Crayon Application Form ➸ song Ji Won ➸ Jayde


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Song Jiwon

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( ` get the party started

Character Name: Song Ji Won

Stagename: Jayde


Won baby [She is the youngest in the family.So,only the family calls her that.If you want to call her that,you must ask her permission but sometimes she will be mad if you ask her because she doesn't like it.]

Pranker Song [Crayon members calls her that because she always pranking them]

Lemon Lim [A nickname that inveted by their manager because after she eats lemon,she will say 'It is taste like Lim!'.Although she doesn't know what is Lim]

Wonnie [her general nicknamed]

Jinnie [Her general nicknamed]   

Other Names: 

​|| Jayde Helfly Song

Birthdate: 04/10/1996

Age: 17

Ethnicity: korean-american

Birth Place: Paris,France

Hometown: Busan,South Korea

Height & Weight: 165 cm & 45 kg

Blood Type: B

Others: she has scars on her left thight


( ` you're my byul

Personality: Ji Won is seen by many to be a random girl who likes to play jokes on people, like pranking them or just normal plain jokes, that aren't funny but somehow make people laugh because it wasn't funny. She is always talking and not with a slow and normal pace, but fast like she's rapping or something. She also really loud and gets scolded by the people around her numerous times. The reason why she is seen to be random is because you never know what she'll do next.

One time she'll jump in you face and start crumping in front of you, and the next time she'll be all chic and relaxed and then suddenly ask you if you like peanut butter. Her own personality already makes people laugh even though she doesn't mean to. Some people even wonder if she drinks cans of energy drink for breakfast or something because she is THAT random and so energised that it's hard for others to keep up. Aside from her crazy, random and funny self. Ji Won is also a very caring girl and is not afraid to speak her mind. Sometimes she even thinks aloud and say embarrasing things that she's thinking without noticing. She is also straight forward, if she doesn't like something,she says it, but not in a cold way, more of a sarcastic/nice way.
Ji Won doesn't care about what others think, because if she did, she wouldn't be the random and hyper girl she is now. She can also be a bit stubborn and cause trouble for herself, but only for herself. She believes that if she does anything wrong or if it's her fault, she won't be a coward and will face the consequences and punishment. Ji Won is also a bit selfless, sensitive girl who loves to show others her affectionate side, by skinship.But you must to becareful. When she got up in the morning,she will be mad and start to scream to everyone.She hates it when she's woken up by annoying sounds like cookwares and dogs who are barking non-stop. When this is the way her day starts, expect an ill-tempered Ji Won. She's going to be sarcastic, easily annoyed and moody for the rest of the day. So be careful on how you wake her up.
Now on her bad side. Dude, never cross this line. If you did, you might regret doing so. Yes, she's very cheerful, kinda dorky, childish, innocent and all but that doesn't mean she doesn't get mad. She's a freaking human too so probably, she has feelings. One of the things she dislikes are her friends talking bad things about her which is not true behind her back. But the worst that completely transforms her is when you mess, hurt or did something unforgivable for someone she cares for. She's pretty sensitive when it comes to the people who mean alot to her. She once said, "You mess with me, I'm fine with it. You mess with the people I love, you'll regret it."
On stage, she can be very serious with what she's doing but at the same time, she's having fun. She's pretty charismatic with her aegyo and sometimes, her innocent charms. She likes to winking and blowing kisses at fans became her habit. Oh, one more thing you need to know about this girl. She's dubbed as the "Skinship Princess" sometimes.   

Background: Ji Won was born in a happy and peaceful family. At the age of 5, she wanted to become an idol when she grows up. Her parents did not refuse but instead, they supported her. They taught her the basic dance moves. Then, she learned ballet. Her dad taught her how to rap while her mom taught her how to dance. At the age of 7, she started having guitar and piano lessons since she wanted to learn at least 2 musical instrument. Her parents started taking pictures of her and put it in the internet, she became an instant ulzzang due to her cute baby face. She even has her own fanclub and once she goes out, many people recognize her. Her parents also posted videos of her dancing on Youtube. She became a hot topic on the internet.At the age of 9, Ji Won was offered to join Quest Crew as they viewed her videos and think that she is good enough to join them. At first, Ji Won did not want to leave her parents, but for her dream to become an idol, she had to sacrifice. She had the chance to travel all over the world with Quest Crew. They went to America to participate in ABDC, America’s Best Dance Crew and won the title. They participated in many competitions, and won tons of money. At the age of 11, Ji Won decided to go back to Paris but instead of Paris,she will go to Busan and quit Quest Crew. She had to go to school and see her friends. Quest Crew gave her a lot of money and she was forced to accept it.Ji Won used that money on school and to learn Judo, Karate and Taekwondo. At the age of 12, she became a black belt in all 3. She felt happy since she could add some karate moves into her dancing. After that , her sister,Song Jihyo told her that his friend,Park Chorng is working in a company, CUBE Entertainment and is going to become an idol after a few years.​

Then,ji won was inspired by her sister to become an idol, she trained everyday at home, at school and during her free time. then one day she was in the mall and she saw this really huge crowd of people, she was curious to know what was happening so she asked the boy standing next to her and he told her it was a kpop cover competition where she had to pass five rounds and the first prize winner gets to become a trainee at the company hosting the competiton and the second prize winner gets to spend the day with the guest idol.Excited she joined with the intention of winning the second prize because she wanted to go audition at YG Ent. ji Won passed the danced, sing, and rapped then she showed some of her own talents in the first, second, third and fourth round by the time she made it to the fith round she had to dance in a group. unfortunately she didn't have a group of her own so she was disqualified, feeling sad she made her way to the exit of the mall but was stopped by the CEO of SM Ent.the company hosting the competion.He asked her to sit and have a talk with him, he told her that he enjoyed watching her performance and would like her to be a trainee at SM but Ji Won delcined and said she was going to audition at YG instead, nodding he got up and handed her is business card saying 'if you change your mind give me a call' and left. She went home and thought about what he said, she called her brother and talked with him about it and he told her 'if I have my little sister as competion then it would be fun' so the next day she called the CEO and told him she would like to be apart of the SM family and he welcomed her.


( ` second confession


  • Shopping 
  • Ice Cream
  • Ice Skating
  • Talking
  • Pranking
  • C - Pop
  • Music
  • Milkshake
  • Arts
  • Spicy
  • Foods
  • Bunnies
  • Purple
  • Shoes


  • Horror
  • Movies
  • Being Alone
  • Ghost
  • Alcohol
  • Tomatoes
  • Gardening
  • Rude People
  • Stranger
  • Dark Places 
  • Really big fires
  • To much pinky stuff
  • Brown
  • Boredom


  • Biting nails
  • Being a bit guillable
  • Eating in the midnight zone
  • Walk around in circle when thinks
  • Says a word like "Kawaii!" when bored
  • Sleeptalking
  • Drink too much water when nervous
  • Get shy easily when meet new people
  • Play pranks when get bored
  • Do gwiyomi when asking something to people
  • Mumbling something when angry
  • Kicking to random people when mad


  • Playing Around
  • Eating
  • Acting
  • Pranking
  • Surfing the net
  • Playing Video Games
  • Cooking
  • Something Fashion
  • Made Arts


  • Cannot smell blood and look at cockcroaches or she will faint
  • Doesn't trust guys easily
  • Has a dog named Kimchee
  • Was excelent in Maths but hated the subject
  • Can speak English fluently
  • Always cooks american food to her members
  • She is taekwondo 3rd black belt degree
  • Comes from a rich family
  • Her family owns many hotels around the world
  • Her favourite OTP is Hunhan
  • Her favourite food is baked potato
  • Has a sweet smile  but rarely shows to everyone
  • Will be mad when wake up in the morning
  • Motto: "No matter how hard or difficult something is,I will always be positive and smile like an idiot" -Jayde


( ` only pretty girls

 Idol Faceclaim: Yoon Bomi

Backup Idol Faceclaim: Choi Jin Ri/Sull 


( ` the one who shines


Albert Song ¦ 46 ¦ Bussiness Man ¦ Funny,Caring,Dorky,Cute 

Park Jooyeon ¦ 45 ¦ A Chef ¦ Caring,Calm,Affectionate,Passionate 

Best Friends: 

Joo Eunyoung ¦ 21 ¦ Member of Two X

Jung Eunji ¦ 29 ¦ Member of APink

Jung Daehyun ¦ 19 ¦ Member of B.A.P

Friends: (Well,because it is unlimited,so I think you would love a character with many friends but im kinda busy so can you just do who you want her/him to be my friend.Sorry,please tell me if I have to put the friends.)


( ` you're my baby boo

Name: Byun Baekhyun

Age: 21

Personality: Baek Hyun was a responsible and cute person.He love to annoyed Philia with his ultimated aegyo.He also had charming that everyone fall in love with him.He also funny person.He likes to make Philia happy around him.Sometimes he can be naughty and cod-hearted like Philia.Everytime Baek Hyun hang out with Philia people said that Baek Hyun and Philia was couple.

How You Met: Ji Won was texting Eunyong on her way to the cafe. He was texting s on his way out of the same cafe. They bumped into each other and their phones fell onto the ground. Their phones were very similar. The only difference was Ji Won's phone had turqoise pocka-dots on the phone cover while Myungso had none. Though, when the phones fell, the cover was facing down so it looked like Myungsoo's phone which is black. They said sorry and both of them bent down and took their 'phones'. Turns out that they took the wrong phones, Ji Won had Myungsoo's phone while Myungsoo had Ji Won's phone. Ji Won didn't realize it and was confused why Eunyun wasn't replying her texts and instead gets these unknown texts from people she doesn't know. She was confused until Myungsoo called his phone asking for it. She finally understood that she had the wrong phone and asked to meet up at the same cafe. They exchanged their phones and parted.

How You Interact: Baekhyun and Jiwon act so close to each other, others think the two are really together. But, they're not. baekhyun is like another brother to Ji Won. He takes care of her, he even spoils her from time to time. They're relationship alone and with others varies though. When the two are with others, they just act like a brother and sister. Like nothing's really happening between them. From time to time, though, they use skinship like hugging, holding hands, everything (minus kissing) which others don't mind, but would interpret the wrong way. When alone, though, they begin to act like this couple. They go out to dinners, they write songs together, they go out (as friends), even her own sister is jealous!

Relationship: Strangers (will met in the story)

Backup Love Interest: Do Kyungsoo


Love Rival: Jung Daehyun

Age: 19

Personality: Daehyun may seem really cold and intimidating at first because of his big sharp eyes that seems to be always staring and glaring into your soul, but when you get to know him, he really isn't a bad guy. Once you have the effort to actually befriend Daehyun (like what JooYin did), you will realize that he is actually quite cute and dorky and when he smiles, even though you don't like him or know him, it makes you smile too. He is jolly and lively when he's around his friends and likes to hug people. He sometimes muck around and pull funny faces. He can also become protective of something he loves and is always dedicated to his work.

How You Met: Daehyun is one of Eunyoung friends.One day,Eunyoung make a birthday party for her and she invite Daehyun,Ji Won and her other friends.Then Eunyoung introduce Ji Won to Daehyun.Then,they became friends.They start to chat about their ideal type,fav foods and others.

How You Interact: They are very close.Daehyun sometimes get jealous when Jiwon is with myungsoo.Daehyun sometimes get mad too.They sometimes dont know what to speak to each other.Well,really awkward although they were ane

Relationship: Friends 

Backup Love Rival: Choi Jun Hong/Zelo


( ` i'll hit you

Name: Goo Hara

Age: 22

Personality: Hara is the campus crush, the girl all guys want to get as a girlfriend. Shes pretty, sweet, kind, loyal, naive, andoutgoing. Shes able to make friends anywhere she goes and naturally good natured. Shes naive in the outlooks of life, not believing anyone is naturally evil. The type of girl that needs to be protected and is really sensitive

How Your Interact: Well,just like rivals,mocking,fighting and more.Sometimes they mumbling something then throw something that not hurt so much at each other

Why Are Your Rivals: At first  Luhan(one of her friends) and Ji Won are friends and Ji Won has a crush on Luhan and Luhan had a crush on her too.But when Daehyun come,she then has a crush on him but then she realized that Daehyun and Hara are friends.She thinks maybe he like Hara and stopped from crushing on him.Then,after 3month being friends,Luhan and Ji Won are dating.Because of jealousy,Hara wanted to take away Luhan from Ji Won.Then, they breakup and Daehyun came and being friends with Ji Won.After a long time being friends,Daehyun has a crush on her but Ji Won has none.After that Luhan and Hara has been dating and Ji Won is really sad.Then,she realized that she has a crush on Daehyun and became really happy but sometimes when she see Hara and Luhan together she will feel very mad.But when everytime Hara meet Jiwon,she will mocking and they will fighting.Crayon members really hates herr too


( ` you are my sunshine


Baby Vocalist
Cutie-Face Doll
The Real Beauty
Bipolar Queen
Flower Girl 
Busan's Beauty
Little Busan Pranker

Color: Purple

Position: Maknae,3rd Lead Vocalist,Lead Dancer

Backup Position: Spokeperson,2nd lead dancer,Dancer

Fanclub Name: Jayden

Fanclub Color: Cherry Red

Trainee Years: 3 years

Singing Twin: Kim Namjoo - APink

Dancing Twin: Kim Sooyoung - SNSD

Rapping Twin: (Im dont have rapping position but I have to,it will be Yoona)

Talking Twin: Yoon Bomi - APink


( ` pinky promise

Comments: Unnies! I apply for this story! Hope you like her.Sorry for being really late.

Suggestions: Well,I really busy right now.Will pm you if i had idea.

Scene Requests: Just like at the suggestion


© creamy_kia


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