|| We Got Married EXO and Freeze ; Application ||



       ★   j iwon  song
     -m y  c u t e n e s s  i s  y o u r  w e a k n e s s , h u s b a n d ! 
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Username: RockingTheWorld
Fullname: Song Ji Won
StageName: Jayde
Age: 18 ; 15/11/1995
Face: Jung Roo
Position in the Group: Main Rapper,Main Dancer,Visual
Personality:  Ji Won is seen by many to be a random girl who likes to play jokes on people, like pranking them or just normal plain jokes, that aren't funny but somehow make people laugh because it wasn't funny. She is always talking and not with a slow and normal pace, but fast like she's rapping or something. She also really loud and gets scolded by the people around her numerous times. The reason why she is seen to be random is because you never know what she'll do next.
One time she'll jump in you face and start crumping in front of you, and the next time she'll be all chic and relaxed and then suddenly ask you if you like peanut butter. Her own personality already makes people laugh even though she doesn't mean to. Some people even wonder if she drinks cans of energy drink for breakfast or something because she is THAT random and so energised that it's hard for others to keep up. Aside from her crazy, random and funny self. Ji Won is also a very caring girl and is not afraid to speak her mind. Sometimes she even thinks aloud and say embarrasing things that she's thinking without noticing. She is also straight forward, if she doesn't like something,she says it, but not in a cold way, more of a sarcastic/nice way.
Ji Won doesn't care about what others think, because if she did, she wouldn't be the random and hyper girl she is now. She can also be a bit stubborn and cause trouble for herself, but only for herself. She believes that if she does anything wrong or if it's her fault, she won't be a coward and will face the consequences and punishment. Ji Won is also a bit selfless, sensitive girl who loves to show others her affectionate side, by skinship.But you must to becareful. When she got up in the morning,she will be mad and start to scream to everyone.She hates it when she's woken up by annoying sounds like cookwares and dogs who are barking non-stop. When this is the way her day starts, expect an ill-tempered Ji Won. She's going to be sarcastic, easily annoyed and moody for the rest of the day. So be careful on how you wake her up.
Now on her bad side. Dude, never cross this line. If you did, you might regret doing so. Yes, she's very cheerful, kinda dorky, childish, innocent and all but that doesn't mean she doesn't get mad. She's a freaking human too so probably, she has feelings. One of the things she dislikes are her friends talking bad things about her which is not true behind her back. But the worst that completely transforms her is when you mess, hurt or did something unforgivable for someone she cares for. She's pretty sensitive when it comes to the people who mean alot to her. She once said, "You mess with me, I'm fine with it. You mess with the people I love, you'll regret it."
On stage, she can be very serious with what she's doing but at the same time, she's having fun. She's pretty charismatic with her aegyo and sometimes, her innocent charms. She likes to winking and blowing kisses at fans became her habit. Oh, one more thing you need to know about this girl. She's dubbed as the "Skinship Princess" sometimes.  
Ice Cream
Ice Skating
C - Pop
Being Alone
Rude People
Dark Places 
Really big fires
To much pinky stuff
Biting nails
Being a bit guillable
Eating in the midnight zone
Walk around in circle when thinks
Says a word like "Kawaii!" when bored
Drink too much water when nervous
Get shy easily when meet new people
Play pranks when get bored
Do gwiyomi when asking something to people
Mumbling something when angry
Kicking to random people when mad
Playing Around
Surfing the net
Playing Video Games
Something Fashion
Made Arts
Cannot smell blood and look at cockcroaches or she will faint
Doesn't trust guys easily
Has a dog named Kimchee
Was excelent in Maths but hated the subject
Can speak English fluently
Always cooks american food to her members
She is taekwondo 3rd black belt degree
Comes from a rich family
Her family owns many hotels around the world
Her favourite OTP is Hunhan
Her favourite food is baked potato
Has a sweet smile  but rarely shows to everyone
Will be mad when wake up in the morning
Motto: "No matter how hard or difficult something is,I will always be positive and smile like an idiot" -Jayde
EXO Member: Park Chanyeol
Storyline: Partners in Crime,also in Love
Password: symptom
*( Bonus Time !
1.) If you were to decide, would you let EXO to be in WGM? 
-Well,to be honest,I really afraid if EXO be in WGM because they really have many fans.Maybe many people will criticize his partner.It is really not good.EXO is really busy too.They can be too opressed if sasaengs critic their partner.I know EXO will hate it if the sasaengs be like that.I hate it too if I see a news like that.I really dont like it even thought Im one of EXO fans because I dont like bashing thing.So,my answer is No.
2.) Why did you choose 'Partners in Crime,also in Love' as your storyline?
-I choose this storyline because at first I want to choose Chanyeol as my partner.Then I choose this storyline because it is same with our character in real life.I really loves pranking too! Maybe in the fic we will be an innocent,happy and perfect partner.It really suited with us really well.
3.) Why did you apply for this fic?
-I apply for you story because I see many of my friends like Daybreak1614,Boyfriendisthebest and Soph688 applied to your story.At first,I dont seem really like to apply but then I realize I never applied for WGM before.This fic also with EXO.I really happy with.I applied too althought i think I dont have many chance to chosen.


My note

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Hi there! Hope you like my app! I know the 
layout is so terrible 。・゜・(ノД`)・゜・。
Anyway,Hope im chosen.It is not so hard to 
fill the app but it is so had to make the layout
*nods* Also,congrats to the one who chosen^^
Sorry for being late

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