter or taller?

- Taller!

Romantic or spontaneous?

- Both~!!!


- In all honesty I have always been attracted to Asian men. My first crush back in 2001 was of a Jap/Hawaiin descent

Lips or eyes?

- Brown eyes, lips like Dae. So both

Appearance or personality?

- Both. I can't date someone if I don't find them physically and mentally attractive 





If I left something blank it's because I either don't want to answer, don't have a favourite, or am to lazy to 


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WrightBaby #1
This sounds a lot like me!!
Omg, I like you! You seem cool^.^