Daybreak | Kim Jaemi | Joy


Dark Sun ✹ Joy

✹ Lower The Mask.
Username: -dignity
Do I SERIOUSLY have to fill this in? No.
Activity: 4. Life is the condition that distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic matter, including the capacity for growth, reproduction and functional ablities.

✹ Now, What's The Facts?
Birth Name: Kim Jaemi

Other Name(s): 
-Blaire (English name)
-Saruwatari Chiaki (Japanese. Used a name generater with Park Jaemi. Means monkey crossing a bridge in a fine autumn. IDEK)
-Lu Le (鹿樂 ain't really the girliest name around. But both Lu Han and Jaemi like it. If Jaemi likes it, end of story.)

-Jaejae -- By her hyperactive brother, an affectionate term.
-Briar -- By her teamates. She loves sleeping, and it's similar to her English name. Briar Rose...Blaire. 
-Mi -- By her family. A version of her name. That's short and easy. And ordinary. Like her. Minseok and Seunghyun also calls her this as a friend.
-Sky -- By Woonah because of her airheadedness.
-LMFG -- Pronounced "Limfger", a nickname from her fans, an acronym for Little Miss Feet on the Ground.

Age: 21

Birthday: November 7,1991

Ethnicity: Korean.

Nationality: Korean.

-Korean (fluent, mothertongue)
-Japanese (Semi-fluent, learning)
-Mandarin (Conversational)
-English (Conversational)

Birthplace: Seoul, South Korea

Hometown: Seoul, South Korea

Bloodtype:  A

ual Orientation: Straight

✹ Taking A Look In The Mirror.

Face: Son Naeun
Gallery: Naeun

Weight: 165 cm (Her brother is tall, I deserve to be tall too.)
Height: 55 kg. (It's rational)

Anything Else?: Normal piercing on her ears, and also a belly button piercing. A scar on her wrist from cutting herself.

Style: Jaemi wears everything. Sweet or rock, boho or chic, galm or simple, anything. If she opens her closet and finds clothes that match well and fit the occasion, she wears. But mostly, she goes for girly. Blouses, skirts, lace, high heels, little bags...You get the idea. For dorms and practices, sweats, sweats and sweats. 
Casual: 1 2 3
Dates: 1 2 3
Formal: 1 2 3
Talk Shows/ Press Conferences: 1 2 3

Airport: 1 2 3

✹ Uh-huh. Tell Me More.
Jaemi is a very cheerful person. She has a smile on her face usually. That doesn't mean she's forever happy -- no, she just tries to be optimistic and live life happier. There are a lot of times when she's sad, when she cries, when she's even depressed. She just wants to live happier.  She's rather outspoken and blunt, her words like a knife and sending people reeling. She's dependent yet she doesn't like people bossing her around; she relies on people a lot, but when people tell her to do something or lectures her, she hates it. And gets angry. Yes indeed she is easily provoked. When she is, she yells swear words and grabs whatever's near her to throw at you. If she's reading a newspaper, congratulations. If she's drinking from her metal water bottle, erm good luck. Jaemi is a rather airheaded person -- she forgets stuff easily and is slowly earning another nickname -- Sky-- by her biotch Woonah.  

Jaemi is stubborn. VERY. Earns her the nickname from her fans, they know how stubborn she can be from fancams and stories told by her teamates. Jaemi is impatient. She doesn't like to wait for too long, and if she has to she becomes really gruff. Jaemi is also prideful. She values her dignity and gets red in the face if she's laughed at, and would stutter to save her face. She's also sometimes a person who's too energetic and doesn't know that people around her are sad -- she would continue to crack jokes or be loud and happy about everything, which then gets on peoples' nerves and then be yelled at. After she is yelled at, she hides in her room underneath the blankets sobbing quietly, as she's sensitive. That's also why she can get really sad really easily, but normally she tried to be happy.

On stage, she maintains her cheerful image, but tones it down a bit as she knows that although she is the "chodong" representative, she still has an idol image to uphold. But fans can see her doing random things in the background: rolling on the floor, mixing strange foods together, singing into the shower, sitting still then falling down on purpose. In front of fans she becomes insecure. She's worried about what they think of her - would they dislike her and think her as exuberant and hate Daybreak from then on? But after a while, if she sees that the fans are fine with her, she loosens up.

-The Sun. It's warm and bright. And so she also loves sunrises.
-Junk food. "A chip a day keeps the doctor away".
-Cellphone cases. She has a lot, and changes one every month. And she keeps buying.
-Music. Any kind of music, but especially fast dance music and dubstep.
-Her bed. No explanation needed.
-Romantic comdies/comedies. She likes to laugh and fantasize about love.
-Baking. She loves baking as it takes her mind off things.
-Marshmallows. She loves the softness and sweetness of it. But she only likes the original or chocolate flavours. 
-Her metallic silver weekend bag. She uses it anywhere, anytime, any occasion ,unless it's formal ones.
-Children. They are adorable! She loves taking care of them.
-Animals. Any kind of animals except cats.
-Avril Lavigne. Jaemi adores her and sees her as a role model.
-Her rings. She wears them everyday.

-Pink. She once had pink medicine and threw up.
-Cats. No she isn't scared of them. She just dislikes them. Thinks they're creepy and stuff.
-Oily hair. She cares about hair a lot. If she or her teamates have oily hair she is marching to the toilet.
-Contacts. She'd rather wear glasses. Reason in trivia.
-Computers. She isn't good at operating them, and is always yelling at her computer screen in frusturation and needs her teamate to come and help her. She is a whiz on smartphones though.
-Liquor. She hates the smell of it and the consequences. 
-Fire. She's afraid of it; the reason she cooks with electric pots.
-Horror movies. She is NOT interested in how excited it makes her.
-Justin Beiber. *coughGAYcough*
-Sunsets. "If the sun sets no warmness exists. The day almost ends's depressing."
-Religion. "World peace please. The only religion I believe in is Sleeping. Luhan told me that the Chinese for sleeping ends with a character that means religion. So I believe in Sleeping, which everyone does."

-Bites nails when she's bored. Her stylist hates her.
-When she sleeps she HAS TO HAVE a security blanket. It's all worn out but she doesn't care.
-Ruffles her hair when she's annoyed.

-Reading. She loves classic literature, but she still loves new novels most. James Patterson anyone?
-Listening to music. A lot.
-Playing the cello. Just a hobby, she's playing it for fun.

-She has to wash her hair every day even if it's 3AM when she goes back to dorm.
-She gets sick easily, she was born with a weak immune system.
-She owns a iPhone 5 and a lot of cases but uses a Lego case and a flip cover the most.
-Seriously can't use the computer.
-Takes care of children really well.
-Is the sister of Kim Jongdae of Exo.
-Attended a famous school but was on the verge of bieng kicked out -- they kept her as she helped them get sport awards.
-Can't stand the smell of hospitals. She throws up immediately.
-Talks in her sleep and kicks everyone she sleeps with.
-Has nightmares a lot.
-Can rattle off songs that she heard three times if she's calm. If she's not she freaks.
-People in the hospital know her well -- she's been there a lot of times.
-Scared of butterflies. 
-She HAS to use a security blanket or else she can't sleep. She has to bring them overseas.
-A huge fan of Bigbang, Infinite, Kahil Fong, Mayday and EXO, but won't admit it in front of her brother.
-The silver weekend bag was a gift from Jongdae when they were 12.
-She wears two rings every day -- One from Jongdae (which she used to wear on her index finger, now her pinky) , the other from Myungsoo, which she can wear on her index finger.
-Can't stand Kang Hodong. "He's mean, annoying and so full of himself!"
-One of her dreams is to be on Running Man - she feels it's a confirmation that she's a Korean idol. 
-Instgram obsessed. 

-She dislikes contacts -- they hurt her eyes easily as her eyes are sensitive and get dry easily.

Pet(s): A corgi named KJM -- Yes only the letters.

✹ The Life And The People That Make It.
Background:  Jaemi's family was perfect. Her father, a reowned biologist. Her mother, a university teacher. Her oldest brother, a news reporter. Her brother, an idol. They were perfect. And rich. Jaemi grew up in a villa.Her parents loved Jongdae  and Jongdeok -- they had perfect grades, attended pretigious schools, were popular -- perfect. Jaemi was left out -- her marks above average but it wasn't good enough for her parents. They preferred Jongdeok over Jaemi -- showered him with gifts and were exceptionally nice to him. Jaemi only got *that* present during her birthday - oh and Christmas. Her parents were colder to her, but cared nevertheless. At school, Jaemi was popular. She had a wide variety of friends and she had a few best friends. But attention was always given to Jongdeok or Jongdae instead. Jaemi was becoming a disgrace to the family; she knew it. She closed herself up and her smiles were always fake. Jongdae noticed it, he was always close to Jaemi and knew when there was something wrong with her. He encouraged Jaemi to talk to their parents, and after three months of persuation, Jaemi spoke up about how she felt and hoped that she could get another chance at everything. Her parents shut her off and gave her a lecture. From that day on Jaemi was pretty much never really cheerful, but just...a fake cheerful person, one who would cry underneath her blankets. Jongdae helped speak to them, they listened. Of course. They gave Jaemi another chance and Jaemi did try her best to improve. Her father noticed and was all nice again, but her mother refused to acknowledge Jaemi. Jaemi got lots happier after her father accepted her, but sometimes memories come back and she has to hide in her room for days. But she's better; she can live her life usually. 



Brother | Kim Jongdae | 21 | Optimistic, outgoing, stubborn | Goofing around, playing pranks (mostly on Jongdeok). Jongdae whines to his family and Jaemi and Jongdeok push him away.

Brother| Kim Jongdeok | 24 | Reporter | Carefree, organized, easy-going | Jongdeok and Jaemi are love-hate although they're When they're pranking or ignoring Jongdae, they love each other. When Jongdae and Jaemi prank Jongdeok, he would love to very much rip out Jaemi's throat.

Mother | Park Hyejin | 50 | Teacher | Old-fashioned, strict, one-sided | Hyejin is still cold to Jaemi, but she sees Jaemi's work and finally would introduce Jaemi "This is my second child, Kim Jaemi....She makes me proud too," the second sentence was never added before. Conversations can finally go on without Hyejin shooting Jaemi down, and sometimes Hyejin smiles slightly at Jaemi's humour. 

Father | Kim Chaewook | 51 | Biologist | Easy-going, jolly, stubborn | Before, Chaewook would just cast Jaemi a disappointed glance every time Hyejin lectured Jaemi, but he was never especially mean to her. 


Kim Minseok | 23 | Idol | Understanding, mature, introverted | Backstage of music show | Jaemi and Minseok are rather close and Jaemi always wails down the phone ranting whatever happened and Minseok listens. IF Lu Han isn't picking up. Normally, they go out once every week to have some coffee, catch up, and of course, let Jaemi post on her Instagram. Oh and get shipped.
Nam Shinah (OC)| 21 | Doctor | Cold, arrogant (slightly), understanding. | It just so happens Jaemi got a cold and so she went to see the doctor. Shinah liked Jaemi as an idol and asked for an autograph. Jaemi was happy she met a fan without her manager breathing down her neck. Kaboom, friends, although sometimes Jaemi annoyes Shinah with her playful antics.  | Jaemi and Shinah usually meet up either in Jaemi's dorm, Shinah's penthouse or a Starbucks. Jaemi usually chats Shinah's ears off while they talk, Shinah just listens. They aren't very close, but enough close to cry on each other's shoulders when needed. 

Best Friends: 

Lu Han | 23 | Idol | Protective, soft-spoken, stubborn | Through Minseok. | Lu Han is always the one who listens and the one who supports quietly. Jaemi rattles his ears off and is always the more hyper one of the two. They're like a pair of siblings that contrast with each other; the hyper younger sister pulling the mature older brother along. 
Yeung Woon Ah/ Yeung Tsz Ying (OC) | 21| Model | Cheeful, bubbly, crazy.| They were friends since they started elementary. They kept contact till after Jaemi moved to Korea and are still two peas in a pod. When Woonah was 18, she didn't take her DSEs (HK exams) and went to Korea to pursue a modelling career. THen she met up with Jaemi and then now they're close all over again.| People who just go to know them seriously always think that they're siblings. Their reaction would be,, "THIS BIOTCH? NUUUUU." Saying that at the same time, I might add. Although these two tease each other a lot and call eachother "Hey, biotch," they do really love and care for each other.  Normally, the first thing they see to each other are "Hey jerk, missed you." They're really close and you can almost see them linked to the hip 24/7. They quarrel over tiny things, like the TV control and the last cup of ramen. 


Choi Jinri/Sulli | 19 | Idol | Forgetful, sweet, clumsy | Jaemi met Jinri through fellow SM Artists | Jinri and Jaemi glare at each other when they see each other. The tension is really strong and SM tries their best for them to not show up at the same event. If they really have to, they'd be far apart from each other. | Jinri and Jaemi used to be the best of friends. They were next door neighbours, and had a very close relationship. Jinri adored Jaemi, Jaemi loved Jinri. But all that changed when Jinri's unniewanted to audition with Jinri at SM. Jinri didn't want Jaemi to get in, she wanted the limelight for herself. She sabotaged Jaemi -- she changed the song Jaemi was singing at the last second. Jaemi had to stand there the whole time, red in the face, as a song she didn't know blared from the speakers and the judges stared at her disapprovingly. Jaemi knew it was Jinri --- only Jinri knew she would audition.

✹ Just Love, Baby.

Love Interest: Kim Myungsoo/L
Status: Strangers (Ohohoho I'm making this fun) Meeting in the story?
Age: 21
Occupation: Idol
Personality: Myungsoo has the image of the "Cold City Man", but he is nowhere near 'cold'. He's in fact one of the most cheerful and warm person you'll ever meet in your life. He has a smile on his face around his peers -- he hopes that they can be happy, like him. He isn't cold at all; he warms up to people after five minutes. He trusts people easily and sometimes it gets him into a lot of trouble, but he'd always laugh it off and forgive the person right away. Always labelled as "too nice", he only faces the person with a smile and anwer, "Being nice makes people like you, does it not?". He's a understanding person: He understands that you had to insult him to protect yourself, he understands why you left him alone waiting, he just...does. And another thing is that he's supportive. He's just...there. He's there when you need a shoulder to cry on, he's there when you need someone to save you from embarassment, he's there for you to vent anger on, he's there to pull you up and make you continue walking with your chin up.. just there. 

People have flaws, and well, Myungsoo is a person. His flaws? He's impatient - he's always in a hurry and always messes up stuff, making him really clumsy and disorganized. He's also quite hotheaded, getting angry really easily and if he does he wouldn't speak to you for days and only glare at you. 
First Meeting: Jaemi was training at Woollim and it was break. She went to get something to drink in a vending machine but nothing came out. She was already fed up after the training after the dance instructor had yelled at her; and so she started cursing and kicking the machine repeatedly. Myungsoo was just walking by and cringed at the sight. He went over and noted that Jaemi kept pressing on a drink that was already sold out -- she hadn't noticed. He tapped her silently and pointed at the glowing "X". Jaemi blushed and muttered a silent "Thank you,". After that, Jaemi saw Myungsoo a few more times in the hallways and once pulled him for a small conversation to thank him for "Telling me earlier so the instructor didn't come out and see me and yell again,"
Interactions: Jaemi and Myungsoo were really awkward at first, but soon warmed up to each other after seeing a few more times. Myungsoo asked Jaemi to hang out with him one day, and at that time they were only still friends, and Jaemi just a trianee. They became close friends after a few more meetings..Okay, a LOT more meetings. They would stay at each other's dorms (one in the bedroom, one in the living room) and go around pranking their members and chatting till late. They're kind of like siblings. They can do everything they do at dorms without embarrassment. For example, Jaemi resting on the couch and putting her legs up high onto the top of the couch at Myungsoo's dorm and Myungsoo lying on the floor like a dead seal in Jaemi's dorm. Thye both feel a mutual attraction (NOT lust) towards each other, but they are both conflicted to admit it to themselves as  Jaemi wants to pass it off as a sibling love. And because of that, sometimes when they're goofing around, like if Myungsoo snatched Jaemi's phone and Jaemi would climb ONTO him to grab it back, when they finally realize what kind of awkward position they were in, they would stare at each other and cough awkwardly before settling down. After five minutes they would just goof all around again as if nothing happened. After Jaemi's confession, they acted the same, only that kisses would be added on top of everything.


✹ The Star.
Time Spent: 4 years.

Previous Company + Time Spent: [Optional. Did they train anywhere else? If so where and how long.]

Trainee History: Trainee life wasn't relatively hard for Jaemi. She had talent in all three areas, but rapping was always where she was best at. People always saw her as a sweet main vocalist and so their jaws always drop when they hear her rapping. Jaemi was clumsy though, and even if she could follow the beat and rthym, she would always trip over her own feet. After much moore nights of training, she focused a lot more and could dance well. 

Pre-Debut Experience: 
-Appeared in Dream High as a person who auditioned. 
-Starred in B2ST's Shadow, Beautiful, Soom and I Like You The Best MV.

Stagename: Joy -- Thought up by Jaemi. She heard from Lu Han that Jaemi's "Jae" can be similar to Chinese's "Again", 再, or "here", 在. Put together, it would be HA. Ha,
Persona:  Dark Sun
Position: Lead dancer, main Rapper and sub vocalist.
Back-up Position:  [Same.]
Personal Fanclub Name: Joyfuls.
Fanclub Color(s): Orange and blue. Orange -- light/flame, blue, her favourite colour

Social Media/Networking:  
-Facebook: Park Jaeminnie
-Twitter: PARK_Minnie
-Instagram: Jaemi_light
-Line (Official Account)
-Personal Line: Jaeminie_light

Singing:  A B C English: A B (OR one of the SNSD girls)
Dancing:  A B C
Rapping:  A B C

Solo Activites:  
-Solo rap single
-On Running Man on her own to promote her single. Oh and with Elsie's character, once before Elsie admitting she likes Jongdae and after. (I'm so needy ouo)
-Special MC on Inkigayo

✹ Talk To You Soon... 
Questions, comments, concerns?: Let's just say audio editing software made her voice sound okay in English. If you don't want that I'll just cancel it.

Scene Suggestions:
I'm obsessed with Running Man /sobs.

-Jaemi and Myungsoo on Running Man, fans noting their close interactions.
-Jaemi and the team members having fun.
-Jaemi, Jongdae and Jongdeok just being together and having some sibling time they haven't had in a long time.
-Myungsoo getting jealous of Jaemi and Luhan
-Emma and Jaemi hanging out together.
-Jaemi confessing to Myungsoo, Myungsoo being silent, Jaemi thinks she's rejected, but then Myungsoo hugs her and tells her that if Jaemi hadn't done this sooner he would.
-Myungsoo and Jaemi's interations.

Song Suggestions:  
Whole Group: 
-SNSD -- IGAB, Gee, Talk Talk, The Boys, Romantic Street
-Nine Muses -- Gun, Wild, Dolls....

-Spica <3
-Sunny Hill


Anything Else?:  /holds my peace.

Password:  Both.



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