Book recommendations - throw them at me!

So I have some free time on my hands right now with a great e-book app by my side hence I'm scouring for some good books to read. I love thrillers and fantasy novels but come at me armed with several of your favourite titles and I'll give them a shot anyways. I kinda read everything. If you recommend me the popular titles, chances are I'd have read it. But comment them all the same. Give me as many as you want!

On another note, if you are kinda free like I am at the moment, here are some books that I have read recently and found them to my liking:

1. Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell - this is a must-read for all of you fanfic readers and writers out there. Doesn't the title already scream at you? This book is quirky, fun and heartwarming all rolled into one. It is oh-so-relatable to so many of us. I definitely recommend this to you. You have to read it!

2. The Long Walk by Stephen King - a master of his art. This book is set in a dystopian world (although that has nothing much got to do with the story, I know how many of you are ers for a dystopian novel) and it features a group of boys embarking on an event dubbed the "Long Walk". Vivid characterization, brilliant writing... I could almost feel the desperation rolling off the pages. Stephen King is a legend but unfortunately I cannot handle two of his books in a row. It will do my head in.

3. Alex Rider series by Anthony Horowitz - I'm not sure how many of you know of this. I recently reread the entire series and damn, I still love it as much as I do two years ago. It is action packed and as long as you don't concentrate too much on the physical limitations of a 14 y/o boy, this series is extremely enjoyable. 

4. Ranger's Apprentice series by John Flanagan - another one of my favorites. It is hard to hate on this series or any of its characters. The amount of wit in this book is overwhelming and I'm not even talking about sarcasm. John Flanagan had me chortling to myself in every book and goddamn I love the characters so much. 

5. Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor - this book. Oh lord I don't even know where to start. I am recommending this book to any avid fantasy readers and to anyone who can put up with my incessant bugging. One of the best books I have ever read. I fell in love with Prague, with her writing, with her imagination. Not many people can pull off a story with both chimaeras and angels but Taylor does it perfectly. There is nothing cliche about this and the characterization is unrivaled. Another must-read.

Other books that I've read include "I've Got Your Number" by Sophie Kinsella (she practically owns the chick lit genre), "The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer" by I-forgot-her-name (the supernatural in this didn't work out for me; I didn't like it) and Darkly Dreaming Dexter by Jeff Lindsay (this book screwed me over but I learned a lot from this book). I might have missed out some. If you have read these books, share with me your thoughts on them by commenting! I'm always up for book discussions so hit me up on my wall or via the comments. I'll be back with more books next time (hopefully) so ciao! Remember to drop a few titles as recommendations down below! 


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