❥ `「 asweetcomplication ┊ Park Hyeri ┊ Sigma . 」

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tumblr_mnb0amBwdl1sqwxylo1_500.png )  Nice to Meet You,
Park Hyeri


      TheLandofBrownSugar Anna 9/1O

  {  name ;        Park Hyeri

 {  nickname ;   Riri (younger sister, hard to say Hyeri when she was young)

 ▬ {  birthdate ;    April 20, 1995

  {  age  18

  {  birth place Incheon

  {  current location / city Seoul

 {  ethnicity  Korean

 {  languagesKorean (native language, reasons clear), English (advanced, learned through school and constantly being online and music)




 )  You Look Pretty .


 {  face  claim;    Park Hye Min

 {  backup face  claim;    Ban Nam Gyu

                {  extra She has a birthmark on her left shoulder, shaped like a tiny fish.


 )  I'm One  of  a  Kind .


 {  personality traits ;    Loyal, honest, brave, outspoken, nurturing, intelligent, adventurous, trusts people easily, sarcastic, very competitive, independent

 {  personality ;   Hyeri is energetic, bold and brave, yet she gives off a gentle and friendly feeling whenever she meets someone for the first time. She is intelligent, sophisticated and sarcastic with a lot of comments in store due to her outspoken and honest nature. She loves taking care of others and making them happy, being a bit of a people pleaser who wants to get along with everyone. Hard-working and ambitious, she can be quite competitive and will never back down from a challenge. Has a natural curiosity which often gets her into trouble and isn't afraid of voicing her opinion to those who ask for it.

Hyeri is a keeper when it comes to friendships; she is extremely loyal to her friends and wouldn't betray them for anything unless she felt rather betrayed herself. She trusts people easily, but if you lose that trust, it's going to be very hard to get it back. She has a thirst for knowledge and loves to explore and go hiking in the mountains or along the country road. Family means a lot to her and she is always there for them no matter what.

 {  life  story ;   Park Hyeri was born on April 20, 1995, to Park Janghyun, a hospital director, and Park Hanbyul, a heart surgeon, in Incheon, South Korea. She is the middle child out of three siblings; she has an older brother and a younger sister. When she was young, her parents used to take her out camping or go on family trips to tropical vacation spots and places known for their great culture, such as Italy, China and England. She was always the child climbing in trees and bruising her knee while running around and screaming out with joy. Ever since she was small, she's always had this ability to attract other people with an air of friendliness and trustworthiness. She was always a daring child and would often get scolded, but never missed the fond smiles hiding behind her parents' stern faces and words of dicipline.

Hyeri was never big on being in a relationship. During middle school, she went out with a few guys, but it never lasted very long, the longest lasted about 8 months. Her first kiss was at a birthday party at a friend's place, where she was dared to kiss the boy she liked the most, but she never found such things important at the time. As she looks back at it, however, she does wish she changed a few things about her past.

When Hyeri entered high school, she started becoming less focused on her studies and became rather frustrated with life itself. She felt like she needed relief, something to calm herself down with. Because of this, she's tried out for different activities, including soccer and archery. She likes it, but still felt as if something was missing from her life.


 )  This is Me .

 {  likes;   

  • Exploring
  • Adventure
  • Movies
  • Watermelon
  • Snow
  • Vacation
  • Ice cream
  • Cooking
  • Weddings

 {  dislikes ;   

  • Snakes
  • Boredom
  • Loneliness
  • Impatence
  • Awkward silences
  • Loud noises
  • Alcohol
  • Cigarette smell

 {  hobbies ;   

  • Hiking
  • Painting
  • Graphic design
  • Online shopping
  • Gaming
  • Sports

 {  habits ;   

  • Runs her hand through her hair
  • Thinks out loud a lot
  • Rocks back and forth on her heels
  • Bites her bottom lip
  • Plays with fingers/hair/anything within reach
  • When bored, she places objects such as pillows or books on top of her head

 {  others/trivia;   

  • Her favorite dessert is Chocolate Sundae ice cream
  • Favorite dish is dakkangjung
  • She wants to learn Chinese someday
  • Her favorite flowers are hoya flowers and sunflowers
  • Has a partial, red-green color blindness
  • Doesn't understand the difference between Australian English and British
  • Her favorite country is Canada
  • Really loves chicken
  • Can be very dominant, especially around men
  • Cannot live with her cellphone for more than a day

 )  It'sThem . 

 {  family;   
Father | Park Janghyun | 46 | Hospital director | Attentive, observant, loving, friendly, wise | They have a good father-daughter relationship. Mr. Park wants his daughter to do something useful with her life, and has always been there for her anytime at any place. She loves him very much and can't stand the thought of him leaving ever, especially since he's had a few heart attacks in the last few years.

Mother | Park Hanbyul | 44 | Nurse | Gentle, bubbly, energetic, sweet, a heart of gold | Hanbyul always looked out for her daughter and wanted to provide her with anything she needed to the point of spoiling her a little. She is a hopeless romantic and often teases her daughter about her relationships, if there are any boys involved, etc.

Brother | Park Hoseok | 19 | Student | Caring, mature, smart, protective, easily jealous | He and Hyeri has a close, but kind of weird relationship. Hoseok has always been protective of his little sister and would always want the best in the world, and the best of the best only. He can be very suspicious at boys showing an interest in Hyeri, wanting to chase them off in order to keep her "safe and sound," as he calls it.

Sister | Park Haein | 13 | Student | Lively, cheerful, kind, sweet, optimistic | Haein is this sweet little princess who Hyeri absolutely adores, but she can also be a spoiled little brat who screams from time to time. Hyeri and Haein are often competing for their parents' affections, succeeding in their separate areas. Haein's the cutest, but Hyeri's the smartest and the most charismatic out of them.

 {  friends; in school ;   
Best friend | Lee Nabin | 18 | Student | Bossy, smart, mature, wild, a born leader | Nabin is Hyeri's rock and guide in her somewhat hectic life. They share a close relationship and aren't afraid to tell each other things.

Friend/club mate | Kim Hyuna | 18 | Student/soccer team member | Passionate, wild, clumsy, quirky, cute |

 {  friends; outside of school ;    N/A

 {  plotline friendAlpha & delta

 {  rivals ;    N/A

 {  plotline rivalBeta

 )  Let's  get  Educational .

 {  grade year;    Freshman

 {  extra curriculars;    Soccer team, archery club

 {  behaviour / attitude ;    She is a very good students who answers during class and likes it when she's right about something, but she can also be lazy and be more laidback during classes. Her favorite subject is English and gym, her worst is Hangul.

 {  academics ;    She's got good grades, but they are pretty average in most lessons. She's one of the best in gym, English and science, but almost among the worst in Hangul class. She's very obedient, so she hasn't really gotten any real punishments as of yet.


 )  It's You;  Park Chanyeol



 ▬ {  name of  love interest ;    Park Chanyeol

 {  backup love interestByun Baekhyun

 {  nickname ;    N/A

 {  personality traits;    Sweet, sensitive, optimistic, positive, truthful, friendly

 {  personality ;    Chanyeol is a very sweet and sensitive kind of guy. He can seem a bit insecure and even childish, but he is always there to protect those he loves and help the ones in need. He has big eyes that are easy to read and he finds it annoying to be unable to hide what he is thinking about. He is an optimistic and positive person who gives off the impression of someone kind and friendly, which isn't far from the truth. He can secretly be very possessive and jealous, but doesn't show it very often. He is truthful and honest, neither good at it nor a big fan of lying and liars themselves.


 )  Our Secret Story . 

 {  chosen plotline ;    Sigma

 {  fate ;    They are both on the soccer team and attended the same soccer camp during summer vacation, which is where they really got to know one another. They were having a bit of truth and dare one evening, just to get to know the new players and such. Chanyeol chose dare and was dared to kiss Hyeri. He hesitated, because he saw her looking rather sheepishly at him, and really considered denying it just to save her the trouble, but she surprises him by grabbing him by the collar of his shirt and giving him a big one right on the lips. They felt a bit of a spark going on between them, and for the first time in a while, Hyeri felt entirely relaxed, although her heart was beating just a little bit faster. They got together later, knowing they both needed some stress relievers as school could be pretty harsh on them both. They agreed on being friends with benefits; a relationship with no strings attached. It worked rather well for a while, but he treats her absolutely no more different from when they're around others, but after a while their intimate encounters start becoming more and more often, as if they can't keep their hands off of each other. They are both confused, but don't really want to end it in spite of it.

 {  relationship;    They act like good schoolmates or even strangers around other people. They talk like normally to one another, perhaps teasing one another and being a good team. Being in the same club means they'll have to cooperate all the time and be able to work together, which isn't that big of a problem until they start having these random urges for one another. Alone, however, they're either all over each other or just sit side by side talking about practically anything they can come up with without getting too personal as to talking about their feelings.


 )  Can I ask you a Question ?

 {  What  do you think /feel  about  your  relationship? ;    

"I think it's really all right, but I do wish we could've hung out more together. He's a fun guy, and I like him a lot, but I don't know what he thinks about me. That guy is easy to read, but he's sending so many mixed signals it's almost impossible to understand him from time to time!"

 {  Do  you  think  it`s  going  to  last  ? If  so  how  long ?;   { remember: your relationship is a secret }

 "I'm honestly not sure where this is going... No strings attached, remember? I hope, if it does end, it ends because both of us want it to. If it lasts, I think it'll last all the way through high school. We're different, but hey, we're pretty cool together."

 {  What  will  you do  when  someone/everbody  finds  out  ?;    

"Oh God, I don't want to think about it... It's not as if it'd be embarrassing or anything, but you don't exactly go around chatting about your private life and intimate details like that! I admit I was a bit ashamed in the start, but nowadays it's so normal to us that I don't really care anymore. My family, though... I just don't want to think about it."


 )  I`ll see you later .

 {  scene suggestions ;  

  • Hyeri and Chanyeol on a study session with other classmates, and Hyeri having this sudden to kiss him, but doesn't want to spoil anything for the others. She excuses herself to go to the bathroom, where Chanyeol soon follows. You can imagine what's going on behind those doors.
  • Chanyeol hanging out with another club member; a girl. Hyeri becomes jealous and possessive.
  • Chanyeol being jealous and possessive, which surprises Hyeri.
  • Hyeri and Chanyeol's first date together.
  • Hyeri finds out about one of the other girls' relationships
  • Hyeri's brother finds out about her and Chanyeol

 {  any comments/questions;    If there is anything you want me to fix, please tell me and I will! ^^

 {  others ;    N/A


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 )  backtohomeroom
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